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My supernatural power

A new supernatural power

By Nithin johnPublished about a year ago 2 min read

In a world where technology has advanced to the point of being able to control and manipulate the elements, a new supernatural power has emerged. It is called "Echoing."

Echoing is the ability to manipulate sound waves and create powerful sound blasts that can destroy anything in its path. Those who possess this power can create shockwaves, sonic booms, and even manipulate sound to create illusions. It is a highly sought-after power, as it can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes.

The first recorded instance of Echoing was in a young girl named Ava. She was born with the power and quickly became the center of attention. People from all over the world came to see her demonstration of her abilities, and she was soon recruited by the military to use her powers for their own gain.

Ava was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed to join the military. She was trained to use her powers in combat and soon became a valuable asset. With her powers, the military was able to win battles that they previously would have lost. The enemy was no match for Ava's sound blasts, and she quickly became known as the "Sonic Warrior."

As Ava's fame grew, more and more people started to develop Echoing abilities. Some were born with it, while others acquired it through exposure to high levels of sound. The military started to recruit these individuals, and soon Echoing became the dominant power in the world.

The use of Echoing caused widespread destruction and chaos. Entire cities were destroyed, and the sound waves created by the Echoing abilities caused widespread damage to the environment. The world was plunged into darkness, and many people began to fear the powers of Echoing.

However, there were a few individuals who used their powers for good. They were known as the "Echoing Knights." They traveled the world, using their powers to protect those in need and bring peace to the world. The Echoing Knights were made up of individuals from all walks of life, but they all had one thing in common: they believed that the powers of Echoing could be used for good.

One day, a young girl named Lily discovered that she had the power of Echoing. She was afraid of her powers and tried to hide them, but eventually, she was discovered by the Echoing Knights. They took her under their wing and taught her how to use her powers for good.

Lily quickly became a valuable member of the Echoing Knights. Her powers were different from any they had seen before. She had the ability to manipulate sound waves in a way that no one else could. With her powers, she was able to defeat the greatest enemies of the Echoing Knights and bring peace to the world.

Lily's powers inspired others to join the Echoing Knights, and the organization grew. They continued to use their powers for good, and soon the world was at peace once again. The Echoing Knights became legends, and their stories were passed down from generation to generation.

In the end, the powers of Echoing were no longer feared, but revered. The world was a better place because of them, and they will always be remembered as a symbol of hope and peace. Echoing became a symbol of the power of good, and the world was forever changed because of it.

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  • Jay Vabout a year ago

    Anyone interested in romcom or love fiction..... this is worth a try

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