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Myth Island

A legendary place, adventure awaits.

By Chelsea DeWolfPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 11 min read
Photo by Jack Anstey on Unsplash


Jack can’t believe he is having this dream, if it can even be called that. It taunts him annually, more like a wretched nightmare.

Darkness, like the weight of the world, invades his mind. There is no escape.

Clickety clack clickety clack, the wheels get louder until the end at which point there is a horrible crash.


It’s finally summer break, June 20th to be exact! In the bright sunlight Anna imagines Myth Island. Her brown eyes stare intently out the window, long brown hair drapes in front of her lightly freckled face. The sun warms her as she rests on the sofa. Roscoe, her chocolate lab, barks at the door.

“Come on boy! You wanna walk? You wanna walk?” Anna playfully waves his leash.

Roscoe jumps up and down sleek fur glistens, his nails scritch scratch as they hit the floor.

”Ruff, Ruff, pant, pant,” Roscoe definitely shows interest. His tail flaps rapidly against the floor. Thunk thunk thunk.

At the beach she lazily tosses sticks for Roscoe to fetch. Sand sprays everywhere. While she awaits his return, her mind wanders.

Fabled for as long as she could remember, Anna recalls parts of the stories told. “Myth Island is a different realm full of magic where you can create any of your hopes and dreams for 48 hours, meeting any creature or friend you can design or imagine. With a promise of magical protection while under the age of fifteen.

Being thirteen, time is running out. The only day one could enter is June 20th as it coincides with the beginning of summer. The official name being Fabulosus Viginte meaning The Legendary Twenty but is known abroad as Fabveinte.

How do I enter?

People don’t share how and I guess they have their reasons.

Her parents wouldn't divulge any information as to how she might gain access. She often tried to find out how to get there, but always came up short, not even a Google search would give an indicator.

Didn’t they realize her self worth is riding on making it there?

She lives a good life here in Victoria, BC. Living just off Cadboro Bay. She is the first house you see when you leave Gyro Park toward the University of Victoria. Even with all the fun she has to enjoy here… she needs more.

All of her best friends had been lucky enough to go, and to make things worse, her little sister Kate went last year!

Grrr, the unfathomable! How on earth could this be? Why is everyone so selfish about this information?

A very wet slobbery stick pulls her back to reality. Okay boy, let's go home.

That night, she sits in her bed coloring, hoping that if she stays up all night she’ll figure out the puzzle of accessing the Island. With nerve-citement the grandfather clock strikes 11:00pm, the melodic tune plays ding, ding, ding, she is determined and definitely up for the challenge.

Tonight is the night. If I pull this off, I will enter a place of legends.

Toot Toot!

Anna jolts upright, to the sound of a horn.

Where is that loud sound coming from?

How did I fall asleep? My chances are completely ruined. I’ll never make it to Myth.

There is rattling underfoot, her room feels shaky.

Is this an earthquake?

Stretching her arms out after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, she bumps against something that shouldn’t be there.

Where did that wall come from?

She doesn’t understand why or how she got here, but she feels the time for action is now!

She slides her hand into her pocket and finds a flashlight. Ker-klick, light flits about as it shines in the dark space.

Where am I? Am I in a sleeper car? Is this a train!?

With all the stories she’d heard, nobody mentioned waking up on a train to access Myth Island.

What is that smell?

A deep, rich, leathery scent fills the air.

Alright Anna, pull yourself together. Where can I find the light switch?

Ahh, there it is.

Fwip, light fills the room.

Blinded by the brightness, flashes and specks intermix with a bit of aura. Her eyes adjust.

Wow, royal blue draperies, chocolate colored wood, and latches in silver tones.

Running her hand across the bedding, her fingers caress the smooth fabric.

Is this silk? So fancy shmancy, this must be what wealth is like.

This place feels so impressive, yet so unnerving.

Chuff chuff chuff.

She expects to hear a pause like chuff chuff pause. There is no break, this thing is moving!

Chuff chuff chuff chuff.

Why am I on a train, and why does it feel like I'm rocketing into next year?

Opening the door, she glides into the hall, Anna heaves a sigh of relief that the train is well lit. These dark wood panels, so elegant and timeless, remind her of eras with great celebration, but the halls are empty. Walking toward an ornately framed door she knocks. Hearing a scramble and thump, moments later the latch opens quietly. A boy with utter confusion upon his face appears.

“Uhhh, how did you get in my dream?” he asks.

“Your dream? Who are you?” Anna remarks.

“Umm hello, I’m Jack Slade,” he says while shaking hands.

“Hi, I’m Anna, my last name is Cordello.”

“Where are you from?” Jack tousles his flowing blonde hair, his nervous blue eyes dart around while asking.

“I’m from Canada, I just woke up and now I’m here. I’m so confused,” she says. “Do you know why you're on this train? “

“I’m not sure why I’m here, I have had this sleeper train nightmare every year on Fabveinte. I’d love to adventure to Myth, but I’m so done with this train nightmare.”

“That’s so cool, you were hoping for the fabled Island too! Is this coincidence or fate? Jack, do you have a ticket?” She asks.

“No, do you?”

“I haven’t found anything in my pockets, so I must not have a ticket either.” Her words drip with concern. “Do you think we need a ticket?”

“Most trains expect a ticket, so we could be in for trouble. In my dream nobody ever asks for my ticket while in the sleeper car.”

“We need answers,” she adds, “Let’s search this train for clues.”

“I guess so,” His voice taut. “I wish I was safe at home, maybe I'm not cut out for this after all.”

Adrenaline pulses through her veins, Anna insists that they proceed toward the front of the train.

The train is mysteriously quiet now, excluding the sounds of rapidly whirring wheels and pistons.

“Is it strange to you that there are no other guests aboard this train car?” Jack whispers.

“Sort of,” Anna says, “but nothing here seems like what I’m accustomed to.”

“It is getting so hot in here,” Anna complains, brushing sweat off her brow.

As they near the boiler room, they arrive at the Engineer’s door. After several knocks with no response, Anna pulls the door open.

Jack's mouth opens and closes mechanically as no words would come out.

“You mean nobody is driving this lightning locomotive!?” Anna exclaims.

“I can’t d-d-do this,” Jack stutters. He crumples to the floor. “Why aren’t I at home? Maybe you should have left me.”

“Jack, this is stranger than anything I could have imagined. What options do we have?”

“We can always go back to our own sleeper cars and pretend this never happened.”

“Jack, look!”

On the train operator’s seat a wax sealed parchment envelope comes into view.

“It’s addressed to us!” she says with elation.

Anna zealously rips the letter open.

She reads aloud.

Dear Anna and Jack,

Welcome aboard the Inter-Express,

I wish you every single success.

Time is limited it will fly,

Don’t let this chance pass you by.

Distractions await,

Don’t be late.

Search for a clue near the fountain,

Before you smash into the mountain!

One riddle lies in wait,

Think quickly, don’t hesitate.


The Inter-Express is the entry from your dreams into the realm of Myth Island.

Many board this train, not all achieve their goal.

Jack starts to completely lose his cool, he is groaning in between gibberish, while thrashing on the floor.

“Why am I here? I hate this dream! can’t I just be home? Seriously, I’m a good person. What did I do to deserve this? I could be playing video games in the comfort of my room.

“Jack, do you realize what is at stake? This is one of, if not my only chance to reach the Island. I’m sorry you're not safe at home, I’ve never been closer to my goal. I might have to go without you.“ Anna huffed, sounding harsher than she intended.

Boom, clang, rattle, the wheels are screeching under the sheer force of speed. They exchange glances.

“Come on, Jack, let’s find that riddle,”

“I’ll try,” says Jack between heavy breathing.

They race between train cars, her hair in her face, Anna grumbles inwardly about how short her legs are. Jack wrenches open the next train car, to reveal racks of luggage running down each side of the train car. There are torn, tattered leather bags, including luxurious vibrant teals, blues, reds, and pinks.

The bags are completely full of journals with names in black and gold, appearing as if in chronological order. They find numerous names including their own parents’ names in journals from years past. The date is always a new year on Fabveinte. Upon further inspection Jack finds his name the first three times his name appears in black ink, and then Anna’s written in gold on a journal with the current date.

After losing so much time looking at the journals, Jack tries to pull Anna along quickly to another room. He tugs on Anna’s hand to keep her going.

“I’m not sure I’m going to make it. My legs are in agony,” she exclaims.

“If I have to, I will carry you,” Jack says.

“Why are you so gung ho to do this now?”

“You have momentarily snapped my anxiety, so let’s keep running until we collapse. I know I'm not brave enough to do this on my own.”

The dining car bursts at the seams with food. Delicacies and delights of every kind and, of course, less desirables.

“Is this a trick?” Jack asks.

“There is so much food,” they exclaim.

Jack can see that Anna can barely catch her breath from all the running. She is massaging her legs and stretching.

“Have you ever seen anything like this amount of food?” He asks.

“Only in movies,” Anna remarks. “I have to pull myself together Jack, or I won’t be able to participate in the next part of this. Tell me if you see anything useful while I get some air,” she says between gasps.

“This room smells amazing! If we didn't have to hurry I would just munch here all day,” he says.

Looking around the burdened tables and spotting the chocolate fountains, there appears to be a familiar envelope. He heads toward the table.

“I think I found something!” Jack shouts.

Lunging for the letter addressed to them, he swiftly opens it and reads aloud.

Dear Jack and Anna,

There is a food full of sensation,

Eat the foods, find your transportation.

Not the first choice of any child,

This can be grown domestic or wild.

Choose wisely to get there soon,

This train will hit the mountain, vroom!

Jack looks out the window and the train climbs vast mountainscapes rapidly.

“This train is moving at an absolutely terrifying speed,” He says, starting to tremble.

“I’m quite certain I haven't traveled this fast before,” Anna agrees.

Anna picks herself up from off the floor and grabs his trembling hand, he relaxes his muscles, she doesn’t show concern on her face.

“How are you so confident?” Jack exclaims.

“All I’ve ever wanted was to prove I’m capable of reaching the Island, so I know I can do this,” she says.

They run to the smorgasbord at the numerous tables, and proceed to shovel back mouthfuls. Aware that the train will soon be colliding into the mountain face.

“How can we stop the inevitable crash?” Jack questions aloud, “Will we make it?”

“We better, cause I haven’t made it to Myth yet .” she says.

Mountains of doughnuts, fountains of chocolate fondue, piles of fruit galore, buckets of candy.

“What is something most children wouldn't pick first?” Anna questions, scanning the tables intensely.

“I'm sure kids would pick candy first,” Jack replies. “Meatloaf or tuna casserole?”

They look at the quiche and fancy morsels, taking bits and pieces of almost everything in reach.

“Quiche can’t grow domestic or wild,” Jack voices his thoughts.

"Hmm, it needs to be something that grows.” Anna agrees.

They run to the fruit and vegetable platters, strawberries, peas, carrots, corn, kiwi, cauliflower, broccoli, raspberries, asparagus, and more.

Grabbing a platter each, they run towards the window while munching vigorously. Anna loses her footing and the fruit platter explodes all over the train car. It’s like a raining fruit piñata.

Jack is so stunned, he keeps a laugh to himself, as he doesn’t even know what to say. He realizes the urgency of the situation!

They try to save two of each of the fruits that didn’t hit the floor. Most of the raspberries are pulverized.

What could it be?

“Let’s do this as a team,” Jack says.

Peas? Nope.

Squashed strawberries, nope.

“I’m not sure what we are looking for, but I am feeling no hint of anything from what we are eating,” he says.

“Right, I wonder what it will feel like?” Anna says.

Carrots? Nope.

Corn, nothing.

Broccoli, not even close.

Taking gooey raspberry bits that are pretty much jam, Anna frowns in despair. Absolutely nothing.

They are so sticky at this point. Their doom awaits. How many more mouthfuls will it take?

Grabbing an asparagus spear, they shove them into their mouths.

Sensing time is short, they look out the window just in time to see the front of the train collide with the mountain. Screech! Slam! Crash! Bang! As they float in the air from the impact, an overwhelming sensation of safety, warmth, and peace encompasses them. Opening their eyes they see that they are alive and well at the dazzling iron gates of the one and only Myth Island.

“We made it! We survived!” Their joyful jubilation fills the air, they look around and see about 18 other children.

They look at each other, all signs of the fruit fiasco are gone.

“This place really is magic,”. Jack says in awe.

“Jack, remember when we didn’t think we would make it here?” Anna says.

“Anna, if you hadn’t found me, I likely would have stayed in my sleeper car, unaware that I would be hitting a mountain, just like the last three years. I’m so happy we were train buddies.” Jack says graciously.

“Jack, I’m so glad that we met. I know I couldn’t have run fast enough across the train without you tugging me along. Thanks for being so kind, I’m sorry I was rude at the engineer’s compartment,” Anna says solemnly.

It only took almost missing Myth to realize I’m worth enough no matter what and Jack is worth that too.

“You're not the first person, and you won’t be the last to lose their temper on me for my antics and theatrics,” Jack nervously chuckles

They approach the gates. A being who appears to be the gatekeeper speaks.

“Welcome to Myth Island!”

Thanks so much for reading, this was such a delight to create. I hope it inspires youthful joy and trepidation. If you like what you read, please subscribe or give some love. Sincerely, Chelsea.


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