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New Purpose

A story about finding a new purpose when all seems down

By Abraham BoulterPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The purple clouds dance on a canvas of sky

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. Their existence proved the life you still held in your hands. They say you never know when you die, for your existence will be virtually unchanged in this place. Yet, the magnificent purple clouds are the only sign of life versus death. I gazed up into the purple whimsical clouds every night for twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred thirty-seven nights. I still remember them vividly.

The clouds sprang to life at exactly midnight, every single night, without fail. The dark sky suddenly burst forth in color, and met the deep, rich purple clouds. The dancing clouds were such a rich purple that the only earthly thing I can compare them to is deep, royal purple silk or velvet. The sky, which had been nothing but darkness before, exploded with color bringing brilliant pinks and blues, painting a beautiful background for the dancing royal purple clouds, continuously putting on a show for the mere existence of the living. Their radiance fills you with warmth and peace, washing away the worries of the day. This shows a symbol of the life everyone gets, and that everyone should cherish while they have it before the purple fades away forever.

I have lost that now. I have seen many thousands of lifeless nights, enough for me to stop counting. I have given up feeling happy again. I am stuck here in this empty, lifeless shell of an existence waiting for something to change. Without them I feel cold as if nothing ever matters any more. Why should it? I hold on to that memory hoping to feel its joy through the memory of the purple clouds. Why do they punish the dead?


"Haha!" A voice, filled with life, laughs, "Mama,watch! Mama, watch me! Haha!"

What is that wonderful voice? I began to search. A flash of light catches my eye. Astonished of the light I see after all these centuries of darkness I chase after it, yearning for it.

Light! I need that light. The light is like that of the sky, rich purple and pink with dashes of a brilliant blue.

A girl? The light hovers over her. And suddenly I am aware that she has witnessed four hundred seventeen nights filled with light. I feel a pull toward her, toward the life she gives to me. Stepping toward her aura, I look, in awe, of the light I had not felt for centuries. I reach out my hand and touch the light. An explosion of color and life engulfs me as I see the girl`s eyes light up, a brilliant blue-green. The light spreads out to the area around the girl. The saturated colors vividly shine and bath me in their radiance.

Has she chosen me? Have I chosen her? Or has something special happened here? It doesn't matter to me. I think. I will do whatever it takes to protect the girl, for she is so full of beautiful, lovely life.

The girl ran over to her mother and I followed keeping watch. Always keeping watch.

She shares her midnights with me as she sleeps and I share my wisdom and knowledge of the world with her. I teach her that she should cherish the moments she has with the warmth, with the light, with the life. She listens to me. Maybe I soothe her, maybe she feels the same connection I feel. Either way, I am glad we have found each other. I have found purpose again. The clouds do not punish the dead, they show them to help and guide the living, to see the bright side during the darkness. For, together we see the purple clouds that come out to dance under the blushing sky.

Short StoryFantasy

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