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Queen Dystopia

Queen Dystopia

By Trevor BrewtonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Queen Dystopia
Photo by Alex Mihai C on Unsplash

Queen Dystopia

By Trevor Brewton

Once upon a time there was a queen and her name was dystopia. She was clothed in the garments of her idolization. People assembled from all over as if an army in their nature with a yearning to worship her. This queen was different from other queens; she couldn’t keep a king. The same yearning that people had for her heart; She had for herself to find a king worthy of her misguided expectations. The queen's father abandoned her when she was only a baby leaving her with only a heart shaped locket. She idolized this heart shaped locket keeping it in a glass chamber. She grew cold in heart and vindictive in her ways. Only the people that truly got close to her ever knew her true nature. Dystopia was the queen of the new apocalyptic age. Over time her heart grew callus as she replaced king after king after king; with no empathy breaking every heart. She found herself in turmoil. She was growing mechanical in her ways. Living in a false sense of reality. She wouldn't wake up. She couldn’t wake up from this world she was working so hard to create. She treated each king as a mirror, trying to find herself inside them. She had countless soul ties and she never took time in between as she abandoned each one like her father did her. What she didn’t realize was that her blindside for this vicious cycle was inexorably destroying her. She carried a chain link bag full of demons that no one could see. True spiritual warfare living in the intangible. Surrounded by darkness. One day she woke up and things were different. Something was off. She was all alone with no king, so she threw a tantrum. She then fled her room and ran to the glass chamber. She opened the chamber and gazed at her heart shaped locket, but this time she noticed something very different to her surprise. There was a key hole she had never seen before, but there was no key. She didn’t want to break it because she held it in such high regard. It was the only thing she had from her father. She sent all of her best knights on a journey to find the lost key, but to her demise each knight returned with no key. She grew furious, destroying everything to find the lost key. In doing so all of the people that idolized her came to see her true colors and they feared the worst for their life and land. She always wondered if there was something inside the heart shaped locket and now she knew that there was indeed. She thought to herself what if this is the answer? What if this is the key to my own heart? She called upon her mother for answers. Her mother acted as if she was unaware of the key hole as well, all while knowing in the back of her head that she buried it a long time ago. She buried the answers. She buried the truth. See the keyhole was just for looks. There was no physical key, but queen Dystopia did not know this. Queen Dystopia did notice something different about her mothers reaction in regards to the lost key. Something very different indeed. Queen Dystopia questioned herself saying is my whole life a lie? Queen Dystopia’s mother broke down and unveiled the truth to her, breaking every strong hold on Queen Dystopia’s heart. Queen Dystopia could finally see life in a whole new light. She was perplexed and forever changed. This change of heart would bring grace to this dystopian society giving Queen Dystopia the chance to find true love. Everything that she destroyed she had rebuilt. She apologized to every king that she had hurt in the past. Her chain linked bag of demons no longer had a grip on her. People started to say she should be called Queen Utopia now for she makes all things new and through this process she found true love. She found herself. The end.

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About the Creator

Trevor Brewton

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