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~Peter Pan & The Lost Boys in Tinker-Town: Tinkerbell's Story!

Something happens in Never Land that doesn't happen often or quite possibly has never happened all? However Peter Pan wouldn't be able to remember things for all of time, after all he was only still just a boy and has been for such a long time he doesn't know how much time that really is? Anyway one day Tinkerbell gets bad news about her family & she's being requested to come home at once do to the emergency. So an adventure ensues for her, Peter Pan and the lost boys, one beyond anything their wildest dreams could ever compare! This is one story and journey you surely don't want to miss out on! Let's discover Tinkerbell's world together! Sincerely, the writer! :-)

By Jennifer CooleyPublished 3 years ago 29 min read
~Peter Pan & The Lost Boys in Tinker-Town: Tinkerbell's Story!
Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash

Peter Pan & the Lost Boys in Tinker-Town: Tinkerbell's Story! :-)

Peter Pan was walking to the tree house, after his early morning walk, (He liked to go for walks when things were still quiet (while most residents were still sleeping) it gave him a chance to sort out things he was thinking before having a good day!) Upon arriving to the front of the Tree house Peter Pan noticed something different, there was something in the letter box there has never been anything in the letter box before. So Peter pan opened up the top and removed what was inside. Sure enough it was a long white envelope, properly addressed and everything. How exciting Peter Pan thought as he closed the lid to the letter box and went inside the tree house.

Peter Pan

“Look everyone, Look, something different happened, something more different then the usual different stuff that happens in Never Never Land.”

Fully waking everyone from their slumber… One by one the lost boys come from their beds towards where Peter Pan was standing with the letter.

Lost boy one

“What is it Peter Pan, what is so exciting and new that we’re missing breakfast over it?”

Peter Pan

“You are not missing breakfast, you’re just going to have it a little later then usual today. I found a letter, a letter in the tree house letter box. We’ve never had a letter in the Tree house letter box before!” "Nothing that I can ever remember of the relation to time and my being a boy here in Never land!"

Lost boy 2

“Why of course not Peter that’s because we can’t read, so what reason would anyone have to send us a letter?”

Peter Pan

“Well maybe someone wanted to send us a picture or something that didn’t require us to read it, that kind of mail could always show up, you never know. So having a letter box is still important and look, now I have proof it is.” He says with a smile holding the letter up for everyone to see..

Lost boy 3

“Well what does it say Peter, I mean who is it for?”

Peter Pan

“I don’t know I can’t read, but we all know our alphabet so together we should be able to figure out who it’s too. Isn’t this exciting? A letter in the letter box, a letter to the tree house something new has happened. I always love it when something new happens it makes me so happy it’s such a wonderful thing.”

Lost boy 4

“Yes, Yes, it is exciting I concur I like it when new things happen in Never Never land it makes going to sleep and waking up the next day worth it everyday. O.k. I know my alphabet really good, did you want me to start it off.. I mean maybe it’s for me?”

Peter Pan

“No I don’t think soo, I mean not that I don’t want you to get a letter I just mean that the first letter that's on the envelope telling who it’s addressed too is a T. Your name doesn’t start with a T.

Lost Boy 4

“No my name doesn’t; O.k. so then whose name here does?

Peter Pan now over at the table puts the letter down on it so everyone can see it. All the lost boys gather around the table, like they do when they are getting ready for a Food Fight, only this time there is no food fight, this time it’s something new.

All the lost boys start talking at the same time, all of them trying to figure out what letters are on the envelope, one of them says…

“I the next letter on the envelope is I.”

Another lost boy say’s

“and the letter after that is N.”

Peter Pan says,

“And the one after that is a K. I think I can sound that out.. Do you boys want to help me?”

Lost boys

“Of course we do Peter..”

All together in a big group they all start sounding out the letters they have read so far…

T… I….N….K… T….I….N….K T…I….N…K…. “Oh I get it, I think I got it! Peter says, he goes on to say I’m pretty sure, almost positive, or very certain that those letters sound out TINK. The letter…” (They all stay at the same time) “is for Tinkerbell!”

Yeah, they all go about being very excited about their great new day, saying Tinkerbell's name so loud, that it woke her from her sleep and caused her to leave her bed and when she got to where they were all standing, she said,


“What is going on, why are all of you saying my name, are you guys talking about me behind my back, you know they call that gossiping, and gossiping isn’t a very nice thing to do to someone, it can lead to all kinds of problems. I thought we we’re all friends in the tree house? “

Peter Pan and the lost boys all start talking to her at the same time telling her about the new thing that has happened at the tree house this morning, how Peter Pan found a letter in the letter box, that the Post officer brought to the tree house, and none of them can really read but that they all knew their alphabet and so together they sounded out who the letter was for.



“Oh good, I was worried that I might have to leave the tree house and go find some other friends or place to stay in.

Peter Pan

“We love you Tinkerbell you are part of the Tree House family and you will be forever and ever and ever, we would never gossip about you, in fact I don’t think we gossip about anyone ever. That’s not allowed in Never Never Land, if someone has got something to say to someone then you just go and say it to that someone.”


“O.k. Peter I believe you, Now let me see that letter addressed to me, because I can read, I have a higher education then all of you, I come from a place where they give education to us so that when we go on missions in the world we can do our jobs as fairies for the people we are being sent to help. I am so excited to get something in the mail, I almost never thought a letter of any kind would ever come for me, but I always believed that the tree house would get mail one day, who’d of thought that the first letter to the tree house would be to me? Gee whiz aren’t I lucky!”

One of the lost boys brings the letter over to Tink, and she takes it from him graciously.


“Shee, Shee, Oh My goodness gracious, it’s from Shee... But how could this be possible? I am so happy to see a letter here for me from Shee, from all the people I could ever get a letter from.”

Peter Pan

“Who is Shee, Tink?”

Tinkerbell goes on to open the envelope and starts reading it and says..


“Just a minute Peter, I am busy reading the letter I got from Shee... Who sent it all the way from Tinker Town, at least that’s what it says’s on the envelope, see.” She hands Peter Pan the envelope without looking, her face planted deep in the letter like she is reading a good book or something. After all getting a letter is the next best thing to reading a really good book isn’t it?


“Oh look it even comes with a map, on the second page.. Isn’t this interesting, she remarks, as she reads on what else is in the letter after separating the 2nd page from the first, without reading one word out loud, leaving Peter Pan and all the lost boys in suspense!

Dear Tink,

It is alright that I call you that isn’t it? After all it’s been so many years since I’ve seen you, it’s hard to know how much a person’s changed, for all I know you might very much like just being called Tinkerbell! I hope this letter finds you well, we have spent a great many years mapping the planets, getting to know the stars; in an attempt to try and find you. After 50 years of hard work we believe our efforts have finally paid off. Based on your travels from Tinker Town to Earth where you went when you left home for your first mission, we looked at the planets surrounding Earth, leading to Tinker Town and calculated which planets were the ones you would have most likely landed on; losing your way home.

Since it was your first mission and all, we realized you had no map, because you were certain you could find your way back on your own. Do you remember that? Anyway we all here in Tinker Town assumed you must have just gotten lost. Things haven’t been the same since you left. All the cousins miss you and your family as well. Going on rides are just not as fun as they were in the beginning because everyone has missed whose been missing, and that’s you of course Tink! ☺

We have given you special instructions on the map to help you on your travels in order to bring you home. It is important you return home, there is much that needs to be done and things that need to be discussed. Please be sure that the map does not fall into the wrong hands. We wouldn’t want any UN-WANTED visitors in Tinker Town, People that might cause Problems in a place that has always been so beautiful and fun to live in and was obviously meant to stay that way!

When you return we can celebrate this wonderful occasion, by throwing a party. I would also love to visit the place you have made home for these last 50 yrs. If you are indeed in Never Never Land, than I have heard a great many things about that place and look forward to witnessing it with my own eyes. It would be exciting to see some place new outside of earth and our normal neighbour planets.

Everyone has grown so much, and seeing how you look would be most interesting. I have grown quite large myself Tink as I’m sure you will see soon. Please send a reply through the post officer to let me know, that this good news and the map has found you indeed? I look forward to receiving a letter from you for it would be the first one and that’s something to be excited about! We all miss you so much, I miss the laughter and adventures we used to have together. Everyone in Tinker Town looks forward to all the new adventures to come with you a part of our lives once again.

Again be sure you keep that special map out of harms reach, and be sure to follow the sun dial’s instructions, it is IMPORTANT if you wish to arrive in Tinker Town on time and safely. Since those special times are the only times which you can travel in order to reach home before the sun goes down and it becomes completely black in outer space. Take care and I shall not sleep a wink till your reply arrives!

Yours, Truly, Madly, Deeply,


(Your 2nd cousin, twice removed!)

A little while later after some time had passed since that most very exciting letter from cousin Shee arrived Peter Pan went looking for Tinkerbell, for the lost boys and him had discussed the very important letter and what it was they all wanted to do. It was unanimously decided that they wanted to write a letter back to cousin Shee, but all of the lost boys and Peter Pan quickly came to realize what their dilemma happened to be, and that of course was the obvious, that none of them could write well at all.

So it was decided that they would all need to learn and the only person Peter Pan and the lost boys knew that could read and write was of course Tinkerbell, so after voting on it they all again unanimously decided that Peter Pan would be the one to go and talk to Tinkerbell about her teaching them how to write this very important letter of reply to cousin Shee.

Peter Pan couldn't find Tink in her little house so he thought a little while about where she could possibly be and then it happened, an answer came, and Peter Pan remembered that Tink sometimes liked to go off and be by herself to think, she liked to do that, go think about things by herself. Peter Pan thought that was a good exercise, that maybe he and the lost boys should try doing more thinking themselves, but that of course would have to wait till later when there was more time for them to do it.

For right now though, it was time to go find Tinkerbell so Peter Pan went walking toward Tink's thinking spot and sure enough when he looked up to see if she was sitting in her favorite spot (it was the very same spot where peter Pan first found and met Tink when she came to Never Never land all those years ago) there she was sitting, looking quite content in her aloneness... which is something Peter Pan and the Lost boys all agreed they themselves hated. None of them liked to be alone much at all. But that aside Peter Pan got as close as he good before saying;

Peter Pan

“Hello Tink!”


A little bit surprised to see Peter Pan coming to visit her in her thinking spot took a few seconds to reply and then she said...

“Hello Peter Pan, it's nice to see you here, did you come to think with me?”

Peter Pan

“Oh, uh... Not today Tinkerbell, the lost boys and are kind of busy, but we have all unanimously agreed that we do need to try out this thinking thing you do, and we will too, I'm sure of it, we just don't know when? I'm actually here Tink on behalf of the lost boys and myself to ask you if you could do a really wonderful thing for us?”


“O.k. Peter and what is this wonderful thing you would like me to for all of you that you can't seem to do for yourselves?” Tink said this of course with the most wonderful smile on her face!

Peter Pan

“Well Tink the Lost boys and I decided that we wanted to write a letter back to your cousin Shee, to thank her for writing a letter to the treehouse and to introduce ourselves to her and of course to invite her to come to visit Never Never land, anytime she would like, only there is something in the way of this wonderful idea we all have! And that is that none of us can read and write of course. I mean of course we can sound out little words and we know our alphabet but as for letter writing, that is something all together new in Never Never Land, there has never been a need to write a letter of any kind before to anyone in particular, until now that is!

So Tink, in short all of us realized that as far as we know you are the only person in Never Never land that can read and write, at least the only person we know, that we know we can trust to teach us that is. So Tinkerbell that is what the lost boys and I would like to know, will you help us learn to read and write better so we can write this letter of reply to your cousin Shee, that we so would like to do?”


“Why Peter, why didn't you or one of the lost boys come ask me this sooner? Of course I will teach you all to read and write, as much as you would all like to learn, so that you can all write so much more than just this wonderful letter of reply to cousin Shee! Which I am soo certain she would love to receive from all of you, to learn that there are sooo many of you for her to get to know and not just finding me, after all these years of studying the solar system to find where to send the letter that she sent in the hope of finding me. In fact Peter I probably should have written a reply to her already but that's sort of why I am here in my thinking spot today.

I have never sent a letter to anyone from outside Never Never land before and I got to thinking about it, and was wondering if a letter I write her back would indeed find its way to her, back in Tinkertown, and if it would find it's way there in good time? I decided while sitting here thinking that the answer was to go find this mysterious Post officer that has always been here in Never Never land and introduce myself and then ask him the questions I have about how the Post office works here in Never Never land.”

Peter Pan

“So it seems than that we are all on the same track then Tink! I think your idea of finding the post officer and speaking to him is a great one, after you do that you can tell us everything the post officer said.”


“I most certainly will, and as for teaching you and the lost boys how to write your letter of reply to cousin Shee we can start first thing tomorrow morning after everyone has had a good breakfast and are all wide awake, refreshed and ready for the day. Everyone will learn best I think at the beginning of a new day because no one will be tired so it is then that everyone will think and learn the best!”

Peter Pan

“Thank - you so much Tinkerbell, this is soo exciting, all these new things keep happening in Never Never land ever since, that wonderful day that the letter from cousin Shee arrived in the Treehouse post office box. I will go and tell the lost boys right away everything that you just said as I am sure they will be very pleased to hear the answer, and I bet you anything every one of them will go to bed earlier then they usually do just so they can be extra rested for tomorrow mornings first lesson from you & teaching us how to write our letter of reply to cousin Shee! I will also be sure to tell them about your idea to go meet the Poster officer and ask your questions about how mail LEAVING Never Never Land works?”


“Alright Peter Pan that idea sounds just fine to me. Also going to bed earlier then usual by just a little bit probably will help them learn just a little better then usual, but make sure no one goes to bed TOO EARLY Peter, because then everyone will be up TOO SOON, and when I go to teach the class everyone could actually be getting tired again because of getting up TOO EARLY! All of these sleeping rules can be ever so confusing don't you think Peter Pan?”

Peter Pan

“Yes, Yes, quite right Tinkerbell.. it is indeed ever so confusing, but I will be certain to tell the Lost boys everything that you said about sleeping, in fact I am getting tired just from all the talking about it, I like sleeping it's probably almost my most favorite thing to do, with the exception of eating and Food fights of course! You are indeed ever so special to us Tink, and now with you helping us with this VERY BIG THING, you will be just that much more important to us!”


“Of course Peter, of course! Only food fights are quite messy so you don't want to do to many of those because afterwards everyone has to clean it all up, and you and the lost boys are not so good at that cleaning part stuff. I guess that's from being young forever here in Never Never land, because all of you want a Mother to look after you and that is something we do not have here in Never Never land, but we don't want to talk about such sad things, we want to stay focused on the most very exciting new thing, the letter from cousin Shee, and you all learning how to write her back!”

Peter Pan said his good-bye's to Tinkerbell after understanding where she was going to go from her favorite thinking spot, and turned in the other direction and started back to where all the lost boys were so he could go tell them all this wonderful news. What none of them were aware of, was the GREAT BIG IMPORTANT thing that Tinkerbell was actually sitting there thinking about besides talking to the Post officer.

But she dare not bring it up to Peter Pan and the lost boys right now, for this there would have to be a perfect time and place and right now at this very minute or on this very day it most certainly was not the right time or place. Tinkerbell was thinking about of course the most obvious thing that the rest of them hadn't yet realized or thought about and that was of course about Tinkerbell now being able to go home, back to Tinkertown to be with all her family.

With there being no Mother for Peter Pan and the lost boys, Tink had been spending all this time thinking in her favorite thinking spot that this could be a problem, since that has been her job since she got lost trying to find her way home and winding up living here with all of them. What would they do if they were living without a Mother type girl being (meaning Fairy) around?

Tinkerbell new there had to be the right time and the right moment to talk about this very important OTHER new thing, but for the moment Tinkerbell decided that letting everyone enjoy their learning how to write back to cousin Shee was the best thing to do for everyone!

Giving them some time of their own to THINK, after writing the letter they might come to realize the decision that she ultimately in the end will have to decide about? For all the years she has just spent here being like a Mother to Peter Pan and the lost boys, she really did like the idea very much of going home to see her family and friends whom she hasn't seen in such a long long time!

She couldn't stop thinking about how much older, and how much everyone must have grown and changed in all this time? Then of course there was her own Mother and Father and brothers and sisters... and oh how she missed them all so much too!

How many more of them there might be since she left and how everyone is doing and of course she couldn't forget her very own bedroom, would it still be there and would it be exactly the same, as the way she left it? I guess there would only be one way to find out, but that won't be happening today, so she decided that there was no sense in dwelling on it any longer.

Instead rather it was time to visit the Post officer and think about tomorrow mornings lesson plan, she had to figure out what and exactly how she was going to teach them to learn to read and write better? On that thought Tink got up from her spot and flew away!

Then a time past (24 hrs in Never Never Land time that is). Which to earth could mean anything! Anyway, it was decided today’s the day,


“Today's the day, Yes Today is the day I shall teach Peter Pan and the lost boys how to read and write. Today they will learn to write that letter back to cousin Shee they want so to do, which of course I think as cousin shee’s cousin is a most wonderful, beautiful gracious things to do. I mean I was of course going to write cousin Shee a letter myself, now SHEE can get 2 letters, one from me, and one from Peter Pan and all the boys!”

Tink hurriedly flew from one place to another in Never Never Land getting this thing or that thing or another thing, and taking it all to the same place. Where once she had everything she needed there, she prepared every seat, every place, each one would sit at, and each had the exact same thing.

Then she went to the front of the classroom and stood before her big teaching size chalk board where she concentrated quite adult like on the teaching matter at hand! She wrote with the chalk she had in her hand until the board was filled just right with everything that was needed on this day to teach Peter and the boys all that they would need to know to write cousin Shee that letter they all are so excited to write!

When Tink was done preparing the class and the room she saw the time, and saw that it was time to get the attention of the others and bring them all together in this class room; so she flew to the treehouse and was quick to enter. Upon entering she could see by the darkness and silence that everyone was having a lazy day in the treehouse, for they were all still in bed, having not even eaten breakfast yet!

Tink thought...

“Hmmm what manner should I use to wake the bunch and bring to light that today is school day, and that there is no time for sleepers inners? OH I know! she says,” as she quickly goes to the spot where the bell sits on the mantle in the tree house. She reaches out for it, she noticed quite quickly that it was sort of, kind of heavy, it was one of the old bells, but not quite a school bell because it was held in the hand. Tink, not being the strongest person had to cheat a little and use a bit of her pixie dust.. while holding it as she could, there the bell suddenly was afloat and she tugged an tugged waving up and down and up and down on the bells handle. Just like that it started the clang and bang, ring – a ling… ring- a ling.. ring- a ling, here the bell ring.

Tink then said,

‘UP, UP EVERYONE, TIME TO GET UP.. NO TIME TO DILLY DALLY on this NEVER NEVER LAND SATURDAY? She wasn’t so sure it was a Saturday, (she hadn’t checked a calendar in some time,) but saying Saturday sounded good to Tink, so Saturday it was.

Like good children the lost boys and Peter Pan found their way out of bed and to the food table area. Most of them had rumbling tummy’s and were rubbing their bellies, Peter Pan a bit grumpy on this Saturday comes out to the food table area and says,

Peter Pan

“Hey what’s the meaning of ruining my great sleeper inner day? All the lost boys and me were having fun dreams of a sort, RIGHT GUYS, RIGHT LOST BOYS we were too right, having great dreams?” He turns to look at them all still rubbing the sleep from their eyes wondering why there was no food on the food table yet? And that's when one of the lost boy’s replied to Peter Pan.

Lost Boy,

“Well actually Peter, I don’t remember! Were we having good dreams? What I do know is my stomach’s rumbling, telling me it’s time for good eating, only there is no food on the food table, so turning to Tink says, shant we all eat first before you tell us what it is we are doing today that is so important that you woke us from a sleeper inner day?”

Tink of course said,

“Why certainly all of you may eat, for breakfast is the most important meal of the day and with that food in your stomach you shall be like prize students, and your concentration will be in good order and you shall all be in good spirits. But quick for there isn’t too much time since it was a sleeper inner day of course, you all have lost some good eating time.”

Peter Pan realized quickly he lost the argument he was trying to make, because he too had forgotten what he was dreaming about on this fine sleeper inner day. And like the others noticed he was hungry for food as well. Besides in Never Never Land, no one argues, or is allowed to really be grumpy anyway!

Peter Pan,

“I’ll fetch the spoons and the bowls, Tink, can you use some pixie dust to hurry things up a bit by having all the food cereals and milk brought over to the tables?”

Tink said,

“Well I guess it wouldn’t hurt, but only this one time, because it is a sleeper inner day so everything is a little behind schedule.”

All the lost boys said,

“THANK-YOU” TO TINKERBELL, all at once as they took up their spoons and bowls, and the other food stuff that Peter Pan was bringing over to the table in order to help prepare it, with all the things that many people need. Very quickly everyone had toast and grape jelly, and honey, and milk and cereal and juice in there big bang er rang special tree house mugs! Once everyone was all filled up they wiped their milk and juice mustaches off on their clothes, and most everyone proudly burped from being full. That done they turned with contented smiles and said,

Lost Boys,

“Now what Tinkerbell, Now what, We all have lots of energy now, we are ready to take on this sleeper inner day with whatever plans you have for us?”


“Great, now that everyone is full, follow me to the very important spot. For what I have planned today there was no room for INSIDE THE TREE HOUSE, but I did pick a very good spot!”

With that said, everyone filed out of the treehouse door, leaving all the food stuff on the table of course, after all they were just boys, it could wait to be put away later. And then one by one they all followed Tink to the perfect Specialiaty spot that she set up the classroom for everyone in. Tink was sure to bring the bell with her too.


“O.k. everyone quickly grab yourself a spot to sit, and get comfortable and notice the things on the tables in front of you, pick them up and quickly get familiar with them and what you think they are for. Afterwards I will then tell you if you are right?”

Peter Pan noticed right away on the Big Huge Chalk board at the front of the class, that there was writing on it, some of it he could understand because it was simpler stuff to read, he could see that Tink had written out the ENTIRE ALPHABET on the chalk board. And looking further on the board he saw some other words, words he remembered sounding out and reading before. So he didn’t say anything about what he knew was there written on the chalk board in front of everyone, he thought it more fun to see who of the lost boys would remember that day, and what they learned to sound out and read!

Tink grabs her long stick and hah hah aaa hums her throat a few times while dawning her very important smart Speckles, (which Peter Pan remembers only seeing TINK wear ONCE before.)

Peter Pan turns to the lost boy next to him and leans in and whispers,

"If Tink is wearing her important smart Speckles, then this really must be a very important special learning day!”

The lost boy shook his head, and without really, really knowing the answer just agreed with Peter Pan being that he’s older and knows more, so if anything, Peter Pan would know about the smart speckles and probably would be right. Then he turned his attention toward Tink like the other lost boys were starting to do as well.

As they put the boards down on their desks and stopped scribbling with the Specialiaty colour chalk that they had to go with the board and brush to clean the board off, and tried paying attention to Tink, which for lost boys wasn’t the easiest task in the world to do, because they are so easily distracted by such things as flies, and spider’s and other boy stuff, with the short attention spans that boys tend to have, but still here they were, all trying to do their very best for the teaching Tink! :-)

Tink, goes on with banging the board ever so teacher like, to quiet down the room. Then she takes the bell and clangs it, but only three times before saying,


“Ok boys and girls, well rather BOYS since I am most certainly the only girl in the room, settle down into your seats, for CLASS IS NOW IN SESSION! This is our very ever so special school day where everyone following my instructions will learn to write that group letter you want to write my cousin (my 2nd cousin twice removed, Shee) that you all asked Peter Pan to ask me to teach you all how to write! Today is the day that this IS what I‘m going to do!

Everyone in the room cheered with excitement!

“HUUURRRRAAAAAY, Today we are going to learn how to read and write, we are going to get to write cousin Shee that very special letter of reply we want so to write to cousin Shee! Huuuurrrrrayyyy Today is a Very Special Day Indeed!”

* * * * *


“O.k. now that you all have had time to get familiar with your chalk board and colouring chalks, I want everyone to take their eraser board brushes and clean off their chalk boards with it because our lesson plan is to begin.” After everyone listened to Tinkebell’s instructions, they showed off their empty chalk boards and said,

“Now what do we do Tinkerbell?”


“Well it is so good to see such enthusiastic learner’s, this should make the learning that much more fun! O.k. to start with class we are all going to learn to write out the WHOLE alphabet… Like I did here on the chalk board (Tink pointed with her teacher stick) everyone jumped a little in their seats when the stick hit the board with a tap. Tink then said...


“Oh did I do that, I’m sorry, guess I am getting a bit carried away with my teaching job and my teacher’s stick.” With a big smile she chuckles and gets everyone else laughing too. The lost boys were very excited about writing out the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, until one of the lost boys stopped because he noticed everything was done twice and he asked Tink...

Lost Boy 3

“Tink, why is there 2 letters so close together on your big chalk board?”


“Oh how silly of me I should have explained that right away, well everyone you see each letter of the alphabet has a very special purpose and to do its job properly requires that each letter has 2 sizes a big one and a little one! You see here the big A and beside it is the little 'a' so it looks like this as you see on the board Aa, Bb, Cc, without the 2nd size one we would not be able to write very well, for things to make sense. It would seem like EVERYONE IS ALWAYS YELLING AT EACH OTHER, ALL THE TIME ON PAPER, and that could possibly give some people headaches, so they have the smaller letters to do the very important job of writing out most of the message without being LOUD. The big letters are for the Beginnings of Sentences and letters and very important papers. Does everyone understand now?”

The room got very quiet as they were all hard at work trying to write out just THE BIG LETTERS on their SMALL chalk boards, (the little letters would just have to wait) they had to erase and try again until they got the size right to fit the whole alphabet in ONE size on their boards. When this was done, everyone practiced saying the alphabet and reading the letters to each other. This eventually lead to the beginning words of the letter Tink had written out on the board for the very important letter to cousin SHEE, they all wanted to write to her.


“O.k. good now that I can see everyone is ready to move on to the beginning of the letter you want to write to cousin Shee, as you can see here, I have already started it for you. If someone would like to be the first person to write the REAL letters on the REAL paper that is the OFFICIAL letter you will be sending to Shee over in Tinker Town please put your hand up and let us begin!”

After the one was chosen, before the following letters were put on the paper they all practiced on their boards first to make sure there would be no spelling mistakes.

D e a r, C o u s i n S h e e,

Tink explained that a lot of the time only the first letter at the beginning is large, as well as the first letter of someone’s name, or places, like countries would have capitals to start the word off, but today to be a bit bold to show our welcome to Shee Tink thought it be O.k. if all the first letters in the beginning of the letter were BIG! This way cousin Shee would certainly know how welcomed she is!

After some hours, about 3 Tinkerbell decided to ring the bell again and told everyone it was time for Lunch break, everyone agreed their stomachs were rumbling again and they were all sweating so hard from the thinking they had just been doing as they worked together one person at a time writing a sentence or words in the letter they were writing to cousin Shee, that Tinkerbell was right it was lunch time and very much time to eat again!

The lost boys and Peter Pan had no idea how sweaty and hungry all this learning and thinking work could make them. So they knew they'd appreciate their lunch food on this special learning day lunch break, much more than they usually do on their other lunch days!

Peter Pan

“It shall most certainly indeed be exciting to see the letter when it’s finished, if we keep working this hard together on it we should have the letter finished by the end of our sleeper inner day, first day of school day!”


“Yes Peter, I would agree with that guess, that if everyone doesn’t OVER EAT at lunch they shouldn’t get to tired and in the AFTERNOON of our school on this sleeper inner day YOU and the lost boys can have finished your very first ever written letter that you all worked so hard on to get done together, all on this day.”

Peter Pan

“Maybe we should mark this on the tree house Calendar, as a special day and date to remember, when it’s all done?”

Tinkberbell, and the lost boys all agreed with Peter Pan, because none of them have no memory of when they’ve ever thought so hard and worked so well together, that remembering this day, on the Never Never land Forever to remember day Calendar, would be a most wonderful thing to do!

With that said, Tink rang the bell again and told everyone they were free to go back to the treehouse clean up their breakfast mess and go ahead have lunch. And that in school on earth and Tinker Town Lunch was usually about 1 hour.. which is 60 minutes,

She explained that with her fingers and her chalk, and when they were certain to understand she sent them on their way! Peter Pan was old enough now that he knew for certain what an hr was because of how long he’s been in Never Never land, waiting to grow up, or for the lost boys parents to come but we won’t get in to that now, that would be for another time. Right now it was lunch time and that was the one thing everybody understood perfectly as they ran and played together all the way back to the treehouse!

They all laughed and smiled and had a good time right through their special sleeper inner day, first day of school day ever, lunch time period!

To be continued...

written by,

Jennifer Cooley!

Young Adult

About the Creator

Jennifer Cooley

I've been writing as long as I could hold a crayon! Remember writing my first story like it was yesterday at 5. I remember the details of the day, location, time, excitement & where the story was preserved for all time! Lots Born From That!

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