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My Myths: 1


By The Witty WriterPublished 2 years ago 14 min read

Hi! Readers, you must be thinking what am I doing here then let me tell you I am here to tell you my story about fear, so let's begin.

We were six friends, namely Jane Austen, Sana Bell, Alieana Khan, Kiara Ward, Ashley Bell and Ishu,(yeah that's me) came to the car rental shop.

Sana: Hello, how much for renting a seven seater car for three days?

Shopkeeper: Ma'am, it's three thousand bucks.

We split the bill and paid the money. Then, we selected a grayish black car and put all the luggages on it's roof.

Sana was a tacky and sassy (lively, bold, and full of spirit) businesswoman, she had a rough tongue but a kind heart, (and yeah I remember) she always wore black chic sunglasses.

Jane: I'll drive.

Jane was also a kind hearted woman, but she was a (damn) cigarette addict person.

Ashley: Lemme sit in the back.

Jane: Just be sure to move your head, giraffe.

Ashley was a soft hearted, not brave and (a quiet) emotional person.

Ishu: Oh, the playlist will be mine! Understand, rookies?

(I shouldn't complain myself but tho!) I was a brave woman and eloped with my boyfriend, (you can understand that) I never made wise decisions.

Kiara: All set? Are we loaded guys?

Kiara was an entrepreneur (a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.), who had business with drug dealers once. She was a spoiled woman, but only we knew how good she was from inside.

Alieana: Hai Allah, for God's sake be calm! Don't rush!

Alieana was a divorced woman, a very kind and religious person.

As we reached the forest, we had to park the car near our hiking route, then we took our hiking backpacks and headed into the forest.

We started the car, and we drove to our desired location. The forest, Nisrill forest, which was an isolated and dangerous forest, and haunted too.

We were camping in the forest. It was not a good idea for a camping spot, but nor was it forbidden from the government.

We drove to the forest, with loud music, cans of beer, sitting and dancing, and a lot of amused chatter and laughter filled the environment.

It was afternoon.

While Jane lit another cigarette, Kiara said.

Kiara: Hey! Do you idiots even know the way to the forest?

Sana: Obviously, you kira.

Kiara: Hey! Don't call me kira. I am Kiara!

And we laughed loudly! (Most of the time we used to make fun of Kiara's name, and thus! She would get pissed off.)

The forest was dark inside, with few light entering into the forest. It was nearly dense, and isolated. There were no harmful animals in there,

except for birds and bats (maybe some other animals, who knows). It had tall thin trees all over. And the path was narrow, grassy, and crooked. We found it hard to walk. But ultimately, we found a suitable spot.

Tho, It was an empty spot, as if the spot was meant for camping. We hurriedly unpacked our bags and put on a campfire in the middle, we pulled some logs to sit on. Then we had to put up 2 tents, each for three people to sleep in (It wasn't that easy to put up a tent, even it looks easy in videos). We got tired (most y) and sat on the logs.

Jane: Huh! What a tiresome day!

Ishu: Oh yes! I am really tired, and hungry!

Ashley: Guys! No time to rest. We should go search for some food in the forest before it gets dark!

Sana: Noo! I wanna rest!

Ashley: Get up! Or else stay hungry for the rest of the night.

It was a calming and memorable moment. Everyone of us laughed and chatted while munching on our mushrooms and taking bites of the ramen

and stew. We were so happy together. After eating, we sat back to chat again.

Ishu: I am a happy woman now, with my boyfriend. My parents still don't approve our relationship, but that's OK

It was dusk so we had to collect more wood for fuel, and sticks to roast. Alieana made a bigger bonfire. Sana unpacked canned food, such as cup noodles, fried rice, and chicken stew. She handed each to everyone.

Jane(while smoking) : Ah! I am hungry!

Each of us sat on the logs near the fire, put the mushrooms on sticks, and hold them out in the fire to get perfectly roasted, to each with the

canned foods.

While we sat in the open air, we could see nothing far away, because the forest was all dark, we could only see our spot, a few stars

in the sky, the moon, bats flying and the top of the trees. All we could hear was the crackling sound of the mushrooms in fire, crickets buzzing, owls hooting, the hush sound of dry leaves rolling on the ground from the light breeze. All of us sat quietly and relaxed, hearing all of these sounds; while one could smell the smoky smell of roasted mushrooms.

Jane: Kiara, your mushroom is roasted, pick it up from the fire.

Kiara picked it up, and she took a bite. Others did the same.

Ishu: Wow!! Mmm. It tastes so good!

Alieana: It tastes wonderful!

Sana: I could almost taste the rich smoky and earthy flavor of the shitake!

All of us went deep into the forest to hunt for food, then we returned back to our spot, with baskets full of mushrooms! Those weren't poisonous mushrooms, but delicious button mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, black fungus and clamshell mushrooms!

Kiara: Now our dinner would taste marvelous!

Jane: Hmm. I have been having depression lately, but I am okay now. I guess life is hard

Kiara: You are so true. I also had a downfall at my business, and the drugs thing was a nightmare. But I have learned to cope with things.

Sana: My relatives don't like me because of my tongue. But I still don't care. I guess one cannot keep everyone happy.

Ashley: Yeah. I try hard to be brave. But I guess I just get super scared of things. Like right now, from the dark!

Alieana: I also have many ups and downs. My father doesn't accept me because I am divorced, but I can't help. The marriage didn't work out. But I know how to cope with my problems, that's why I have very few of them. But right now, my biggest problem is this locked jacket.

Ishu: Why did you even wear them? You should have worn jeans for camping. That dress of yours looks quite uncomfortable.

Aliana: Wanna wear?

And the others started laughing and chatting. Hours passed by. We were now singing and laughing. It was drawing late at night. When suddenly Sana felt something, so she left. She was walking perfectly fine. She had a small belt pouch with her. She took out her folded jacket, as she was feeling cold. She saw a caterpillar in her way, and stamped it. It made her feel that she was not afraid of anything, though from the heart she knew how scared she was to walk all alone. She was walking and walking. Suddenly she saw a figure, it was lying on the ground. At first she got frightened, but after she came closer, she saw it was me. I was lying unconsciously. She tried her best to wake me up. But in vain, suddenly she felt something, as if someone had touched her leg. She immediately got up. She shouted "Is anyone trying to prank me? If you do, I swear I will cut your neck! How dare you idiots? How dare you prank me, you filthy dogs!".

There was a sound, as if someone responded to her, but in an unknown language. She was hella scared! As she screamed another bad word to the spirit, it pulled Sana by her leg! She was crying! And she didn't want to be separated from her friend. The spirit dragged her to a black tree, and threw her there. Sana could see a black figure in front of her. The black figure was holding a photo of the six friends. It tore the picture apart,

and a heavy branch fell on Sana. She screamed, "Noooo! ". As she could not bear it, she fainted.

Ashley was walking slowly into the forest with her torch, her heart was beating fast and loudly as if it was going to come out of her rib cage, and then she was tiptoeing, being careful not to wake the forest creatures up. Her hands were sweating and trembling, and she thought how nice it would be to stay at home with her family, rather than spend a night walking alone in the forest. Suddenly, her torch blinked off.

She panicked to switch it on, by hitting it on her palm. But in vain, she couldn't. It was all dark now. All she could see is dark figures of tree trunks, stars in the sky and her hands. She could now hear sounds of crickets, and a slithery sound of something. It felt as if someone was whistling at her back. She was frozen at once, sweat drops on her forehead showed her anxiety and horror. She turned back! But there was nothing.

As she turned in front, another whistling sound was coming, now from her left side. She turned again, but there was nothing.

Now she felt something behind, as she turned over, she saw a black figure, shifting quickly. It disappeared so fast, that she could not even have a clear glimpse. She felt extremely terrified! She could hear a whistle from behind, but when she turned, it had gone. She screamed with a trembling voice in horror, "Wh-who is it? Le-let me g-go!". She looked here and there, standing frozen in one place. She could only see a shifting of a black figure. Then, at once! The torched she was holding to, suddenly switched on! As the light fell on, she could see a dark figure just in front of her.

That very moment she lost sense and fainted.

Everyone of us was sitting down beside Sana, hurrying to wake her up. Jane suddenly noticed, as she lifted her face, she saw the six members were sitting. But how could that be? Sana was lying down... So is it something else! As Jane noticed, she screamed and jumped back up. Everyone of us lifted our faces, and found that the spirit was sitting with us; it lifted its face, all black with white eyes. And after that everything went blank.

It was 3 in the morning. The sky was still dark. All of us got up slowly from our spots. We realized for how long we have been lying unconsciously, and we wondered where our friends were. We walked slowly to the spot where we were sitting earlier. All of us met each other there on that spot. We were so happy to see each other after all these things. Everyone of us was injured, and our clothes were very dirty. But wait,

Sana isn't there.

Ishu: Where is Sana?

Kiara: I did not find her.

Ashley: Is she lost?

Sana: I am here...

Sana came and she fainted in front of us.

Alieana: Sana! Dear! What happened to you! Wake up!

Ishu: What are we supposed to do now?

I cried at once. Sana had no pulse. All of us were scared.We just wanted to experience some horror and wanted to camp.We stood up, and the spirit pulled Sana back into the deep forest. After a while there was a loud scream, Sana screamed! She did not die yet, but the spirit killed her.

All of us were crying.

Ashley: Guys. What to say. Let's get out of this forest. That spirit will leave none of us. Pack your stuff. We are getting out of this forest.

We took our bags, and started walking towards the exit of the forest. We took slow heavy steps, because we had no energy left within us.

Suddenly we all saw Sana standing between the trees so we ran as fast as we could and hugged her.

Kiara: Sana, we are going out of this forest. Come with us.

Sana: I feel weak. I don't know if I can walk that far.

Kiara made Ashley and herself hold Sana's hands and helped her walk through. We all walked and walked, the path seemed never-ending.

We were becoming more tired than we already were. Ashley suddenly felt something. As she was holding Sana's hand, she felt the skin wasn't really like a human's skin. As she looked at Sana's hand, it seemed quite pale and patched. Ashley understood there was something wrong, as she looked at Sana's face, it was the spirit! As soon as she saw that spirit's face, she fell down. I saw that and picked her up. We ran as fast we could from that place.

We stopped by a place and decided to go to the exist.We were walking through the quiet forest, scared and injured. Suddenly the rest of us heard a gushing in the bushes at a distance in front. We were so scared and all of us went frozen.

Jane: What is going on?

Ishu: Who is there?

An unknown voice: It's me. Sana.

Ashley: What! You are not Sana. She is dead!

Kiara: But what if she is? Let's go and find out.

Ashley: No, don't. It isn't Sana, it is a trap.

Kiara: What if it is really her? We can't leave her here then.

Aliana threw the light on the bushes, and the rest of us saw that a figure was coming out from there. It was Sana! She was very badly injured, her left elbow was bleeding. She came up and said,

Sana: Guys it's me. What happened to y'all? I am Sana.

To make sure that she was Sana, Kiara asked

Kiara: What is my favorite food?

Ishu: Are you kidding me? You think this is a joke, at this moment, I feel like I should have kept you with that spirit.

Kiara: WHAT! I need to make sure if it's Sana or not...

We both were arguing and at that moment, Ashley screamed loudly and threw Sana's hand. It was the spirit!!! It wasn't her. The spirit caught Kiara (and being the scared person, she was literally yelling, shouting and screaming), and tried to pull her into the forest. But as the rays of the sunrise casted upon us, the spirit was unable to bear it. It left us and creeped quickly into the forest. As it had grabbed Kiara before, she had developed dark patches on her arm. She was in pain. We ran out of the forest, and came to an exit. It was morning. The sun was shining. The rest of us stood on the high field, looked up to the shining bright sky, and then looked back towards the forest behind. We were now out of danger.

"We will never come back" we said.

Everyone was fainting at the end of their encounters, this represented that you lose, and fear wins. But at the end, with the help of our friends, we overcome that and win against fear.

This was a story about fear.

All of us, who individually got lost in the forest, were experiencing and facing our fear. The black figured spirit was FEAR.

Me, myself, was afraid to lose my love. First when I went into the forest, and stepped into a nameplate. I felt bad by breaking it. This represented that I felt bad when I broke someone's heart, which I actually didn't do. The nameplate was broken previously, but I thought that it was My fault.

Then My wrist was bleeding. The nerve of the wrist is directly connected with my heart. It meant her heart was bleeding. As she saw it turned black, she panicked. This meant that her love was dying, and she could not bear seeing her love die in front of her. She even saw a black rose,

which meant the death of love, which she feared to face.

Jane found herself in a burning ghat, which was a representation of her ashtray. It was a depressing thing for her, as she wanted to quit smoking.

She feared that she would get severely addicted to cigarettes. She even picked up the ash, which represented cigarette ash. She was afraid to touch it, for she would get addicted to it. Then she smelled heavy smoke. It represented cigarette smoke. She smelled it, and she was choked not due to the smoke, but due to the feeling that she would again get addicted to cigarettes.

Kiara was depressed with her busy life. She was a business entrepreneur and an ex drug addict. She was very depressed with all the business work in her life. That's why she heard phone calls and digital voice sounds.This represented that she was always surrounded with work and phone, and this made her fearful and depressed. It gave her a headache. The poisonous nut which the black figure fed her, represented drugs, which fear and depression forced her to eat.

Alieana was afraid of relationships. She did not want to get into another relationship after her non loving past. She got depressed when heard the sounds of bangles and anklets, which represented the garments of a married woman. She hated them. And as she saw blood, she got scared of it. It is because, here blood is represented as red, the colour of love. She did not want love anymore, the love which had betrayed her. She wanted independence.

Ashley was a soft hearted person, who would get scared any moment. Her walking style, and her torch getting off represented her weak heart.

She was very lonely. The whispers in her ears, when she turns back, are gone. This shows that she has insecurity. She has anxiety. But when she turns to look, she actually sees that it isn't there. It is just her imagination. The shifting of the spirit, which she could not catch, represented that she did not want to face her fears. As she saw the figure in the light, she lost sense. This said that as she faced reality and fears, she couldn't bear them.

Sana's biggest fear is losing her loved ones and doing wrong things due to her rough tongue. She says things without thinking, and afterwards regrets some. She showed that she is strong, but from the inside she is weak. This thing, she represented through killing a very weak creature like a caterpillar. She is too afraid to be left alone. She also tried to scare the spirit by saying harsh words. This shows at times to act, she thinks nothing and uses her tongue to defend. As the spirit tore her photo apart, it represented that she fears her own actions would isolate her from her friends, tho,

she never wanted to hurt anyone, but she was afraid that her actions would hurt her loved ones.

At last we helped each other out of the forest. But we believed the spirit to be our friend. This represents that we all believe in the false very easily. We believed in fear, which would devastate us and nothing. Actually Sana was dead, this showed that some of us don't have the capacity to cope with our misery, fear and hardship. Thus, we suicide. But this is not done on our own will, fear murders us. But as the sun rose, the evil escaped.

This means that if you bring positivity in you, if you cope with your fear in the right way, fear cannot do anything to you. This, my friends, was not a horror story, this was a story about human psychology.

“I was forgetting that. The extraordinary thing about the story is that I made it up about half an hour ago before writing it. bye see you in my next story.”

Thank you for reading my story, "Fictional".

Short Story

About the Creator

The Witty Writer





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