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Robbie's Letter

Based on a True Story

By Tristan BiggsPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

The scorching sun beat down on the rugged terrain as we bounced along in the back of the military vehicle. The Rhodesian Bush War was taking its toll on all of us, but we remained steadfast in our duty. My name is Robert, but everyone calls me Robbie. I was a young soldier in the Rhodesian armed forces, fighting for what I believed was right.

It was a hot afternoon, and we were returning from a grueling patrol in the bush. The air was thick with tension as we navigated the treacherous roads, constantly on alert for any signs of danger. Suddenly, chaos erupted. Bullets tore through the air, shattering the tranquility and shredding our illusions of safety.

We were being ambushed!.

Taken completely by surprise, our platoon scrambled to react. The deafening sounds of gunfire and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air. Instinct kicked in, and we debussed, seeking refuge in the surrounding bush. As I dove for cover, my heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I found myself behind the wheel of the stricken vehicle, sheltered from the onslaught of bullets. In that brief moment of respite, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a thought gripped my mind. I knew I might not make it out alive. The realization weighed heavily on my heart as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pen and a crumpled piece of paper. I silently uttered a short prayer, asking for enough time to jot down a few lines.

Then, with trembling hands, I began to write.

“To my dearest family and friends,

I find myself in a situation beyond my control. We were ambushed, and I am now taking cover behind the wheel of our vehicle. The odds are against us, and I cannot predict what lies ahead. In these uncertain moments, I wanted to take a moment to say goodbye.

Mom, Dad, I want you to know that I am proud to have served my country, to have fought for what I believe in. I cannot fully express the love I have for you, but please know that it burns fiercely within me. Cherish the memories we shared and find solace in the fact that I lived a life driven by purpose.

To my siblings, you have been my rock throughout this tumultuous journey. Your unwavering support has meant the world to me. Be strong, stand together, and never lose sight of the bond we share. Life may take unexpected turns, but our love endures.

To my friends, thank you for the laughter, the camaraderie, and the shared burdens. We have experienced both the beauty and brutality of life together. Remember me not with sorrow, but with a smile, for the times we triumphed and the memories we forged.

To my beloved wife, Jane, and our precious daughters,

As I find myself taking cover behind the wheel of this stricken vehicle, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs me. The realization dawns upon me that our time together may be cut short, and it breaks my heart to think of the life we won't have.

Jane, you have been my anchor, my source of love and strength throughout this journey. The memories we have created together are etched in my heart, and they will sustain me in the days to come. Know that my love for you and our beautiful daughters knows no bounds. Protect them, guide them, and show them the unwavering love I have always shown you. Be their rock, just as you have been mine.

Lastly, to my dear brother,

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I write this letter with a heavy heart, knowing that I may never see you again. You have been my confidant, my best friend, and my partner in mischief since we were young boys. Now, I entrust you with a task that is as honorable as it is difficult.

Please, my brother, take care of my family. Jane and our three daughters will need your love and support in the days to come. Be there for them, protect them, and offer them the strength I know you possess. Help them navigate this world without me, and let them know that my love for them will live on through your care and presence.

To both my family and my brother, I want you to remember me not with sorrow, but with a sense of pride. Though the circumstances of my fate are tragic, I have lived a life guided by purpose and conviction. Let that be a source of solace as you carry on without me.

In this moment, as I face the possibility of my own mortality, I am grateful for the time I've had and the people who have filled my life with love and purpose. Please don't mourn my loss; celebrate the life I lived.

With all my love, Robbie"

It was not long after I had finished writing that I felt as if an explosion had gone off within my own head. The world suddenly went dark …

Days passed, and Robbie’s platoon was long overdue. Another group of soldiers stumbled upon the remains of their vehicle. They combed the area, searching for survivors, and their hearts sank as they discovered his lifeless body. In his pocket, they found the crumpled letter, a testament to the farewell he had been able to pen in his final moments.

News of his demise spread throughout the camp, carrying with it a mix of sorrow and resilience. They mourned the loss of a comrade, a brother in arms, but they also carried the weight of his final message. The letter served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by all of them and the conviction that drove them to fight.

Though his life was tragically cut short, the spirit of Robbie lived on in the hearts of those who fought alongside him. As the war raged on, they carried his memory forward, vowing to honour the sacrifice made by their fallen brother.

And in that promise, his legacy endured.

Short Story

About the Creator

Tristan Biggs

I was born in Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) and currently live in South Africa. From an early age, I seemed to have a knack for poetry. I have written a number of stories, poems, and several novels, ranging from fantasy to non fiction.

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