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Romantic story of aathi and aashika

At some point, Aathi chose to assemble boldness and converse with Aashika. He went dependent upon her and began discussing the climate, blossoms, and birds. Aashika detected his apprehension and chose to help him. She started the discussion and got some information about his leisure activities and interests.

By vinoth kumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

romantic story of Aathi and Aashika

Quite a long time ago, there were two youthful spirits named Aathi and Aashika. They met each other in a recreation area where the two of them used to take a morning walk. Aathi was a modest and withdrawn individual, while Aashika was a social butterfly and cordial person. The two of them were drawn to one another yet didn't have the foggiest idea how to approach.

At some point, Aathi chose to assemble boldness and converse with Aashika. He went dependent upon her and began discussing the climate, blossoms, and birds. Aashika detected his apprehension and chose to help him. She started the discussion and got some information about his leisure activities and interests.

Before long they began to meet each other consistently and took a walk together. Aathi felt agreeable and blissful around Aashika, and she was captivated by his delicate and kind nature. They would speak for a really long time about their lives, objectives, and goals.

At some point, Aathi welcomed Aashika to his home for supper. He cooked his number one dish and enhanced the table with candles and blossoms. Aashika was dazzled by his endeavors and felt extraordinary. During supper, the two of them focused on their sentiments and admitted their affection for one another. Aathi requested that Aashika be his sweetheart, and she joyfully said OK.

Days transformed into weeks, and their affection developed further. They would spend their nights watching the nightfall, clasping hands, and discussing their future together. The two of them had various dreams, yet they realized they would uphold each other regardless of anything else.

At some point, Aashika got a potential chance to seek after a truly amazing job in an alternate city. Aathi was miserable to see her go, however he realized it was significant for her vocation. The two of them vowed to stay in contact and keep up with their relationship.

Aashika moved to another city, and her life was occupied with work and new companions. Aathi missed her horribly, yet he would have rather not held her back. They would chat on the telephone consistently, and Aathi would inform her regarding his day and the things he missed about her.

At some point, Aathi chose to astound Aashika by visiting her. He booked a flight and contacted her city without telling her. He went to her office and saw her buckling down. He sat tight for her outside, and when she emerged, she was amazed to see him there. She embraced him firmly, and the two of them felt a surge of feelings.

Aathi took Aashika to every one of the spots she adored, and the two of them remembered their recollections. They went to the ocean side, watched a film, and ate at her number one eatery. Aashika felt cherished and really focused on, and she realize that Aathi was an ideal one for her.

On the last day of his visit, Aathi took Aashika to a peak where they could see the whole city. He gave her a crate and requested that she open it. Inside the container was a ring. Aathi went kneeling down and requested that Aashika wed him. She was thrilled and said OK.

Aathi and Aashika got hitched in a great service, and the two of them felt thankful for seeing as one another. The two of them sought after their fantasies and upheld each other through various challenges. They realize that their adoration was timeless and that they would use whatever might remain of their coexistences.

Years passed, and the two of them became old together. They would sit on their patio, clasping hands, and discussing their life process. They would giggle and cry, and the two of them realize that their affection was more grounded than at any other time.

Eventually, Aathi and Aashika both died together, clasping hands, and grinning. Their romantic tale was a motivation to many, and the two of them carried on with a cheerful and satisfying life.

Young AdultShort StoryLove

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    VKWritten by vinoth kumar

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