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Nazca Lines Mystery


By Hari PrasathPublished about a year ago 3 min read
 Nazca Lines Mystery
Photo by JP Desvigne on Unsplash

The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert of southern Peru. The lines were created by removing the reddish-brown iron oxide-coated pebbles that cover the surface of the Nazca desert and revealing the light-colored earth underneath. The lines form various shapes, including geometric patterns, animal figures, and human-like figures. The largest figure is over 1,200 feet long.

The Nazca Lines were created between 500 BCE and 500 CE by the Nazca culture, a pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the area. The purpose and meaning of the lines remain a mystery, although there have been many theories and speculations over the years.

One theory is that the lines were used for astronomical purposes. Some of the lines appear to be aligned with astronomical events, such as the winter solstice and the movement of the stars. However, this theory has been widely discredited, as there is little evidence to support it.

Another theory is that the lines were used for religious or spiritual purposes. Some of the figures, such as the hummingbird and the monkey, are associated with Nazca mythology. The Nazca culture is also known for its elaborate pottery and textiles, which often depict animals and other natural motifs.

Perhaps the most popular theory about the Nazca Lines is that they were created as a form of communication with extraterrestrial beings. This theory was popularized in the 1960s by Swiss author Erich von Daniken, who wrote the book "Chariots of the Gods?" In the book, von Daniken argues that the Nazca Lines were created by ancient astronauts who visited Earth in the distant past.

While this theory has been widely discredited by archaeologists and scientists, it has remained popular in popular culture. The lines have been featured in numerous books, films, and television shows, and have even inspired the creation of Nazca Lines-themed amusement parks.

Despite the many theories and speculations, the true purpose and meaning of the Nazca Lines remain a mystery. However, recent archaeological discoveries have shed new light on the Nazca culture and its relationship to the lines.

In 2018, researchers announced the discovery of a new geoglyph near the Nazca Lines. The new figure, which is over 100 feet long, appears to depict a cat. The discovery was made using drone technology, which has allowed researchers to study the lines in greater detail than ever before.

The discovery of the cat geoglyph has led some researchers to speculate that the Nazca Lines were created as a form of artistic expression. The Nazca culture is known for its intricate pottery and textiles, and it is possible that the lines were created as a way of expressing their artistic and creative abilities.

Another recent discovery has shed new light on the Nazca culture and its relationship to the environment. In 2019, researchers announced the discovery of a network of underground aqueducts that were built by the Nazca culture. The aqueducts, which are over 1,500 years old, were used to bring water from the mountains to the arid Nazca desert.

The discovery of the aqueducts has led some researchers to speculate that the Nazca culture was much more sophisticated than previously thought. The aqueducts are evidence of the Nazca culture's ability to engineer and construct complex systems, and suggest that they had a deep understanding of the natural environment.

Overall, the Nazca Lines remain one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. While the true purpose and meaning of the lines may never be known, new discoveries and advancements in technology are allowing researchers to study the lines in greater detail than ever before. These discoveries may one day shed new light on the Nazca culture and their remarkable achievement in creating these incredible


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    HPWritten by Hari Prasath

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