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Sensations On Bourbon Street

It’s All Complete Bull-Crap!

By Yaa AningPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Bourbon Street, the liveliest place in New Orleans.

That's where my journey has taken me for the night, I'm not staying long, just passing through. Then it's onto where nature calls me next, my following place of inspiration.

Beaded balconies, neon lights, throbbing music and adventurous foods just about sum up the infamous party town. It's one of a kind, truly! 

I stand in awe, relishing in the sights. With red-stained lips agape and love-struck, brown eyes vast, I twirl, injecting the life this place exudes inside of me. The smell of spilt liquor is ever-present; potent and harsh yet very refreshing. The night breeze blowing my hair out of my face, the feeling of individuality and immortality amuses me for a brief second, there's something about this place that percolates liberation; like the way the colourful fella waving his arms in the air- carefree- skipping down the pavement igniting me to join in. The way the two friends sitting by the window of an authentic restaurant enjoying their meal makes me insatiable, not for the food, but for the joy they share. The grin on the faces of the old couple as they waltz in the middle of the masses, providing me with faith that I will one day receive love as free as theirs.

Painted faces and glowing accessories are the uniforms for the night, so I confirmed; glow in the dark stick bracelets, shimmering eyeshadow and rosy lipstick match my vibrant pink long, flowing skirt and a t-shirt with a smiley face accompanied with it, bare feet in the middle of the chaotic celebration. The energy soaring through me electrifies every bit of me, the rush of dancing in the streets and the high of laughing uncontrollably is unmatched. I've been touring the world you see, I want to have seen as much of the world as I can before I have to take life seriously. Before taking up an everyday 9-5 career or stressing about tax credit taking up nearly all my earnings for the month. I want to be as stupid and reckless and ignorant as I can be before then, hence my current condition.  

I started with the UK because that's where I'm from. Visiting places like Edinburgh- a place of art festivals to Belfast- exhibiting the Titanic museum. Then it was Australia, even the middle east and now the USA. Louisiana is the last of the 50 States I'm touring, I saved the best till last in my opinion. Then it's Europe- Mexico first- then Africa and then Asia. The rest, I will decide when I get to it. You may think my selection of places to tour is all over the place and that's exactly how I like it. What's the fun in planning? I just pick a random place, hop on a plane and prepare for all the voyages awaiting me.

Right now, I'm thrilled to have saved New Orleans last for my furlough around America. My whole body is tingling with excitement, exhaustion and enlightenment - is this how I'm going to feel on top of Mount Everest? Another thing I'm eager about!

As the night comes to be more alive, my euphoria subsides. The base of the music all of a sudden screaming at me, the rough floors of the town icing the sole of my feet, dancing bodies collide with me, pushing and knocking past me like I'm see-through. I feel sick. The glowing bracelets, dimming. It's dark suddenly, nightfall sneaked upon us eras ago but I'm only now realising it. I saw the sun a moment ago, where did it go? Was it the blinding street lights or the buzzing sensation I was experiencing five minutes ago? Everything is hazy, why? I can't feel my toes, I look down and wiggle them. It's there, I see it, but why can't I feel it? A buzzing sound tortures me, I crouch with my hands firmly covering my ears, eyes tightly shut. I open them to find the mob split in half. All eyes are on me, curious about something. I look ahead the garbage-filled street to see a figure coming towards me with raging speed. What is that? It has horns and hooves, its tail flying obediently behind it. It then registered, it's a bull!

With bolstering momentum, it charged towards me. I can't feel my toes, I can't even feel my hand. Trying to scurry off of the stained concrete, my toes refuse to work with me. I shuffle on my butt, shifting backwards or in any direction but my bum is also numb. Oh no! In my current state, it's hopeless to fight fate. Is it fate for me to be trampled on by a steel black bull with menacing eyes? I don't know. It drew closer, making direct, strict eye contact with me. Determination and disdain filled its glossy raven eyes, blending in with its equal shade of skin.

I brace myself, ready for the brutal impact. I start to imagine how painful it would be and the severity of the injuries I will suffer, will I die even? Well, I don't want that! But if it is the end of me, what better place than Bourbon Street? The booming sound of its hooves hammering the floor as it runs up on me echoes in my ear. I can feel the vibration of each gallop rushing through me even more than the music was a while ago. My heartbeat picks up and so does its pace. I look up to realise it's a few seconds away from me, its proximity feels so close yet so far, close enough to sense the emotion it emits through its eyes but too far to pinpoint which one exactly. Shame, scepticism, hostility, despair and devotion all gathered in the orbit of its eyes.

Is it weird that this bull is reflecting all that I'm feeling? Travelling isn't my hobby, it's an escape. Escape from the wicked cards the universe dealt me. Touring the world is my one night stand or however long it will take me, my ephemeral pleasure, a fleeting fling if you will- to release stress. Is this creature another form of me? A configuration open and honest about everything, able to confront situations head-on with maximum velocity? I sound insane, I must have had too many Sazerac or accidentally inhaled something strong. The image of the beast still charging, any second now...


The boisterous music returns, the crowd still rejoicing and people making the most out of the night. Did I just hallucinate? I look around to find everyone unbothered about me casually squatting in the middle of the jammed rave. The tingling sensation throughout my body wanes, I can feel my toes and butt again. That calls for more celebration, right?

Something is different, I hear laughter and whooping but I don't see it. I observe a lonely girl with a horrified expression on her face as she lurks in the darkness of the alley, with what seems like a gloomy cloud hanging above her head. Three youngsters in all-black outfits and slouched shoulders zombie walk past me. A tear falls on my right cheek, what is this emotional rollercoaster I'm on? A depressing sentiment washes over me and I'm not sure if I want it to go away. Amidst the festivities, I detect opaque emotions all around, able to feel every individual's pain. The jolly ambience turned grim. Flashbacks of the bull appear, reminding me of what someone said to me once; even amongst cheerful escapades, humanity has designed people to suppress their suffering just to harmonize with the mood and refrain from wrecking everyone else's spree. It's all complete bull-crap!


About the Creator

Yaa Aning

Help. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Philippians: 4 vs 13

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    Yaa AningWritten by Yaa Aning

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