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My Sunshine

High school student Mariah Jones finds nots in her locker. What happens when she finds out who is sneaking them in

By crativekikiPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
My Sunshine
Photo by Galina N on Unsplash

-ding dong- -dong ding-

the school bell rings as class ends. I walk towards my locker to get my cheerleading materials. I put in my locker combination..


I can feel the gaze of students passing by as they watch me open my locker. confused, I slowly open my locker to a bouquet of marigold flowers with a note that read

"Hello. My sunshine <3."

I look around as people are staring and whispering.

"who put this in my locker?" I ask looking around.

Everyone stares at me as I continued to search for an answer.

"Answer me! who put this in my lock-"


My locker closes shut as Mahogoney closes it. Mahogoney is the biggest jerk in school.

"tch. you think your special? Yeah right! People confess to me everyday! Your just an ordinary FREAK like everyone else here." she sneered.

everyone laughs at her remark as I walk away with my head down. She always bullies me and anyone who she thinks is stealing attention from her. One of these days im going to show her.


While in the gym waiting for our cheer coach, I remember, I forgot my pom-poms.


"uhm.. Mellisa?" I tap my cheer mates shoulder. "I forgot my pom-poms. Can you cover for me if the coach comes in? Ill be back in a flash!"

"Of course girl! I got you! Now hurry up girl. RUUUUNN!

I speed 0ut the gym and down the halls towards my locker. Out of breath, I lean on the locker next to mine with my head down to take a breather. I then look up to see that my locker is slightly open.

'what? Wasn't my locker closed? Who opened it? Im the only one who knows my code.. But the lock isn't broke... is it?' I think to myself.

A bit shook, I open it all the way to see that more stuff was placed in it. As I look around, I see a tall dark figure across the hallway in the shadows. I was only able to catch a glimpse of their tall slender body when they took off running.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" I yelled in frustration.

I look back and noticed there was even more flowers and letters from before. I grabbed the flowers and slammed them on the floor. As I unfold one of the letters, two small pieces of a picture falls out of it. I bend down to grab the pieces when I hear footsteps from down the hall.

"What do you want from me!?" I shout as I stand up and tuck the pieces in my shirt. "Who are you!?"

I grab an old banana hanging out of the side of my bookbag. "I GOT A WEAPON!!!! Stay away!"

Mellisa than turns the corner with a worried look on her face. "Its me girl.. its Mellisa! are you doing okay? i heard you screaming. just wanted to check up on you."

"Oh my gosh! Melissa! haha! yeah im fine thanks for checking up on me!"

unaware of what's going on, Mellisa stares at me as if I got nails growing out of my forehead. "girl... You know that's a banana right?"

I look down at the banana that I was holding as if it was a weapon. "oh.. yeah I just though-"

Just then I saw that same figure from earlier run across the hall from one corner to another.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS, THIS IS A HARD LOCKDOWN! I REPEAT THIS IS A HARD LOCKDOWN." Says the principle through the loud speaker. Overwhelmed with everything, I start feeling dizzy. I try to keep my balance till everything goes black.-


As I open my eyes, I notice that I am somewhere dark and clustered. I struggle to stand and when I did I found three holes filled with light.

'Am I in my locker?' I wondered. I reached for my backpack and found what was left of my phone on the side pocket. My heart starts to race and my hands start to shake.

"HELP!" I cried "HELP! PLEASE" I begged and pleaded. I start banging on the door, but nobody would help. I looked through the small holes on the door just to see not a soul in sight.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks as i continue to beg and plead.

"SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE! MELISSA?! I CAN'T BREATH!!" sobbing I slide my body down against the wall as I feel something under me. I check to see what it was. It was a flashlight and once again another note.

I turn on the flashlight and hold it with my teeth, as I start to unfold the note. As I read it, I hear someone messing with my combination lock. as i stand, the door slams open, leaving me face to face with the dark mysterious figure.

To Be Continued..

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    crativekikiWritten by crativekiki

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