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A New Frontier

Chapter One: The Window

By Dylan Published 2 years ago 9 min read

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room. The old man was right, there is a world outside the D.O.M.E.

"We've been imprisoned in here for seventy-five years." The old man began in a deep, hoarse voice, "When they built the D.O.M.E the world was in pieces. The largest empire ever known to man were on the brink of destruction, and there was war and famine while people in power tried to conquer the world. Death was soon to follow. By the time the majority realized what was happening it was too late, the world was destined to crumble. However, an intelligent, young scientist had an idea, if we could build a sky dome over top of a city, humanity could continue to live off of the artificial life humans have created. The wealthy saw an opportunity and built four D.O.M.E's including the one we live in right now. They then formed an alliance between the wealthiest families in the world, called it the agency. There was four billion people left on the planet after the wars, disease's, mass-murders, and mass-suicides. Everyone could've fit into one D.O.M.E, however the agency owned the D.O.M.E's and with exception of the wealthy, only people who would agree to work as a slave for the wealthy were granted permission to live inside the D.O.M.E."

"Why would anyone agree to that?" The young and beautiful Ellie asked with a confused look on her face as she brushed her hand through her dark, curly brown hair.

"Well," the old man continued, "All those stories you've heard about the old world, they happened before the end days. When the D.O.M.E's were built the world was inhospitable, many innocent people died and the once magnificent beauties of nature turned to a wasteland of pollution, ruins, debris, ashes, dust, and whatever other horror's you can imagine."

Earth (2044)

The old man looked out the window with a sad expression on his wrinkly face. *SIGH* "This was supposed to be a rehabilitation project, we called it project hibernation. The plan was to reside inside these walls under the protection of the D.O.M.E until the world healed itself and nature grew back. It was expected to be at least one hundred years before the earth became hospitable again, however nature regenerated within fifty. Our owner's didn't like that, so the agency convinced the entire population that the outside world remained unlivable. They swore they'd kill me if I ever told anyone. I only knew because I was the scientist who came up with the idea, and that's why they gave me the only window in the D.O.M.E." He turned towards Ellie.

With a tired look on his face, the old man told her, "You can't trust anyone, you knowing about the outside world could get both of us killed. We also can't survive out there on our own. The only hope we have is to somehow convince a significantly large group of people that there is more to life outside the D.O.M.E without alerting the agency that we know about it."

"Why are you telling me this?!?" Ellie responded with confusion, "I'm only seventeen, how am I supposed to save everybody? I can't do this! It's too much responsibility!"

"You are the only one who can save us," the old man began, "You are young and intelligent, smarter than most people twice your age. You're compassionate and caring, and unlike most of the population, you have the ability to think for yourself! That is why it has to be you! There is no one else, they would either be to afraid or they would think I'm crazy. You are the only person in the entire D.O.M.E. that would believe in the outside world! It has to be you!"

"Why me? Why am I the only one?" She questioned. "You spend every free second in the library reading about the old world, about the freedom's people used to have, about surviving without the D.O.M.E., and you know thing's that they don't teach, knowledge that the agency see's as forbidden." The old man explained.


It was a long walk back to her house, Ellie lived with her parent's along the Southwest Wall. The old man's house was along the Northeast Wall. Ellie was wearing a burgundy hoodie, a white skirt, and white sneakers.

The D.O.M.E. was a city of four million, it was divided into five main sections: The North side was where the wealthy and powerful lived, it is restricted to all of the southside; The East side was where the middle class lived, they worked for the wealthy; The West side was where all the food was grown; and the South side was where the poor people lived, this was the majority of the population and they all worked as slaves.

The fifth section was called Central City, it's where all the non-resident building's were. Central City was made up of several tall skyscrapers that served as support beams for the D.O.M.E.'s center. It included school's, hospital's, restaurant's, office's, shopping mall's, and other essential building's. Each building was full of bridge's, tunnel's, and walkways that connected them all together.

It was 7:30 pm, Ellie had to walk across the entire city to get home from the old man's house. Only the wealthy could own car's, with the exception of emergency vehicle's. The city also had a curfew for Southsiders, If they weren't in there home between 8:00 pm and 6:00 am they would be sent to the dungeon's. The dungeon's were under the city in the old subway system, there was no light and nobody ever came back.

As Ellie walked through Central City she thought about what the old man had told her. Why would he tell me? How am I supposed to do anything? I'm only seventeen. He said I can't trust anybody, what about my mom? or my brother's? What about Ashley? She's my best friend, surely I can trust her. How am I supposed to show people the outside world if I can't trust them? How will we even escape this prison?

"Heyyyyyyyy, look what we have here."

Ellie's thoughts were interrupted by a group of drunk northerner's, they looked to be in their early twenties.

"It's 7:45, better hurry on home before they toss your trashy ass in the dungeon's." One of them said looking at his watch as the others laughed. "Now hold on, this one's actually kind of cute. Hi, my name is Mark." Another one said with a laugh. "She does have 15 minutes left, I'm sure she could stay with us a little longer." The first one replied, the rest continued laughing.

Ellie ignored them and continued to walk past them. "Hey! Come back here I want to get to know you a little better," Mark yelled out. "My friend's talking to you! Come back, he's really into trashy scum!" One of them said and they all started laughing. Ellie kept walking, she heard story's of people in her community being taken advantage of by northerner's late at night. She began trembling in fear, her hands were shaking as she tried to hide them in her pockets.

The men follow her continuing to make remark's on her looks and pushing their friend on her. Ellie began to walk faster, however it didn't make a difference and the drunk men caught up to her. "Where do you think your going? You're going to miss all the fun." One of the men said grabbing her arm. Ellie could smell the alcohol on his breath. Nobody else was in sight, just her and the drunk northerner's. "I need to go home, let go of me!" She said pulling away. "She's a feisty one, perfect for you Mark," He said. The other's were laughing.

"Hey man, let go of her!" Mark said to him, "Come with me." He told Ellie as he put his arm around her shoulder and they walked away from his friends. "I'm sorry about them, they are... well you know." Mark told her, "I'm not like that though, you deserve just as much as we do." He continued. "Do you really think that?" Ellie responded in disbelief. "Of course, here let me give you a ride home." He replied, leading her to a car.

"You have a car?" Ellie asked. "Of course I do, I'm rich," Mark answered obnoxiously. He opened the passenger door for her, Ellie has never even seen a car. She sat down, Mark shut the door and walked around to the driver's seat. He started the car, but didn't begin driving. Instead, Mark pulled his pants down exposing his penis. "Oh my god!" Ellie exclaimed with horror and surprise. "What? You thought it would be a free ride?" Mark responded. Ellie tried to get out but the door was locked. "Listen. You can either suck on it while I drive you home, or I can climb over the seat and force you to have sex with me then leave you on the side of the street." Mark aggressively stated.

"I would never do any such thing with you!!" Ellie exclaimed. "Have it your way," Mark said as he climbed over the center console. "Stop!" Ellie screamed hitting him. He grabbed her arm and pushed her back, then he lifted her skirt. Tears began falling from her eyes as he forced himself into her.


Ellie was woken up by a familiar face, it was her neighbour Tyrone. "What the hell are you doing on the side of the road this late at night?!? And what happened to your face! Your covered in bruises!" Tyrone questioned with worry and surprise.

Ellie put her palm on her face, suddenly she remembered being in the car with Mark. She had managed to throw a punch a give Mark a bloody nose, however Mark swung back multiple times. The left side of Ellie's face was bruised and beaten, and mascara line's ran down from her eyes.

She looked up at Tyrone with tears in her eyes and a silent blank stare. "Those f*ckin' northeners! Come on let's get out of here before they throw us in the dungeons." He said reaching out his arm. Ellie paused for a moment, then she accepted his helping hand. Tyrone put an arm around her shoulders, his other arm under her knees, and lifted Ellie up to carry her home.

Ellie rested her head against Tyrone's shoulder and closed her eyes.

They made it home later that night, there was a small group gathered inside the door to their apartment building. "If we leave now we all risk going to the dungeons!" "We can't just leave her out there alone!" "She's probably already been caught, nothing we can do about that." "Come on! Have some hope, she's a strong girl I'm sure she's perfectly safe where ever she is."

Tyrone walked through the front door carrying the sleeping Ellie. "ELLIE! OH MY GOD! MY BABY! WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Ellie's mom screamed as she ran to her daughter. Ellie woke up, "Mom?" She said half asleep. "I found her on the side of a road in Central City, I'm not sure exactly what happened." Tyrone explained. "At least she's safe now, Thank you Ty, I'll take her from here." Ellie's mom said.

When Ellie woke up the next morning she was sore all over. She started crying again as she remembered her trauma from the night before. Outside her door she heard her family. "Imma find whoever did this to her and Imma kill 'em!" Her older brother Tommy said. "You will do no such thing, do you want to end up in the dungeon's like your father. Or worse, they could have you killed." Her mother replied. "What are we supposed to do, just act like nothing happened! Nah I'm gon' do somethin' about this." Tommy responded, and Ellie heard a door slam.

Ellie opened the door and saw her mother in the kitchen praying her son's will stay safe and her daughter will heal. Tear's began falling down Ellie's face, she hugged her mom tight and said, "Everything's going to be okay."

Chapter 2 : The Alliance

After three days off, Ellie was ready to return to school.... To Be Continued

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Young Adult

About the Creator


Hello! I am a writer, poet, rapper, and musician trying to make it in this crazy world! If you like my poem's please leave a like and subscribe!

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    Dylan Written by Dylan

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