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Portal Riders

Word Hunt: Lightning Motorcycle Jungle

By Brian FurphyPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Riders Sunset

It all started with a flash of lightning and a portal from another dimension opened and through it came a couple riding a glowing motorcycle.

The motorcycle itself appeared to be made of detailed light from dim details to striking bright lines of illuminous design. The gas tank was transparent, and the liquid inside appeared to be pure gold where you could see the gas lines were pumping pure golden resplendent to the engine and the exhaust was a brilliant yellow smoke gleaming and dissipating into the air.

First, they appeared on a deserted highway from the mist of a rainbow outlined portal of the blackest black that would make darkness jealous. The portal shook and closed in synchronized shakes of thunder that shook the road they were on. The air itself seemed to ripple.

After the portal closed and the thunder and lightning subsided, the bike laid sideways as the back tire painted a tire track a mile long. Both riders leaned their bodies in perfect balance between the bike and the road in a harmonious dance with momentum itself. Upright ended the slide, to a complete stop. The couple looked back and cheered with excitement.

They began to dismount the motorcycle when one of them pointed to a dark cloud in the sky. Their celebration ended abruptly as they jumped back on their ride and took off so fast the front tire rose three feet in the air and didn’t touch down until they were nearly out of sight.

Roaring from that cloud came a large group of fiery hand glider-looking people with fearsome looks of determination on their faces. Those were not just any hand gliders as they put out a trail of blue flames and glittering smoke trails of turquoise and grey.

They were in hot pursuit of the couple on the motorcycle. All of them moved as though a single mind was guiding their movement, like a flock of birds. They flew like a wave in the wind, but unlike birds who lead from the front-the ripple of their wave came from the back.

They disappeared into the distance chasing the couple. As quickly as they disappeared, they re-emerged coming back. In stark contrast to fiery determination, their faces had turned pale and covered with fear and desperation.

Now, the couple was giving chase with the rider on the back standing one foot on the seat and the other on the back of the driver shooting arrows of smoke and trails of ash that was made from each target struck. The group was getting picked off one after another.

The group couldn’t fly faster than the riders were riding on that glowing motorcycle of legendary proportions. The engine could be heard far and wide with a pulsating roar that matched the flow of that liquid gold.

Just as the group was dwindled down to only a few gliders, they disappeared with the cloud they emerged from.

The back rider holstered their bow on their back and hopped into sitting position at the same time the front rider turned back, giving each other a high five that happened with more lighting and thunder opening a new portal.

This time the portal wasn’t black in the center. Still encompassed by a rainbow of spinning lights, inside appeared a lush jungle with a narrow trail running through it. The riders went through the portal and could be seen riding that jungle trail into a sunset. The portal itself closed in silence, very slowly with the sunset.

The sunset was like no other seen before. This sunset was filled with vibrant clouds of fading teal and gold with every color ever imagined filling heavens from the most brilliant sunset ever imagined.

Short StorySci FiFantasyAdventure

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    Brian FurphyWritten by Brian Furphy

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