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Numinous: A Dragon's Tale of Immortality

Wishing on a Star - A Short Story

By H KaePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
"Numinous and Philena" (Freda Warrington’s Grail of the Summer Stars Cover)

The Serpentine’s Den was teeming with noxious flower dust. The raid just hours fore proved flawed, covered in the stench of failure, for the child was no where in sight. The dust had spread throughout the dimensions covering the Cloud Realm and the Realm of Faces. It was only the Underworld that was safe from inhalation of this toxic dust.

The four warring tribes of Tetmut scoured the lands to behold and capture Numinous, The Star Child. Conflagration plagued the Realms and the land was ravaged, now desolate, all in the name of a child. A Child of Immortality.

The Appearance

"The Serpentine's Den" (unknown photographer)

When Numinous was 3 years of age, she was discovered by Philena, The Light Dragon. Philena was churning the the clouds in the sky to create gusts of wind to antagonize Medruys, the Slanderous demigod. While creating clouds of smoke from her fiery bellows, she heard an aching cry from below. After moments, Philena recognized the sound and swiftly descended into the Watcher’s Forest. Numinous' crying was aching Philena because it was the sound she used to make when their mother would leave for stretches of time unforeseen.

"Numi," Philena cried out.

"Leeena!" Numinous responded.

"Numinous, my baby sister, come here!"

Numinous had been abandoned by their mother in The Watcher’s Forest and Philena couldn't believe her eyes. Philena scurried toward Numinous holding her in a maternal embrace. Just months ago, news had spread that, their mother, Altinnin The Love Dragon, had been restrained at the Council of Gods because she was attemping to use box magic on their father, Kinaan Lord of Magi. Kinaan was a but man of course and a man that could not resist that fiery passion that Altinnin engulfed him in the night he laid eyes on her.

Kinaan Lord of the Magi was enchanted by Altinnin's long wing-span and beautiful flashing white scales. But what was most captured his imagination was Altinnin's shapeshifting. She spawns from a long line of shapeshifting female dragons that are churned from the sky, able to transform into women -- with the right incantation.

And after an era of lovechildren in the form of Philena and Numinous, Kinaan had learned that she used box magic on him in order to make him go mad for her love, so he summoned her to the Council of Gods seeking justice.

Altinnin was known for her incanting abilities and the magic she used was much older than Kinaan himself. So she saw to it herself to attend the Council since she had been no stranger to this type of accusation.

The day Altinnin was to present herself in front of the Council of Gods, she instructed Numinous not to wander out of The Serpentine's Den until her return. She made sure to gaurd the Den with toxic flowers in order to protect Numinous from any intruders.

But after some time, Numinous' child-like curiousity for the stars emboldened her to leave. Without understanding why, she was mesmerized by the twinkling lights feeling a penchant for her starry home.

Numinous was unlike her sister Philena. Numinous was first brought to this world from the cosmos — she was a star that had fallen from the River of Milk - a fallen star of immortality. When a shapeshifting dragon and a magi have a child, there is only one way to create an immortal child -- an innocent light in the world -- the egg must be deposited in the sky and it will either burst into a star upon its birth and descend into the Realm of Faces or collapse into finitude.

The Disappearance

"The Five Fairies" (artist unknown)

For Numinous' safety, Philena knew that the Four Warring tribes would attempt her capture after hearing of Altinnin's departure and use this opporunity to sacrifice her for their only desire: immortality. They had never witnessed a star child, only rumors of one that had descended.

So Philena did the only thing she knew to do - she took her to the Watcher of The Forest. Philena placed Numinous on her nostrils and took flight to the Enchanted Tree.

The Watcher of the Forest had a deep bond with Altinnin since they are of the oldest creatures of Tetmut and so she knew that it was her duty to protect Numinous.

The Watcher compelled the Grand Fairy's Council and it was decided: every day, The Grand Fairy will pour from from the River of Milk into Numinous' nest so that she can be nourished and strengthened. The River of Milk combined with the Five Fairies - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether -activating this elixir through dance and chant in circumabulation causes Numinous to age rather quickly.

During this time, Numinous is enveloped in the Unseen Realm and that is where meets Ognam the Djinn. Djinn are made of smokeless fire with a fierce ability to cast magic, having been the original teachers of ancient Babylonian magic, they can also dimension jump and thus time travel.

Ognam is granted access to Numinous' nest to wonder and play and that's when they learn about each other. Ognam teaches Numinous dark magic and Numinous teaches Ognam about light magic. Numinous' advances quickly in the magic arts as fast as she is becoming a woman. After all, her father is the Lord of Magi.

This blossoming love between Ognam and Numinous deeply angered Elppa because she had taught Ognam everyting about magic, including how to read Rasmus the languge of the magic scrolls. Elppa's deep passionate love went unnoticed by Ognam ever since Numinous descended into their realm. And no one likes to be ignored, unless they're doing the ignoring.

The Conflagration

"The Desolation of The Four Warring Tribes" (artist unknown)

After months of consideration, The Council of Gods have annoucned their sentence:

Altinnin is to spend eternity in the Underworld.

Once the Four Warring Tribes catch wind of this declaration from the Council of Gods, they begin their search for Numinous. In order to be acquire immortality, whoever finds her must slay her, burn her and drink an elixir of her ashes and blood.

The Oracle of Tetmut announces that she has seen a vision of Numinous. Her Blue Eyes have seen it so it must be so.

The Blue-Eye Disease is given to those who have seen the truth when they weren’t supposed to, those who have peaked behind The Veil of the Unseen into the Realm of The Supreme God and as punishment they are blinded with Blue-Eye Disease. The Oracle of Tetmut attempted to administer a deal with the Council of Gods that she would do work to help people guided to the right path but due her blindness and the Gods' disdain with her,

she was cursed to sit for eternity in front of the most beautiful ocean sunset and never to witness it.

"The Blue-Eyed Oracle" (artist unknown)

The Four Warring Tribes had heard of the Oracle of Tetmut's peaking behind The Veil and knew that if anyone could locate Numinous, it would be her.

The Oracle saw a spliced visions of The Watcher of The Forest and The Serpentine's Den. The Four Tribes took off immediately.

With no luck at The Sepretine's Den, they began to savagely burn the land with the help of Elppa who informed them that she will be able to lure Numinous from the Unseen realm through a budding friendship she had been plotting from the moment Ognam laid eyes on Numinous.

Elppa convinced Numinous to join her a trip to the Underworld where she can visit her mother Altinnin and upon embarking on the voyage together, Elppa enveloped Numinous and dimesnion jumped to the Watcher's Forest where Numinous was captured by the Four Warring Tribes.

And burned.

Upon seeing this, a smile developed on Elppa's face as she left a trail a fire behind her, opened a slit and reentered the Unseen Realm.

The Ascent

"the burning of Numinous" (artist unknown)

Numinous' burning takes place, turning her into dust, a disintegration of innocence. The Four Warring Tribes begin to celebrate this demise, but suddenly they felt a powerful force overtaking them.

The impurity of their hearts and their lust for everlasting life caused their Infinite Sleep. Their inhalation of Numinous' Star Dust caused a powerful slumber those of which are put to a sleep from which they may never awaken. In some sense, they indeed have immortal life, yet are imprisoned in a state of sleep, in which they neither dream nor live. An endless void where they don’t age, don’t love, experience no pleasure, no pain, no life and not even the sweet escape of death.

As Philena watched in awe and adoration, Numinous' Star Dust floated beyond the Cloud Realm, into the swirling River of Milk, settling as a cluster of stars that coagulated into the constellation of Numinous the Star.

Numinous was raised to the status of a Goddess, to be worshipped, incanted and immortalized for all time.

"Numinous' Ascent" ('Persephone's Return' by Kinuko Y. Craft)

FantasyShort StoryFable

About the Creator

H Kae

storyteller. student of life. always wondering. never wandering.

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