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A mission to change the past

By Donna Fox (HKB)Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by Paulo Silva on Unsplash

In America there are government agencies called the FBI and the CIA.

Unbeknownst to most people there is a Canadian equivalent called the CSIS. Within the CSIS there is an experimental form of security called the CSISTT, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service for Time Travel.

At the CSISTT there are people who study historical events and the repercussions of them.

Now that the CSISTT have begun to communicate with their American counter parts. They have begun trading secrets as part of this newly formed alliance. The most shocking secret that I have come to know is that the COVID-19 outbreak was not an accident, but a covert operation to deal with over population.

My heart sinks as I return to my desk, looking over the file that has been sitting there for several days. I find my mind is completely encapsulated in the case.

My CSISTT assignment is to go back to before the outbreak and find a significant human that died in the early days. Give them a vaccine that will protect and save them, then return to the present.

But I have other plans.

My life growing up wasn’t easy and the only factor I can think of that made it so hard was COVID.

I was 6 years old when the COVID-19 outbreak struck. Ripping the world of its freedoms, choices and even the ability for people to leave their homes.

My family at the time consisted of myself, mom, dad and my younger brother. Ryan was only 9 months younger than me, we were what some would call Irish twins. Within the first year of COVID shutting the world down my brother got sick. He got so sick that eventually he passed away, making me an only child and my parents heart broken.

Why is there no name for a person who has lost a child?

This tragedy broke my parents to the point of being unable to heal. Eventually causing their separation and divorce.

I would spend the rest of my childhood bouncing between mom and dads houses. Being used in some kind of game to show who was more fit to care for me and who could show me the most love. When all I really wanted was my brother back and for everything to go back to how it was.

That being said, I have now done more than just grow up. I’ve started a life of my own and have done everything in my power to get to where I am now. Putting myself in a position to not only bring my brother back but maybe stop COVID from ever happening.

I’m moments away from my launch into the past. My stomach flutters with nerves as I fix my sights on my upcoming mission, or at least the sabotage of the mission.

“Agent Ares, it’s time.” Cody, the portal operator’s assistant addressed me. “Collect your things and we’ll see you in a few minutes.” He stated, walking away immediately.

“Thanks.” I call after him, fighting a chuckle that tried to escape my lips.

Cody hasn’t been very fond of me lately, not since I started sleeping with his boss.

I mean sleeping with Amara has its own set of perks. Like being put on the traveler squad but getting under Cody’s skin is just a bonus. He’s always been a jerk and thought himself superior.

Side quest completed, I guess.

I made my way to the locker room. Finding my care package, I changed into the chosen attire and gathered the supplies I would need.

Then I join the cue of agents waiting for deployment and await my turn.

“Ready agent?” Amara asks as Cody collects my paperwork to bring to her.

“Yes Ma’am.” I reply with a nervous sigh, stepping forward into the field and awaiting to be transported.

Suddenly I am hit by a beam of warm light, something like sunlight but with more of a tingling sensation. My vision is flooded with with bright white light until I’m blinded and can see nothing else. A buzzing sound filled my ears to a near deafening level and then faded just as abruptly.

Then next thing I know, I find myself in down town Wuhan. My target is about to enter the street. My CSISTT mission is to follow him, approach him and give him the vaccine without his knowledge. Then I will proceed to the check point where I will be collected and brought back to the present.

This mission is expected to take no longer than an hour. If I were to go over that time it would be cause for concern and alarm. Agents would be sent to retreive me.

But as I have said prior, I have no plans too carry out this mission. I have a mission of my own and my chosen target is several blocks away, the Wuhan Disease Study Center.

In addition, I am for looking someone called Agent Balor. From his profile he is tall with brown hair, blue eyes and caucasian in ethnicity.

Which should help me find him, as he might stand out from the usual crowd here.

I wait several hours, staking out the disease centre. Monitoring everyone who goes in or out, until the doors are locked at the end of the day. I wait until night has fallen and severe more hours.

It’s mere minutes from the planned break in that I have decided to interrupt.

I’m starting to sweat as I know I’ve missed my check point and pick up time. I know agents will begin to pursuit me at any given moment. I only have a small window of time to complete my chosen mission.

Suddenly I see someone fitting the description of Agent Balor.

Unable to hold back my excitement, I stood up immediately. Almost giving away my position as I quickly whipped out my phone and pretended to be busy. Hoping I can still follow through with my plan.

Agent Balor disappears around to the back of the building. That’s my signal to pursue him and I take off after him, at a full out run.

From what I know about Agent Balor, it takes him less than 10 seconds to break into a very complicated safe. So a simple backdoor lock with no code will take less than a blink of an eye and I am already way behind. Rounding both corners, my suspicions are confirmed as I see the back door ajar.

But as I reach for the door, I suddenly feel hands on my shoulders and arms.

The next thing I know I am pinned to the pavement by three men much larger than myself. All of whom are dressed in official CSISTT suits.

“Agent Ares, you are under arrest for tampering with time. Failing to complete your assigned mission and intentionally missing your check point.” One of the men spoke as the other two were cuffing me and draging me to my feet.

Suddenly there was an unrelated noise as the backdoor and Agent Balor stood there. Vials in hand, he froze with a look of apprehension on his face.

“Agent Balor, continue with you mission.” The leader of the three men instructed.

Without another thought he gave a nod and ran into the night.

Before I knew it I was brought back to the present, charged and trialled for my crimes. Having failed my personal mission, the COVID-19 outbreak still occurred.

Short StorySci FiHistoricalFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Donna Fox (HKB)

Thank you for stopping by!! 💚💙💜🩵

If you are interested in longer works by me, I have two books published on Amazon.

Jogger's Trail and Fox in The Hole.

Reader insights

Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  5. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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Comments (9)

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  • JBaz2 months ago

    As everyone I was hoping his brother could be saved. But then I thought what butterfly effect would tha do? Nicely written and a great read.

  • L.C. Schäfer12 months ago

    But whyyyyy! Why did you go off piste??

  • Oh no, this was so sad. I thought they would have been able to prevent their brother dying and parents divorcing. Instead, they got convicted. Life doesn't always go the way we want it to, does it? Awesome story!

  • Caroline Cravenabout a year ago

    Great story - I didn’t think I would ever want to read a story about the covid 19 outbreak but you had me hooked! Great stuff!

  • Suzsi Mandevilleabout a year ago

    Grammer - That's my signal to Pursue him (not pursuit) and complete you assigned mission (your). This took me completely by surprise. I wanted it to be longer. Enthralling!

  • Great read!

  • Nikki Lynnabout a year ago

    Great story!! I felt this for sure! Thank you!!

  • Jessica Bandaabout a year ago

    Great story, very well thought out. Caught my attention and kept me engaged.

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  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    Great story Donna. Really well thought out.

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