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Written by Michelle SHAAY

By MICHELLE SHAAY Published 3 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Rhema Kallianpur on Unsplash

The night air was humid but the moonlight cast its beautiful light on Mina's attractive face. As she dug through the bags of Canton Thompson's garbage, her tireless focus and tenacity finally paid off.

A recent packing slip displayed numerous pricey charges for It was a well known website for adult novelty items and highly praised on infomercials for its discretion and its commitment to protect user's privacy.

There was also plenty of women's lingerie that had been discarded too. As Mina examined the items while wearing the latex gloves, she made mental notes of everything since using any device to capture images wouldn't be too wise.

As she continued to dive through the bags, she also noticed his signature written on a formal looking document. His country club membership required a wet signature to continue debiting his fees via the company's corporate account.

The entire document was half destroyed but his unique signature was still there intact. Mina couldn't believe she was doing this, but extreme circumstances at home brought her to this point tonight. She had been meticulous in covering the surveillance cameras surrounding the estate.

Mina even decided on wearing no shoes and created makeshift surgeon like booties for herself. They protected her feet but made virtually no distinct shoe prints.

She loved her husband deeply and their quality of life would not be wrecked because of another man's arrogance or ego.

Mina would not allow that to happen ever. Carter was the love of her life. He had been the first man to overlook her past, including a rap sheet she earned as a wayward, promiscuous teen. He had helped get everything expunged and wanted her to have a fresh start when they decided to marry.

"I can't believe this!" yelled Carter, Mina's husband of 15 years.

She played back the moment in her head over and over. He had been furious and even broken emotionally earlier that morning. She watched him read the email over and over again while shaking his head.

"I was due that promotion and again this prick overlooked me, me!"

"Every special project he presented me with I absolutely crushed it baby." "Mi-Mi I don't know why he felt the need to bring aboard two outsiders last year and now today, this year it's some one he "knows" from the private sector and- oh she just happens to be an old classmate with long legs, maybe even a former mistress," he continued on loudly and then with some forced composure.

Mina recalled standing behind him sitting in his home office chair. She had placed her hands gently on his shoulders and felt every tense muscle through his dress shirt. Somehow, even with his demanding work schedule, he always managed to remain fit and well groomed.

"Ten years of working day and night, neglecting our relationship sometimes to fly out on any given day, and he snubs me again.

He has not even once picked up a phone or invited me into his office for a one on one ever Mina."

"I know I shouldn't wish harm on anyone but maybe sometimes we don't need certain things or people in our lives."

He actually began to cry while turning his chair around to face her. Carter grabbed and held her closely around her waist. " I never want to let you down Mina, I love you. There are still many things I want you to have."

"Our house is nice and so are the cars, but the wealth tied to the promotion I should have been given could place us in another tax bracket," he said while continuing to cling to her.

"I have to fly out in the morning for a business meeting but should return by Sunday afternoon." "When I get back we'll plan our vacation because we need one-I need one." Carter looked up at her and kissed her hand before retiring for the night.

After hearing her husband loudly and clearly Mina allowed herself to tap back into the personality she had worked so hard to suppress.

Mina used all the data she could about Canton and created an escort profile. The distance he kept from Carter and other workers in the company would work to her advantage. He had never met her and Carter never kept any photos of them together.

All of their images were on Social media, but Mina was convinced with all of her various hairstyles and looks he wouldn't recognize her. She would be considered just another sex object for sure.

Everything was all set even the vial of potent heroin she purchased from an old friend of her past. Mina sent numerous erotic images and even created a believable tag suggesting she was "new" to the site and preferred a more mature, corporate type to "tame" her in the provocative but phony profile.

She knew she would have to destroy the PC too but that could wait until later. Now was the time to execute her plan to make Carter happy and completely confident again.

She was even bold enough to mention how often she saw Canton's username and preference in women. The ruse worked and Mina received the direct message she had hoped for. It was requesting a meeting for tomorrow evening at a very exclusive and upscale hotel at exactly 9pm.

He even offered to send a car but Mina declined since many corporate vehicles rely heavily on GPS, this company did and remembered Carter mentioning this many times at home.

Mina was surprised how comfortable she felt about doing this. There was no nervousness or self-doubt as she casually checked herself in the rear view mirror. She had driven there pretty quickly and wanted to complete her mission just as quickly.

The beautiful dark wig and heavy make up actually made her look stunning. Mina wore red high heels and a tight black knitted dress. She decided to go without jewelry so nothing unique except the heels stood out about her.

As she exited the elevator on the 5th floor, a hotel room door opened. As she approached, Canton stood in the hotel room's doorway. He was already wrapped in a fluffy bath towel with his hairy chest exposed.

"Wow, you look incredible-just like your profile," he said while inviting her inside the room. "Mercedes right?" he asked while handing her a glass of white wine.

"You know I have two of those," he laughed and began stroking her perky breasts. She immediately sat in one of the fancy chairs and sat with her legs slightly apart while flirting with the hem of her dress between them.

Mina laughed and convincingly made him feel comfortable but never once accepted the wine glass from him. "I thought we would drink wine and try this out now too." Mina took the vial of heroin out of her clutch. He began to sheepishly grin and said "Ok, I like you already."

"Mercedes, I may have to make you one of my favorites."

Even though it was heroin, it was also laced with heavy amounts of morphine and Mina was clever enough to entice him in trying it first and poured a little in his glass. She knew it wouldn't take much and allowed him to finish drinking the wine. "Mmm, that was good thank you," he said.

" I need to freshen up a bit, promise me you'll be ready for me in 5 minutes Ms. Mercedes" he joked while walking towards the bathroom.

"I was about to wash my face and brush my teeth before...before... you..." he tried to say but began choking and gagging. He clutched his chest before falling on his knees. He slowly asked for help but passed out completely on the floor. Mina visually observed him.

Finally he was not breathing and motionless There was really no need for her to hurry out just yet and she knew at least an hour or two would need to pass before leaving the hotel. The perception of a wild evening seemed appropriate. After all he paid for her companionship this evening.

"You will never snub Carter ever again," she mouthed to herself.

At 11:30pm Mina left the hotel and returned home. She showered, put on her favorite pajamas, spoke to Carter via video chat and before going to bed asked God for forgiveness.


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