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My Frined My Love

"Best Friends, Unspoken Hearts: A Tale of Friendship and Unrequited Love"

By Chevz MunandarPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
My Frined My Love
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small town where everyone knew everyone else's business, there were two best friends named Alex and Sam. They had been inseparable since they were kids, causing mischief together and sharing all their secrets.

Now, Alex had a secret that even Sam didn't know: Alex had a huge crush on Sam. But Alex was too scared to confess because they didn't want to ruin their friendship. So, they kept their feelings buried deep down and tried to act normal around Sam.

One day, Sam came to Alex with some exciting news. They had a crush on someone and wanted Alex's help to plan the perfect date. Alex's heart sank, but they put on a brave face and agreed to help.

As they spent more time planning the date, Alex couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. They wanted to be the one going on a date with Sam, not helping them woo someone else. But they pushed those feelings aside and focused on making Sam's date amazing.

The day of the date arrived, and everything went according to plan. Sam had a fantastic time, and Alex couldn't help but feel happy for them, even though their heart was breaking a little inside.

After the date, Sam thanked Alex for all their help and said they didn't know what they would do without them. It was then that Alex realized something important: even though they couldn't be Sam's romantic partner, they would always be their best friend, and that was worth more than anything else.

From that day on, Alex decided to cherish their friendship with Sam and be grateful for the love they did have, even if it wasn't exactly what they wanted. And who knows? Maybe someday, they would find the courage to tell Sam how they really felt. But for now, they were content just being there for each other, no matter what.

Short StoryLoveFantasyfamily

About the Creator

Chevz Munandar

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