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Planet Tetro ~ Page 50

Blood Mist

By TerrencePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

The ground beneath us started to become damp and wet . Everything including the air became very moist . The air gradually became thick and misty . The thick mist made it impossible to see in front of us for more than 4 feet . It was also impossible for us to take quiet steps . As the ground became muddy and wet . Each step that we took was making a loud slush sound . Painting a loud target on our backs .

Shit I noticed after wandering around for a while . The only ones who can be heard is my group . We couldn't hear them at all . I even heard a distant dino vulture and hoped that it was back up coming . Even if we did have back up come they wouldn't be able to see a thing . We even had to locate each other by shouting each others names . After walking and listening for a while longer the bad implications were nothing less than reality . We all silently realized it . We could only hear the loud sloshing of each others feet . We were sitting ducks . The fish enemy has left us blind and loud . Just waiting to be attacked .

Ulckkk! Was the sound we heard before I saw Bulls Eye's arm bleeding . Nothing but blood and mist in the air . He was just slashed instantly . What made it so nerve racking, was the fact that we didn't even see or hear a thing . I noticed that Bulls Eye was looking up as if the attack came from above . I asked him quickly " are you okay ?" He nodded while still trying to be aware of our battle . The three of us all got our weapons ready and braced ourselves for another one of our enemy's attacks .

ZOOOMPTH! We heard another sound and then I was sent flying through the air . For a small moment I lost my wind . I couldn't breath as I gasped for air . At the same time I was sent rolling on the ground . I landed in a roll so I was okay , but I bumped my head a few times on the ground . Something fast and hard smashed into me . That must've been the bat guy . I was starting to get a hint about their strategy . I was also getting a hint as to why we couldn't hear our fish enemy either . I have to go back towards my friends and inform them of my new found battle plans .

Well my hunch gives us a glimmer of hope in an otherwise losing battle. After tracking my friends again I spoke loud and clear . "Bulls Eye use your tornado attack ." He said , " you know its a one time use right ? I told him , "yes to just trust me . Use the tornado attack to blow them away . When I give you the signal ." Then I told John . Next time the guy does his blitz attack to try and engage in another clash before I signal him to paralyze the bat guy .

I waited about five seconds after telling them the plan and I gave Bulls eye the signal . He held his magical bow in the air and activated it . An enormous wind started to swirl around us in a circle . If it wasn't magic , we would definitely be effected negatively being in the center . Instead we only felt a gentle breeze as the spell was activating .

AdventureFableFantasyHorrorHumorLoveMysterySatireSci FiSeries

About the Creator


Releasing an ongoing online book called Zaigon. If you are new here I strongly reccomend you start reading from page 1(the oldest). Comic located at Merch at

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