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One Compliment

Be kind.

By anonanniePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
One Compliment
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

It was like any other day in my routine. The only difference was, I was feeling down on myself. But, it was that time of the week when I make my field trip to one of my favorite places in the whole world, the grocery store. My mask gripped tightly to my flushed cheeks and my head lay low as I made my way into the noise-filled jungle filled with people yelling numbers and the crinkle of plastic bags. To my right and left, I watch as people hurriedly go through their internal lists, playing around with the tip of a plastic bag until it finally opens, and no one making eye contact with each other unless they had to. Since I was in a very antisocial mood, I focused on my list. In and out, I tell myself.

When I finally made it to the front of the line, my heart leaped. I am so close to getting back to my car and into the comfortable cave that is my bed. What I did not expect, was what would happen next. "Hey there! How are you doing?" The cashier was an older gentleman, with ocean eyes and a fluffy gray beard to compliment his rosy face. He reminded me of my grandfather. I instantly felt his positive energy. I shyly replied, one arm clung to my shoulder and the other holding my cash. The cashier smiles with sincerity, with kindness in ones' eyes you don't usually come across. We talk back and forth, and with each sentence I find myself feeling better. I hand him my money and he says, "I just want to say that I think you're beautiful, in and out. I hope you have a great rest of your day. You sure made mine." My chest suddenly released. I didn't realize that I was holding my breath the whole day until that moment. I remember that by the time my foot stepped out of the store, I was in a good mood.

This exchange happened over two years ago. But it sticks into my mind for two reasons. The first reason was that I was in a very bad place at the time and felt very alone. Especially, when you sit in your misery because it can get comfortable. I can honestly say that the cashier that I spoke to for a total of a minute, lifted my spirits for the rest of the day, just by saying that nice thing he said. In fact, his positive mood inspired me and I thought about it the rest of the week. He snapped me out of my depressive cycle and reminded me that not only will I be ok, but that I wanted to be able to become another person in this world that can give off positivity to others. The second reason, is my realization of the impact our words can have, even on a stranger. There is no agenda, no selfish reason other than telling someone something kind. I only hope that any compliment I give to a stranger will make them feel good and even better their day.

I feel like whenever a stranger talks to us, (at least for me, and many people I know) we can be on the defense. I feel like a beautiful way to foster kindness is by going out of our way to go up to random people, and telling them something kind. "I love your hair!" "You have a great smile." "Thank you for your help. You are very kind and I appreciate you." I know many people, who don't feel comfortable saying things like this because it is deemed 'awkward' or 'not cool', but I believe that is nonsense. Imagine what a few words could do for someone, for the rest of their day, weeks, or even years after. You never know what someone is going through. We are all in this human experience, which can be filled with both wonderful and painful moments. One way to be there for each other, is to spread some kindness. Why not?

Short Story

About the Creator


Writing has been an escape for me. Thanks to whoever takes the time to read my stories! I appreciate it. I am learning a lot along the way through reading others' wonderful creative stories and learning a lot about myself through my own. <3

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