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Sentiment flashes

Arun and Salsa met on a warm summer evening in a little bistro in the core of the city. Arun was an effective money manager, and Salsa was a gifted craftsman who had recently moved on from school. As they plunked down for some espresso, they could feel a flash between them.

By vinoth kumarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Sentiment flashes over espresso.

Arun and Salsa met on a warm summer evening in a little bistro in the core of the city. Arun was an effective money manager, and Salsa was a gifted craftsman who had recently moved on from school. As they plunked down for some espresso, they could feel a flash between them.

Arun was attracted to Salsa's red hot character and her energy forever. She was lively and ready for business, and he couldn't resist the opportunity to be enthralled by her. Salsa, then again, was fascinated by Arun's peaceful certainty and his awareness of what's actually funny.

Over the course of the following couple of weeks, they kept on gathering at the bistro, sharing stories and getting to know one another better. Arun was captivated by Salsa's specialty and would frequently visit her studio to watch her work. Salsa, thus, was moved by Arun's help and consolation.

As they hung out, their kinship developed further, and the two of them realize that there was something uniquely amazing between them. They continued long strolls together, watched motion pictures, and shared dinners at their number one cafés. They snickered and talked for a really long time, and their discussions were loaded up with a profound comprehension and a feeling of association that neither of them had at any point felt.

One night, as they were perched on a recreation area seat watching the dusk, Arun grasped Salsa's hand and looked profound at her. "Salsa, I realize we've just known one another for a brief time, however I feel like I've known you for eternity. I would rather not rush things, yet I can't deny the manner in which I feel about you. Will you allow me an opportunity to show you the amount I give it a second thought?"

Salsa was moved by Arun's truthfulness and trustworthiness. She had been feeling the same way however was reluctant to take things further. "Arun, I feel the same way about you. I've never met anybody like you, and I would rather not lose you. We should accept things slow and see where this goes."

From that second on, their relationship extended, and they fell profoundly enamored. Arun would shock Salsa with little gifts and sweet notes, and Salsa would lay out lovely pictures of him. They went through their ends of the week investigating the city, taking lengthy drives to the open country, and finding new things together.

As their adoration developed, so did how they might interpret one another. They figured out how to see the value in one another's peculiarities and contrasts, and they upheld each other through various difficulties. Arun was there for Salsa when she felt somewhat doubtful about her craft, and Salsa was there for Arun when he had an intense day at work.

At some point, Arun took Salsa to the highest point of a mountain, where he had set up a wonderful outing with every last bit of her #1 food varieties. As they stayed there, watching the nightfall, Arun got down on one knee and took out a little box. "Salsa, I love you more than anything in this world. Will you wed me?"

Salsa's eyes loaded up with tears as she gestured her head. "Indeed, Arun. I will wed you."

The next year, they were hitched in a lovely function encompassed by their loved ones. They promised to adore and esteem each other until the end of their lives, and they realize that their affection would just develop further with time.

Years after the fact, as they sat on a similar park seat where Arun had requested that Salsa be his sweetheart, they thought back on their coexistence. They had confronted many difficulties, however their affection had forever been their solidarity.

As they clasped hands and watched the nightfall, Arun went to Salsa and murmured, "I love you like never before."

Salsa grinned and murmured back, "I love you as well,

Young AdultShort StoryLove

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