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Perfect Paradise

The Tropical Getaway

By Dylan Published about a year ago 9 min read

Journal Entry: February 7th, 2023 - Day #1 of My Vacation

6:00 am

It's finally time!! I have been waiting eagerly for the past 6 months, it's finally here!!

Today is the day I leave for my week-long vacation. It's my first time leaving the country, I am super excited! I've been working extra-hard recently, I've put in 70 hours of overtime in the past three weeks alone and my boss hasn't even acknowledged it. He even had the audacity to tell me I haven't been working hard enough. Anyways, I really need this vacation and I can't wait for my arrival! I'm still really nervous about being on the airplane, I've never flown anywhere before. It's supposed to be a safe way to travel, at least that's what I've heard, I'm sure victims of plane crashes would beg to differ. It looks like we're about to take off, here we go!


"Is it your first time flying?" A beautiful voice asked. Beside me on the plane was a beautiful woman, she had wavy blonde hair with pink highlights and the most beautiful deep blue, ocean eyes. Her skin was a medium tan and she had the brightest smile.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked with a chuckle. "There's nothing to worry about, the odds of the plane crashing are one in a million." She said with a smile, I smiled back with a sign of relief. "However, we could be on the one that crashes," She added with a thoughtful expression. "Thank you, that definitely helps calm my nerves," I responded sarcastically. She laughed, "You're welcome," she replied smiling.

The plane took off, I watched out my window as the ground got further and further away. "Wow, what a view!" I said as I watched the cityscape fade into the distance. Up above the clouds, I watched the sun rise.

Journal Entry: February 7th, 2023 - Day #1 of My Vacation

6:00 pm

I'm still alive! The flight wasn't bad at all, it actually went really well! I sat beside a gorgeous woman on the plane, she's only a year younger than me. Her name is Kate, she's really nice and has a great sense of humour. I also found out that she's on the same trip as me. Unfortunately, her parents are super rich and we live completely different lifestyles, I seriously doubt she would find any interest in me. Especially considering she's a city girl and I am a country boy.

The retreat we're staying at is beautiful, it has long beaches of white sand lined with palm trees and clear blue water with bungalow's built overtop. It's really cool, I could get used to living here! Somebody's knocking on my door, I guess it's time to start the adventure!


"Hi, my name is Thomas. I'm in the room next to yours, just thought I'd swing by and introduce myself!" Said Thomas, he was approximately 6 feet tall with curly blonde hair and a robust body type. I introduced myself and before we could continue a gleeful voice interrupted the conversation.

"Hey guys! Are you excited for the vacation of a lifetime! I'm Daniel, I will be your advisor throughout the trip! If you need anything just let me know, I'm staying in the hut closest to the beach! Do you have any questions?" He said. "No, I don't have any, do you?" I responded looking at Thomas. "Nope!" Thomas replied. "Okay great! Again if you ever need me, you know where I'm staying. We're all going to meet on the beach at eight o'clock tonight for a campfire if you guys are interested!" Daniel added enthusiastically. "Yeah for sure!" I answered, "We'll see you at the fire!" Thomas added. "For sure, see you then!" Daniel said before heading towards the next hut.

Later that night at the campfire...

"...and now that we've all introduced ourselves we can get the good time's rolling! Who's ready for the best vacation of their lives!!!" Daniel concluded after everyone from the group introduced themselves. There were thirteen of us, twelve traveler's and one advisor. Everyone was socializing and getting to know each other around the fire.

"Heyyy," a familiar voice said, it was Kate, "Are you excited for snorkeling tomorrow?" She asked. "Of course!! How could anyone not?! I can't wait to see all the fish!" I responded excitedly. "You have to watch out for the barracuda's though, and the sharks," she said with a serious look. "I never thought about that," I replied with uneasiness. "I'm just messing with you!" She added with a laugh.

One of the other girl's ran over and sat beside Kate, "Chad and Pete are going skinny dipping in the ocean and want us to go!" Lindsay said. She was a shorter girl with long black hair and fair white skin. "That doesn't sound appealing at all." Kate responded. "Come on! It will be fun! What else are you going to do? This fire is boring." Lindsay said. Kate looked at me for a few seconds, I didn't know what to say. Then she looked back at Lindsay, "Okay, let's go." She said, she turned back towards me, "See ya in the morning!" She said with a quick smile. As they were walking away she glanced back, I smiled and she smiled back then her face went to a frown and she continued walking.

Journal Entry February 8th, 2023 - Day #2 of My Vacation

10:00 am

Last night was a blast, I got to meet so many new and amazing people! We were up all night around the fire having the time of our lives! I'm having a blast on this trip! The girl from the plane was at the fire too, we were talking for a bit and for a moment I thought she might be into me, but then she left with some of the other people to skinny dip in the ocean. I'm not too worried about it, there is no way I could ever get a girl like that. We're going snorkeling today, it's going to be fantastic!


All thirteen of us were on the catamaran to go snorkeling. I sat with Thomas and another friend I made, Tyrone. Kate was in a beautiful blue bikini, she looked gorgeous. When we got to the coral reef and were getting ready to hop in the water, she came up to me. "Hey, how was the rest of the fire last night?" She asked me with a friendly glow. "It was amazing! You really missed out on a good time!" I said excitedly. "I really did. I shouldn't listen to my friends so much." She responded with a little disappointment. Before I could reply, Chad picked her up by the waist.

"Come on, we're all going in now! I'll protect you from the sharks." Chad told Kate. "Yeah right, you couldn't protect me from a plankton." She responded. "I'll talk to you later," she told me.

The next few days she spent her time with Chad and his friends.

Journal Entry February 11th, 2023 - Day #5 of My Vacation

11:30 pm

I forgot about this journal! I was having so much fun I just never thought to write in it. The coral reef was magnificent! There were so many different species of sea life, it was absolutely incredible! That night we went to a bar at the beach... I don't really remember much from that night. The next day was white water rafting and the day after was a hike up the volcano and a zipline. The white water rafting was an experience I'll never forget, I saw a toucan that looked just like the froot loops bird. The volcano wasn't active but it was really cool to see, and the view from the zipline was extraordinary. Today was a free day! We spent most of the day on the beach. There was also a monkey bar that we visited. The monkey's were hilarious. Tomorrow I'm going deep-sea fishing with a few of the guys, we'll have to wake up early and I'm really tired so I'm calling it a day.


Thomas, Tyrone, and I were on our way back from deep-sea fishing. "That was insane, bro the size of that tuna, it really puts some perspective on life." Thomas said. "That shark though, that's something to see." Tyrone responded. "I thought the Marlin was really cool, especially when it jumped out of the water, that thing was at least 7 feet above the water!" I added.

Kate and Chad were having an argument on the beach. "Yo, I'll catch up with you later," I said and walked toward the argument. "I've been good to you all week, why can't you just do this for me?" Chad said with hostility. "Really?!? YOU'VE been good to me?" Kate responded with an annoyed voice. "I've been working you all week, you know you want me!" Chad added. "Seriously! That's your choice of words!?! You've been working me like I'm some job and expect a reward?" Kate said with disgust. "Yes! Now you're beginning to understand!" Chad said cynically, moving closer to her and rubbing his hand down her arm.

"Back off!" I said as I pushed him back. He laughed, "What are you going to do, farm boy, throw a tomato at me." My face went cold and lost all expression as I stared dead into his eyes. His smile fell straight, "I bench two-forty, you don't want it with me bro." He claimed while flexing. I continued staring him dead in the eye, an eerie silence fell over the conversation. "Apologize." I demanded. He laughed and glanced over at Kate then back at me. "Apologize." I repeated. "Oh you're serious? Okay." He said, and in a sarcastic, derisive voice he said, "Kate, I am so, so, so sorry... that you're a stuck up whor..." His pathetic attempt at an apology was cut short by my fist hitting his face. He fell back into the sand. One punch knocked him out cold.

"Oh my God," Kate said in shock, I could hear the sense of relief in her voice. I turned towards her and with the same cold expression I said, "You're welcome." Then I walked away.

Journal Entry February 12th, 2023 - Day #6 of My Vacation

4:00 pm

Wow! I can't believe what just happened! I knocked Chad out with one punch, someone's knocking on the door.


I opened the door, to my surprise it was Kate. "Hi..." I began before she launched herself toward me, pushing me back into the room and closing the door behind her. Her hand's wrapped around my neck and her lips pressed against mine. I could taste her cherry lip gloss and she smelt like a warm ocean breeze. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her in closer. She slid her hands under my shirt massaging my abdomen and sliding them up along my chest. I ripped my shirt off, grabbed her ass and lifted her on top of my bed...

Journal Entry February 13th, 2023 - Day #7 of My Vacation

9:00 am

No words can describe what happened last night, it was wonderful. Kate showed up at my door and well... I think it's pretty obvious what happened. She spent the night and I really got to know her, we actually have a lot in common. We might come from two completely different lives but we have a lot of common interests. She asked me to go for a walk down the beach before we leave for our flight.


"Hey stranger! You're looking handsome today!" Kate said as I approached her on the beach. "Thank you m'lady, you are quite the spectacle yourself, care to join me for a walk?" I replied. She laughed and her cheeks turned to a rosy red. "You're so weird," she said. "Thank you, I am terribly afraid of being normal," I responded semi-sarcastically. "Good. I hate normal people, they can't match my vibe," she said with a smile. "No one can match your vibe, you're truly one of a kind." I reassured her. "Thank you," she said. "I didn't mean it as a compliment," I joked sarcastically. We laughed, and began walking down the beach.

"This place is beautiful, it's sad to think this is our last day here." Kate mentioned. "It's our last day seeing each other too." I pointed out with displeasure. She looked at me with an upset look, and then she looked out over the water. "It doesn't have to be." She said, "We could still see each other, we only live a couple hours from each other." She looked me deep in the eye's. "I really like you, I've liked you since the conversation we had on the plane ride. I don't want this to be the last time we see each other." She concluded. "Then it won't be! I'll quit my job and move to the city." I told her. "You don't have to do that for me." She said. "It's not just for you, I don't like my job anyways. Your worth starting a new life with."



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About the Creator


Hello! I am a writer, poet, rapper, and musician trying to make it in this crazy world! If you like my poem's please leave a like and subscribe!

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