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Secrets and betrayal

Invasion of a valley

By Novel AllenPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 13 min read
Nick Fewings on unsplash

There weren't always dragons in the Valley where faeries and magic kept a hidden fountain of eternal healing. Queen Vashti knew that story quite well. She envisioned the dangers fast approaching their peaceful fortified stronghold. Plans were being formulated in her mind as she watched her husband Magnon, king of the formidable dragon kingdom of Zalakon. For as he paced back and forth along the glistening marbled terrace high above the vast palace of the dragons, his mind was in turmoil of again facing an upheaval and an uncalled for war.

Magnon's purple-red wings had a span that reached all the way across and over the side of the enormous balcony. His powerful jaw was clenched in concentration. His head, held erect and regal, appeared adorned with it's own built in crown. The horns and spikes sprouted from his head majestically. Magnon's purple slitted eyes glowed and his enormous tail swished side to side in unconscious thought. He was magnificent and quite gorgeous Vashti thought, musing at the kind heart that beat beneath the leviathan, giant of a man that she had married not so long ago if counted in human years. Humans lived a puny number of years in comparison to dragons.

Vashti also knew how much Magnon doted on and loved these tiny humans who adored and practically worshipped him. This bond between dragons and humans had started with his father, King Arcus, years ago when Magnon was but a tiny dragon. The Zalakon dragons had found this fertile and magical valley eons ago after the war between the Drago worlds. The then king had been tired of war and had relocated here for a peaceful life for his children and his subjects.

Enlisting the aid of the Faeries and Fey magical beings, a plan for forging a kingdom had emerged, and together they has built an expansive colossally vast kingdom, including a king's palace for the then reigning dragon monarch. In order to house dragons and humans, there had to be a mix of the enormous and the smaller shelter for the humankind. Everywhere you looked you saw the huge ornate buildings, many stories tall, with high arched windows and towers situated at the corners. Along the hillsides there were smaller houses, including temple like structures dotting the landscape with their elegant artworks. The panoramic view portrayed a sweeping terrain of greenery and floral delights to titillate the most obtuse of senses.

This was truly a place of uncompromising beauty and allurement. The faeries had long ago helped develop a language for both dragons and humans to communicate easily, making a transition to congenial and peaceful co-existence amenable and acceptable.

By aisvri on Unsplash

Magnon stopped in mid pace and turned his head quizzically to enquire of the thoughts of the queen. Her opinion was the one he valued most of all his advisors.

"What say you then wife. I know you have something to say. I see that curious enquiring tilt of your adorable head".

Queen Vashti smiled knowingly but did not immediately reply.

Magnon had met Vashti briefly when they were children. His father had rescued her family after the European dragons had decimated their homeland. He had taken them back home and given them a place among his subjects. They had seen each other on and off over the years. One day while Vashti was by the ocean trying to get fish or some sort of sharks, whales, crustaceans or maybe seaweed, he happened to be passing by. He watched her in fascination for a while. She was really a beautiful woman, thought Magnon, maybe he should go get better acquainted.

Smiling at her frustration at the food eluding her, he was about to offer a hand when she suddenly transformed into a mermaid, diving headlong into the water. Magnon almost fell over with shock. He stood paralyzed, unable to move for maybe a whole minute. Suddenly, she leapt back unto the shore, grasping a huge shark between her teeth, once more in her dragon form. He then realized that she had been one of the Eastern dragon families that were known as shapeshifters. Her family must have been one of the last survivors.

Magnon knew then and there that she was the dragoness for him. He had not approached her that day, but had spoken to his parents about what he had seen. His mother had been friends with the family and approached them for more information about the phenomenon. Explanations were rendered and the family asked that their secret be kept from everyone else. They promised that Vashti would be more careful in the future. They feared that they may be the last of their bloodline.

Vashti however, was livid that he had seen her in her vulnerable moment, had spied on her. She refused to speak to him and avoided him at all costs for many months. He remembered her favorite feeding spot and started to leave flowers and knick-knacks lying by the shore. They were ignored for a while, but then they started to disappear. He then began leaving gifts of more value and thoughtfulness, they too disappeared. One day he found a garland of flowers with his name on it. She had hidden among the trees on that day, he picked up the flowers, smiling hopefully as he turned to leave. Out from among the trees appeared a beautiful human woman, her head adorned with a lovely floral bouquet. Dragon bowed his large head in a nod of greeting. Suddenly the woman transformed into his beautiful dragoness, laughing and pleased at the look of awe on his face.

They have been inseparable ever since.

War was imminent, of that Vashti was sure. Still her husband was a peace loving man. She knew the pain and the agony that he endured every time that he had to deal with the casualties of war.

This valley was theirs. Has been since they had discovered it's healing and therapeutic waters. The healing river flowed beneath the trees of the valley forest, hidden from view except for those who were free to access and harness it's peaceful and calming properties.

The humans had come to the valley purely by accident over a hundred years ago. The had been pursed by a thunder or weyr of wild dragons, the type that likes to feast on human flesh. The thunderous sound of their wings can be heard for miles before you actually see them. It was a sound totally horrific and frightful. Our ancestors had rescued them and drove back the terrible dragons. More people had eventually discovered the valley and were welcomed by the inhabitants.

The reverie of king and queen was interrupted by a shout from below.

"King Magnon, what say you today"? It was the voice of Khut, the leader of the humans.

Queen Vashti silently withdrew into the huge meeting hall leading to the balcony. King Magnon nodded his acknowledgement.

"Come on up Khut. How goes it today with the people"?

Magnon and Khut had become great friends over the years. They were on first name basis when alone. "They are very worried, Magnon. Ever since the traitors fled and spread the word about the healing forest we have been on edge".

"I am too, khut, the thought of war turns my stomach, humans always pay the harshest price".

Before Khut could reply, the door burst open and two tiny dragons ran in yelling, "daddy, daddy, can we go to the gardens to play"? They were followed by their nanny trying her best to subdue them.

"So sorry King Magnon, I tried to stop them".

"Hello my darlings. It's ok Rhea. "Titan, Myna, go ask mommy if you can play, I will join you later. Hugging and kissing them both, he ushered them back to their nanny.

"Sorry Khut, our children are all headstrong".

"Indeed they are, I have some of my own as you well know".

"Come Khut, we must plan and strategize. Those wild dragons are coming to make a play for the land. They will lose, but we will be ready with our defense. Are the dragon riders being prepared"?

"They are training as we speak, Magnon. The young are always eager to test their skills".

"Climb on, Khut, let us have a look at these riders".

Khut nimbly jumped onto the back of the huge dragon, taking a firm hold of the powerful ridges, he relaxed as Magnon rose high in the air, swerved to the right, soared and dipped his powerful frame towards the clearing where dragon and humans were training.

Khut and magnon had long established a bond. In fact Magnon had chosen to bond with him from the beginning. They were like minded about the care and respect of the people and dragons that trusted them for protection and safety. The choice of who to bond with was made by the dragons themselves, they chose their human rider. It takes about a week for trust, comfort and communication to be established.

It takes work and a willingness to understand and respect each other for a complete bond to be affirmed and accepted.

Many fully grown dragons could be seen training with the riders they had chosen. The dragons varied in color, size and makeup. There were red, blue, purple, brown, green, yellow, variegated and multicolored dragons of every size and description. The much younger dragons and their neophyte riders were struggling to maintain their posture and flight. The training to harness dragon fire was really funny to watch. There would be a lot of coughing and spitting and frustration to bring that fire from the pits of the untrained dragon's stomachs.

"Don't you laugh at me"! A young red and gold female dragon yelled. She had a lad on the ground with her left fore leg pinning him down. Trying to summon dragon fire in his face, only resulted in belches of smoke. She growled angrily at herself in frustration, baring her teeth in anger. The poor young man was yelling for help.

"Storm, behave yourself"! King Magnon was proud of his daughter. She was his oldest and was very headstrong. Like her mother she too was a shapeshifter. Storm grabbed the young boy by the pant leg and dangled him upside down, before dropping him bumpily to the ground and flying off in a huff. She had chosen a strong and confident young female human to bond with. Greda knew Storm well enough to know when something was troubling her. She knew that storm wanted to impress her father, and be ready when the invading dragons arrived.

Suddenly, the watch guard of the dragons gave the warning,

"Dragons, to the east. At least a dozen"!

Storm came flying in, dipping low, red wings tucked for the landing. She turned to face her father. "There are a whole army of dragons secreted in the next valley over, father. They realized I have seen them. I flew too far out. But I'm glad I did, Otherwise we would not have known about them".

"Very well done, Storm". Magnon was already making plans in his head. He would deal with his daughter's tantrum displays another time.

Queen Vashti came sweeping in, green and gold wings resplendent against the sunlight, she had heard the commotion and wanted to know what was going on. Magnon explained. Immediately, an idea formed in her mind.

"Magnon, Storm and I can go take a closer look. You know that would be the best move while everyone is still perplexed at what is happening".

"Absolutely not. It is too dangerous. I will not allow it"!

"This is not the time to think with emotions, Magnon darling, we girls can take care of ourselves. Secrets, remember".

"How will you go in". He knew arguing was pointless. They had already decided. Storm smiled at her father.

"Birds". Was all Vashti said. Storm took her mother's cue and they flew low into the forest nearby. Minutes later two huge hawks could be seen soaring high overhead.

With Storm leading the way. They found the wild dragon's base of operations. Vashti, perched on a nearby crag, listened and watched, while her daughter gripped the limbs of a nearby tree with sharp talons to keep watch for intruders.

Thomas Dils - Unsplash

Back at Zalakon, Magnon with twelve of his more experienced dragon riders, went in pursuit of the invading wild dragons. The huge dragons flew headlong towards each other, torrents of fire erupted from the stomachs and throats of the two or so dozens of the behemoths...... Horns locked...... dragons tumbled and rolled in the sky... the mighty tails of the giants swished and slashed at each other...... The shreiking, growling and booming could be heard for miles....... The bodies of most were scorched as they struggled to oust the flickers of flames sprouting from everywhere.

Magnon collided with the two lead dragons, sending them plummeting to the trees below. They bellowed in rage as they were captured and restrained by hunter dragons waiting below.

Magnon faltered, the collision had winded him a little. Khut had held firm while slashing away and yelling directions and information to Magnon. The other dragons were locked in a fiery battle of strength and wit. The wild dragons, finally outmatched and badly scorched, turned and retreated, fleeing the wrath of the Zalakon dragons and riders.

Magnon ordered everyone back to the valley. Checking for battle scars produced scorches and nicks but nothing serious. Surprisingly, not a single rider was hurt. The king commended them all. They all went off to rest and regroup.

Queen Vashti and Storm had not yet returned. The king was worried. He and Khut decided to ride out and take a look around. Not knowing exactly where to look, they flew around and out to where Storm had disobeyed and found the weyr of dragons. They had no luck. After a great while they agreed to go back and regroup, hoping fervently that the women would have returned by then.

Just as they turned to go, a tiny bird landed on Khut's shoulder. Khut already knew the women's secret. "Khut, they got mother. It was a trap". She fell as Khut reached out his hand to catch her.

"Magnon"! Khut shouted. "We have a problem, It's the women. I have Storm"!

"What do you mean, you have Storm"?

"Just land, right now"!

Summoning all the power of his great wings, Magnon dived for the valley, careening to a tumultuous landing. Luckily everyone were off seeing to the various duties associated with the impending war. Khut bounded from his back, gently cradling the tiny, obviously exhausted bird to his chest. "Into the forest, Khut"! Magnon whispered.

They anxiously waited in the section of the forest used only by the royal family. Here the queen and Storm had privacy for their foray into shape shifting. The little bird fluttered it's feathers and opened it's eyes. Taking a few moments to adjust to reality, Storm suddenly shifted into a young female. She abruptly sat down on a nearby bench.

"How are you feeling sweetheart, are you in pain"?

"I'm ok father. They got mother, they used some sort of magical spell which she could not resist. She just closed her eyes and fell, then they took her away. They tried to find me, but I shifted to the green of the trees and hid among the leaves. I'm so sorry I couldn't help her, there were so many of them"! Storm started to cry and her father comforted her.

"You did the right thing Storm, we would not have known what happened if they got you too. You were very brave. I am proud of you".

"khut, get her on my back, let's get her home. We have work to do".

For the sake of his daughter, Magnon was keeping his wrath in check. After making sure that storm was taken care of, he and Magnon returned to the forest. Khut gave him his space to vent his anger. He needed to get it out of his system. Khut rationalized that one of the traitors must have known the secret of the queen and her daughter.

"So, the attack was just a diversion. They had planned this all along. Those two captive dragons are going to talk. Khut knew the fire burning in the eyes and gut of Magnon would erupt. He withdrew a safe distance for it would be terrible to behold. When enraged, magnon was unstoppable.

"Come Khut, to the captive dragons."!

"My thoughts exactly"! Khut leaped upon Magnon's back without another word.

The two dragons were stomping around and growling in anger. They demanded to be released. "What is your klan planning to do now that they have the queen"? Magnon asked. The orange dragon bared his teeth. "You may never see your precious queen again". He obviously underestimated the calm in the king's countenance for weakness.

The dragon fire burning in Magnon's belly burst forth with so much vengeance that the orange dragon erupted in flames. The yellow-pink dragon, obviously female, screamed and growled in anger. The king turned his attention on her. Stragh was a shrewd young dragon. She did not desire to be roasted alive. "She will be bait, I do not know the entire plan".

"How did they manage to subdue her? That is not an easy task".

"The faeries with the help of one of your kind, they told our leader a secret. I do not know what the secret is. They had her followed from here. You have another traitor here, maybe more".

"Pray that you are telling the truth wild one, for if you lie, you will die in this place".

Magnon turned away. "Khut"! he growled. They soared into the sky. "Find out who among us is traitorous. Prepare everyone for battle. Storm will lead us to the location. Half of our dragon and riders will remain here to protect the valley. They want our lands, they have the queen, they have doomed themselves this day"!

The dragon war had begun.



About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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