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African Dragons in the jungle. Who knew?

And witches In the valley, be careful in the bushes

By Novel AllenPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
Samuel Regan on unsplash

"There weren't always dragons in the Valley, right Uffe"?

"Why you asking about dragons in the bushes in Africa Baako, you see a dragon somewhere"?

"Two green eyes out in the bushes over there, sure looked like it was a dragon".

"It's all them books you keep reading about creatures that don't exist. Plus I told you not to eat the wild unripe mulberries. Make you see things. The only dragons nowadays are people who are short tempered and impatient, who go around spitting fire at one another for the simplest things".

The bushes rustled, Uffe, despite his lecture to Baako was a little apprehensive, all this talk of dragons put him on edge. He turned to look, saw the two green eyes emerging from the thicket, too wide apart for anything he ever saw before. He started to run. Sprinting away so fast he left poor Baako rooted to the spot.

Baako looked around stupefied and confused, maybe he should just hide.

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"Didn't Uffe just say there were no dragons in Africa" . He knew Uffe was saying something, but he wasn't sure what.

"Run Baako, run fast, I see the dragon, run for your life."! Uffe knew he had not eaten any mulberries, so it must be true, dragons in the African jungle in the valley.

Uffe didn't look back, he sure hoped Baako was behind him, he was running full tilt ahead not even sure where he was heading.

"Uffe, wait", yelled Baako," you running towards the witch. Come back, come back Uffe"!

Iakopa, the witch, hearing the commotion, flew out of her castle, invisible to the unseeing eye and hidden deep in the Valley. Uffe collided with her just as she landed on the ground. Poor Uffe could take no more. One look at her standing there, a fox, a wolf, a squirrel, a weird looking hare and heaven knows what else, were wrapped around her entire body. The little bird seated on her shoulder yelled at him:

"Look where you going, stupid"!

Uffe fainted in a dead swoon.

Meanwhile, Baako, really scared and quite curious, tried to hide behind a tree. Sure enough, there in the open now, was a baby dragon. What a beautiful creature he thought, coming from behind the tree. The little orange and green dragon with the enquiring triangular orbs, a curious slit in the middle of it's eyes, hiccupped and walked towards him.

Baako took a step backwards, he was quite astute for his age, always had been, at age fourteen he was already thought to be a brave warrior. Baako knew that where there is a baby, there are parents. He waited a few minutes. Neither seeing nor hearing any sound he approached the little dragon and slowly reached out his hand. The baby jumped at him playfully, licking his hand. Baako laughed out loud, the little dragon's tongue tickled.

Suddenly, another rustle and a larger dragon emerged, much bigger than the baby, but not big enough to be an adult. He was a stunning green color, tremendous wings spread in preparation for fight or flight. His tail swished menacingly from side to side. This time Baako ran. He was also running unintentionally in the direction of the witch. The young dragon may not yet be full grown, but he was scary as the bowels of hades pit.

The baby dragon took off behind Baako, and the larger dragon took off behind the baby, trying to stop her. Baako looking back, only saw dragons chasing him.

"Uffe, Uffe"!, he shouted. "It's more than one. Uffe, where are you"?

Suddenly, there was a mighty roar, then two roars and a great flapping of wings amidst more shrieks and bellows. Baako ran, full tilt ahead. He had no idea how many dragons were chasing him. He glanced back and trees were on fire. The two younger dragons were still chasing him, or so he believed.

"Help"!, Baako yelled. "Help"!

Xanthe, who lived in a nearby cave, or what appeared to be a cave to the naked eye, came out to find out what the shouting was about. She saw Baako first, then the two young dragons, then realizing that all hell was breaking loose, she waited until Baako was close enough, seized him by the shoulder and dragged him back towards the cave.

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Xanthe was the twin sister of Iakopa. They had come to this quiet valley along with the dragons many years ago. The had lived undetected and quietly kept humans safe from the dragons. They were not always successful, sometimes the meaner dragons got a few.

Baako, thinking that a dragon had got him, yelled even louder, kicking and screaming. Xanthe had strange bugs flitting around her. They could easily be mistaken for dragons. Their eyes bulged and were so ugly they could put the heebie-jeebies on you. Xanthe's eyes appeared vacant and unseeing. Baako had every right to think that the dragons had indeed gotten him. The forest that he had grown up in had suddenly taken on a life of it's own.

"I'm not ready to die ancient fathers, help me fight these beasts", he was praying to his ancestor warriors for assistance. "Let me go filthy beast, let me go, I will kill you"!

"Be silent, brave one. You are safe now"! Xanthe was trying to keep him quiet. The wrath of the dragons had been stirred.

"Come inside, be quiet now, come inside".

Baako, turning to look at the strangely dressed individual, curiously stopped struggling and followed her inside the cave. Once you stepped across the threshold of the cave, however, you entered a totally different world. The cave was transformed into a virtual palace. Baako's mouth dropped open in awe. He pinched himself.

What was happening? Was he somehow dreaming? And where was Uffe?

By Valdemaras D. on Unsplash

Was it possible that he was no longer in the jungle in his homeland. Baako felt like crying.

"Am I dead. Did the dragon eat me. Am I a ghost"? Baako was grasping at his body to see if his physical form was still there, or maybe his ephemeral body was passing on.

"Where is my friend Uffe, he was running from the dragons too, he ran towards the witch, the other witch". He was wondering how many witches there were.

"You are not dead. Be quiet, or I will end you myself. Stay here, I shall go and visit with my sister.

"I am not going anywhere in a hurry". Thought Baako.

By Sateesh Reddy Patlolla on Unsplash

Uffe woke up in the castle of Iakopa, he too was very confused. Looking around the great hall he saw no one, only a single door stood between him and freedom. Still this place was beautifully decorated and magnificent to behold. How come he never saw it before, Uffe thought. Surely if he were still in the jungle he must be asleep or worse, dead and gone to visit his ancestors.

He ran for the door, yanked it open and ran outside. He ran smack into Iakopa and Eadric, the most colorful dragon thing he had ever seen, not that he had seen that many. Not sure how a dragon could be a cross between a tiger or lion and a dragon, he turned to run back inside. There was no longer a castle, it was invisible on the outside to the natural eyes.

"Am I going mad"? He sat heavily on the ground with his face in his hands.

Just then Xanthe flew in to find out if her sister knew anything about the whole matter. Poor Uffe could take no more. He took one look at her, hideous bugs swirling everywhere, jumped up and took off running back the direction he had come originally.

"Ayee, help, help me"! The family of dragons were waiting along the path, including a wild one who liked human flesh.

Adisa, a great yellow female dragon, flew towards Uffe, opened her mouth and scooped him up.

"Spit him out Adisa". Commanded Eadric, an ominous growling sound echoing from deep inside his throat. Everyone listened when Eadric roared.

Adisa hesitated, flew up high and dropped Uffe hard on the ground. She then took off in a huff. Uffe curled himself into a ball and started to cry.

"This one is not as brave as the other I see". Zanthe said to her sister. She explained that she had one man child at her house.

"The dragons are all stirred up, Xanthe. They think the other human boy was trying to capture little Maaria. Nabila, her brother is unsure of what happened". "Maybe Eadric can help to calm the situation down".

They had a talk with Eadric and all decided to regroup after all the pieces of the strange puzzle were worked out to everyone's satisfaction.

Eadric agreed to help. Iakopa lifted the terrified Uffe unto Eadric's back and, despite his protests, they returned to Xanthe's cave. Uffe was relieved to see Baako. At least that was a little sanity in the midst of all the madness that has been transpiring.

"Were you trying to capture little Maaria the baby dragon, boy"?

Baako stared long at the really weird tiger dragon animal thing talking to him. He wondered if this day could possibly get any weirder. "The baby dragon just wanted to play. How long have you dragons and witches been here anyway, how come we never saw you? Why are you here in the valley?

"Have you dragons been eating people. Plenty of people been disappearing all mysterious for a very long time. And witches, how many are there anyway, we know of only one. Everybody scared of animal witch lady".

Jon Tyson - unsplash

Eadric roared with laughter. Uffe and Baako almost jumped out of their skins. Dragon laughter was a scary thing.

"Inquisitive little human, and brave too. Many witches, many dragons. Witches actually protect you, as do most dragons, but there are rouge factions of dragons who are your enemies. Stay away from this valley if you want to live".

Baako was furious. "This is our valley. You all should leave. Our crops are planted here, and we will not be intimidated or threatened"!

"Then do so at your peril. You have declared war with the dragons, I cannot protect those who are stubborn and determined to put themselves in harm's way".

"Then war it is"! shouted Baako, his words echoing across the valley as Eadric soared upwards in anger.

"What have you done Baako, Uffe asked, speaking to no one in particular.

They still had to make their way home through the angry forest teeming with natural and supernatural dangers. Xanthe offered her services to get them to safety this night. After that, only time will tell.



About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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