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Rose Court

Who Can Save Us

By Samantha ShafferPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Rose Court
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash


Rosette of Alcantara, Queen of Mercia sat before her fire with tears rolling down her face. The night before her husband of 24 years and the only man she has ever loved, Edmund, told her that their marriage was over. Actually, he said that since she was previously married to his brother, James, their marriage was unlawful and therefore never was. Rosette remembered watching him leave in disbelief and collapsing on the floor. Her lady's maid, Lady Elizabeth helped the queen to her bed and sat with her until Rosette fell asleep.

Rosette stared into the fire wondering, ‘what could I have done differently? What can I do to fix this? Can this be fixed? Am I doomed to be cast aside? Has god forsaken me? Have I sinned so bad that I can no longer enjoy the favour of God? Is there anyone who can help? Who can save us?’

The day wore on and Rosette did not move from her chair. ‘’Your Majesty? “questioned Lady Elizabeth. “Yes.” The Queen answered in a low lamenting voice. “Will you not eat the evening meal?” the lady begged. “I cannot eat. I think that I will simply go to bed.” Rosette answered as she got up from her chair and went to her bedchamber. She ignored to protesting looks and shut the world out.

The Queen refused to leave her bedchamber for the next couple of days. She refused food and drink. She denied entry by anyone. The ladies of the household began to worry and sent a message to the King. Their pleas were ignored. The ladies did not know what to do. No one would help the Queen and she was not willing to allow anyone to help her.

It was midday on the third day before some ray of hope to at least see the Queen arrived. A message from the King arrived, informing the Queen that he had appointed a new lady to her household and that expected her to greet the new lady in person. Rosette was happy about the new appointment. She thought it was another conquest that Edmund wanted to wave in her face.

Reluctantly the Queen opened the door to her chambers and allowed here ladies dress her. She made sure that they dressed her in her finest gown and jewels. She wanted the new lady to see that she was still the Queen.

Rosette sat in front of the fire facing the doors waiting for the new lady that her husband had appointed to her household without consulting her. Every time he appointed a new lady it was because she was the daughter of an important lord and Edmund wanted to bed her. Rosette determined that she would insure this lady would not Be a member of her household long. The Queen would find a way to get her sent away soon. She was already losing her husband to the whore, Josephina Ivrea, she could not fight another for his heart.

Chapter 1: Royal Advice

The next day a General in the Royal Alcantara Army and old friend of the Kings arrived in Mercia. He requested an audience with the King. Edmund invited his old friend to his study. “Fenris Loken, it has been too long, my old friend.” Edmund said embracing the man. “It has been nearly ten years since last we spoke.” Fenris responded. “Has it really been so long? The last time we spoke did you not say that you had a daughter?” Edmund questioned. “Yes, I have a twelve-year-old daughter. She is brilliant and actually why I have asked to speak with you.” Fenris answered. “They grow up so fast. What is it that you need?” The King asked. “I know that I have no rights to ask for favors but I have been called back to the front lines. The Hoards are threatening invasion of Alcantara and King Maximo needs me to keep them out. I cannot take Rosalina with me. With her mother gone I cannot leave her home alone.” the General explained. “She is old enough to take care of the household in your absence.” Edmund suggested. “She is old enough and more than capable, but I cannot expect that of her again.” Fenris said. “What do you mean 'again'?” Edmund questioned. “When Rosalina was just eight years old she watched her mother die in childbirth. My wife had just given birth to my son, Finn. I was away and Rosalina had taken on the responsibility of caring for her brother and the household. When Aracelia died Rosalina tried to become a mother to Finn and to take on the responsibilities as lady of the house but was so young and unprepared.

When he was two years old Finn got sick and died. She blames herself and says that she should have done more to protect him. I keep telling her that it was not her fault and that there was nothing more she could do. She was just a child taking on more that she should have. I do not want her to have to take on more than she must before she is ready. I would feel even better if she was in a place where I know she was safe and well taken care of. She is all I have left in this world.” Fenris explained. “I understand she has been through much and she should have the opportunity to learn how to take care of a home and family. With no mother to teach her it will be a hard life for her. What do you think of her living in the palace?” Edmund asked. “I do not know how I feel about that. I never really considered her living in a palace. What did you have in mind/” Fenris questioned. “We could place her in the Queen's household as a lady in waiting. She can live here and learn from the Queen and the other ladies. And you will not have to worry about her safety because I will personally watch out for her and I am sure that the Queen will care for her as her own.” Edmund suggested. “Are you sure, Your Majesty?” Fenris looked unsure. “Yes, I am sure and I think that it will be a important opportunity for her to learn and to make connections within court.” Edmund answered. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Fenris said shaking the King's hand. “You are welcome, old friend. Bring her here tomorrow to meet the Queen.” Edmund said. Fenris bowed and left the study.

Edmund finished his work and went to tell the Queen. He entered her apartments and found them preparing for the evening meal. “May I join you?” he asked. The ladies turned and they all bowed with the Queen. “Of course, you are welcome to join us, Your Majesty.” The Queen smiled. They sat at the table and waited. “Rosette, I today I have appointed a new lady to your household. She is the daughter of an old friend. I want her to feel welcome.” he announced. “What? You appointed someone to my household without my consent and expect me to accept it without question?” she questioned. “Yes, I am the King and I can appoint who ever I want to any position I want. I expect that you will heed my commands.”

He stormed out before the meal was served and before she could say anything. It would have upset her that he left but she was so angry he would force her to accept a new lady that he wanted there so much. This made her think that it was just another whore for him to bed. She decided that if she had any say in the matter the woman would not last long.


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    Samantha ShafferWritten by Samantha Shaffer

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