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One chance to chance everything

By Hailey CahoonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read


There was nothing but ashes.

Neo swept her eyes across the horizon, and her heart ached for what once was. For a moment, she could see the city --it’s tall silver spires shining in the blinding light. For a couple seconds amidst the quiet of the valley, she could hear the sound of 5 o’clock traffic horns honking and people yelling in dismay. She blinked. The vision and its sounds faded leaving her with the sea of grey ash, and an eerie silence in its wake.

In anger, she brushed off the ash covering her arm like fresh fallen snow and watched as the greyish specks floated to join the rest. Who did they belong to? Someone’s brother? someone’s sister? Were they part of the city? Part of him? Her throat clogged up and her eyes burned. No, she couldn’t think of him. Not now. She had people waiting on her.

The sun's setting sun turned the ash into a silvery gold as she continued to trudge forward through it’s mounds. Her footprints disappeared with the wind’s slight gusts skirting along the grey molten surface. Her feet ached, her body ached, her soul ached, and all she wanted was home. Or what was now left of it.

Having skirted her way to the valley’s edge, Neo made her way to the cliff face. A blue dome fizzled around a primitive carved cave face keeping the ashes out of its depths. Neo reached into her pocket and pulled out a smooth blue stone. She touched it to the dome's surface causing the force field to ripple. Stepping through, She reached up to remove her mask from her face and wiped sweat from her brow as she continued down the tunnel. After weeks of traveling, she had finally made it to camp.

Turning around the corner, Neo was assaulted by the neon lights and the bustle of the marketplace. After traveling for so long in the wilderness, it was overwhelming. Her heart raced, and heat flushed her cheeks. She had to get away. Counting backwards she darted between displays as desperate merchants tired to barter. A man with a long scar on one side of his face stepped forward blocking her path, taking up the entire area with his hulking six feet and three hundred pounds of muscle. His eyes narrowed as he took in her ragged appearance. Missing nothing.

“Neo!” His gruff voice broadcasting above the noise. “ Get over here now, Girl!”

Almost instantly, the entire market froze in anticipation.

Feeling more than a thousand eyes on her, Neo took a deep breath attempting to stifle the pressure building in her chest, and counted her steps to where the man stood. Twenty-seven...Twenty-nine….forty-five...She looked up at his stern face and matched it with her own. But up close, a twinkle in his deep blue eyes gave him away.

“Come here,” He smiled, opening his giant arms in welcome.

Neo felt her own face crack into a smile as she collapsed into his arms. Almost instantly, the pressure in her chest vanished as he hugged her so tight she feared her ribs would crack.

“You were gone too long, kiddo” His chest rumbled against her cheek.

“Rav-” Neo started

“Did you find anything good?” Rav asked as he continued to squeeze the breath out of her chest.

“Rav!” Neo repeated louder.

He paused to look her in the eyes. “Ya, kid?”

“Put me down.”

His smile grew, “ Only if you promise you won’t disappear.”

Neo opened her mouth to protest.

“I have something to show ya.” All the fight went out of her, she just didn’t have the energy to fight him this time.

“Fine.’ Neo consented.” But as soon as we are finished I am-”

“Perfect,” He placed her back on her feet.

She faltered for a moment as the weight of her backpack pulled her off center.

Rav opened the door to his store and Neo followed him through a side door which led into the sector behind the store fronts


Nothing felt better than taking off her protective suit and being able to feel the filtered air on her arms. Neo sat on the edge of the stool at Rav’s kitchen counter, and watched as he worked away at making her something to eat.

He placed a big bowl of something that looked similar to spaghetti in a bowl in front of her.

“Eat up. Nick and his bunch of hooligans will be here in five minutes. Then we can get down to business.”

She nodded, and began to inhale the first real food she had eaten in weeks.

“ How far did you go?”

“Chicago.” Neo answered between bites.

Rav nodded. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then he straightened and went back to the kitchen.

Neo narrowed her eyes at his odd behavior, and turned her thoughts to the items in her pack.

The supplies she found should help the sector last and be able to trade for a few more weeks. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Rav came back into the room and placed a small box onto the table in front of her.

“Listen, kid” Rav said, his voice more grave than solemn. “ You need to see this before Nick does.”

“What is it?” Neo asked, pushing her empty bowl to the side.

“You’ll see once you open it.”

Neo leaned over the box tucking her blond hair behind her ear and out the way.

Her fingers trembled from exhaustion, and the nerves that had seemed to grow from Rav’s behavior. The last time he had acted this way was the day of the fall.

Neo lifted the lid of the box and her entire being froze. Her eyes filled with tears.

‘H-How did you- How did you find this?” Neo stuttered. Her fingers brushed the edge of the silver chain and the design of the locket. Her heart living and dying at the same time.

“There was a trader who had this on him, this morning.” Rav replied. His eyes suspiciously looked filled with unshed tears.

“This means we can fix it right?” Neo didn’t dare to hope.” We can stop the fall.”

“Aye, Kid.” Rav said. “ There's a chance he was right after all.”

“Who was right?'' A voice said.

Neo turned to see Nick and his group of followers enter through the door.

“Felix,” Neo's voice came out a little shaky.” Rav finally found it, Nick.”

“What?” Nick replied, stepping closer.

Once he was close enough to see the necklace, he froze. Just like Neo had, he traced the two intertwined hearts carved into the locket's surface.

“Neo,“ Nick shook his head. “Felix’s idea was desperate. There is no way of telling if it would actually work.”

“I know.” Neo solemnly said. Her mind imagining Felix’s smile, and his laugh. “But how can I not try?”

How could she not try to stop the fall from happening?

“Are you sure?” Nick’s voice pierced her thoughts.

“I’m sure.” Neo replied.

“Alright, Let’s see if we can make it happen.”

“Do you think we can get approval from the council?”

“Forget the council,” Rav said, holding up another blue stone. “ I have access.”


Just like that Neo found herself sneaking in Felix’s old laboratory. It was at the back of the secoters, near the council’s estates, but it was locked down. Perhaps, out of regret for not listening to his warnings. Or because they thought his ideas were dangerous and would bring about another fall. Whatever the reason, Neo was surprised that they didn’t destroy it out right, but right now she was thankful.

Rav led the way into the lab pressing the stone to the access panels.

The last door finally slid open, and they made their way inside.

“ What if this doesn’t work?” One of Nick’s followers asked.

“We will deal with that once we get there.” Nick replied.

There in the middle of memories and dust-worn papers was Felix’s life work.

All of sudden, Alarms began to blare, and red lights began to flash.

“Go!” Rav shouted.

Neo rushed towards the table, and brushed the tablet off. Under a layer of dust was a key hole the shape of the heart locket. Wrenching the necklace of her neck, Neo scrambled to get it into place. Shouts of distress and alarm sounded from both Rav and Nick, but she kept working typing in the calculations into the side of the box.

“Neo!” Rav shouted in alarm.

She looked up to see a soldier pointing a gun in her direction, and his finger began to press the trigger. She pressed the locket into the hole; It lit up a bright blue. Then everything went black.



Somewhere someone was saying her name.


Felix? No, that couldn’t be true. He was dead.

“Open your eyes, love. You have made it. “


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    HCWritten by Hailey Cahoon

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