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By Jay TinglePublished 11 months ago 12 min read

so there have been many people saying that you can make a lot of money by simply watching YouTube videos in fact one person said he made about sixty dollars in 10 minutes but don't worry we about to try this out and see if you can really make that amount of money what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagon Salon assalamualaikum jumbo Namaste so today we are about to examine this method of making money online by simply watching YouTube videos I wrote down the steps and we are about to do them which is about five or six but it's supposed to be able to be done in less than 10 minutes and just to let you know what the steps there's gonna be a lot of tools that you're going to have to use but luckily all of these tools are absolutely free so that's another plus so the first step this takes us to is right over here on YouTube and we are supposed to be looking for trending videos and there are several ways that we can find these trending videos but we are going to always do a simple and easy and we will be using vid IQ to do it and you can go ahead and download and install vid IQ I already have it installed but you can sign up and get an absolutely free account to do this and I know you may like the word free you want to use all the free things but just to let you know I actually use the paid plan of vet IQ and that's because I use it on YouTube that's what has helped me to grow my channel so quickly looking at keywords there's uh AI coach on there it's just a lot of different things and if you use my link down below you can get a 30-day trial for only one dollar so make sure if you are interested in getting that one dollar trial you use the link down below and once you have it installed then you're going to go up here to the top click on it and we will go to most viewed and when you are under most viewed you want to make sure that you are looking at views per hour and you can do either the past seven days or you can do past 48 hours I'm gonna leave it at seven days and as you can see as you scroll through these videos these are videos that are getting millions of views and on this side is showing how many views per hour they are getting this by Mr B is Mr Beast come on now we know we know but he is getting about 430 000 views per hour there's another one that's getting 228 000 views an hour so you can just kind of scroll through and find whichever one you like best and for the fun of it I'm just going to go ahead and use Mr BEAST's video that's getting all of these wonderful views now this is the part that always trips me up when I'm watching these videos about how to make money watching YouTube videos they always get here after you find a trending video and they say you don't have to watch the video which confuses me because of the fact that they're saying that you can make money from watching YouTube videos so what's happening is you are going to be making money from sending people to these videos to watch these viral videos they already have a huge amount of traffic a huge amount of interest and so in you sending people to these videos then you are supposed to be getting paid to do that so it's not actually from watching the YouTube videos but it's from getting other people to watch the Youtube video I hope y'all still with me I hope I didn't lose you but still even though you're not watching the videos you're getting other people to watch the videos you're not having to make the videos you can use trending videos that other people are doing that kind of still kept my interest when I was watching this to see if it really works so we're gonna find out there's a few more steps and it's really simple it doesn't take that much we're going to move on to the next free tool that we need and that will be found over here at YouTube Dash and so what this is going to do is basically it's going to allow you to download the thumbnail from that video and that's important because we know that this video is getting a lot of traffic and one of the reasons is because of that thumbnail other than like this one is a Mr Beast video so he's going to get traffic no matter if he just stares at the screen for 22 hours however but from any other video that may be trending the thumbnail is going to be important in this process so we need to download it go back to the video make sure you copy and so we're going to come down here and paste it there and then we'll get thumbnail image so then we'll just download that image like what so now the next part of this is going to require you to go over to canva and again you can sign up for a free account here and once you are in canva you're going to go to create a design you're going to come down here to custom size and then you're going to put 1080 with 1920 height hit create new design you're going to go and get your wherever you download so are you going to drop and drag that photo that you downloaded into this here custom design and then you're gonna pretty much open it up like such and I'm going to go through this part really quickly because I don't want to spend a lot of time on this but then you're going to go to the elements you are going to go to your lines and shapes and grab this here box drop it on there and then we're going to drag it over and usually when you do that the Box itself will try to match one of the colors in the picture which the trees back there that's why I turned green and then I'm I'm going to take that and if you want to change the color you can go up here to this color box and pick whatever you want to then I'm going to right click I'm going to duplicate and then I'm going to bring the other one to the bottom so at the top of the picture you're going to want to put a heading something that's going to catch people's attention and so I'm going to grab this glow here because it looks like it's going to pop and stand out against that green and as far as the title the title of the video is I paid a real assassin to try to kill me that's a little tough yo I know I know but it's trending and you don't have to use nothing like that if you know you don't want to use something with people saying they're getting killed some kind of way and so for the headline again you want to make sure you're typing something that's going to really get people's attention and so I'm going to say Mr Beast hired and assassin to try to kill him and so I'm going to grab another Square so that I can make it pop bring it down here and I'm going to change the color to Red maybe let's try red and then I'm want to type in here viral video it kind of makes it look like a headline and people are going to want to know what in the world is going on the next thing I am going to do is go back to the elements and we're going to type in play and then I can go and grab that first one there let's see if we change it to White yeah so that it can stand out look like something you need to play and we're done with this part and when you are done creating your photo you want to make sure you download it and you can download it as a PNG and then we'll hit download so now the next free tool that we are going to be using is going to be Pinterest so what you do is basically make yourself a Pinterest account and once you are in there you're going to come here to the create and then we'll create a pin and also when you are first starting out with this you may not have a pin board so you're going to have to go up here to the top and create your board and you can put it on the viral videos or whatever you want to call it and from there we are going to to just upload everything we'll go and get our picture drag it and drop it in there and so for the title they're saying you can use what you put already in your picture so I'll just put OMG that's what one of them said Mr Beast hired in Assassin to try to kill him I don't know why I have that in all caps but I'm not changing it either and down here to describe it you can kind of put something similar Mr Beast just hired in Assassin to try and kill him I can't believe what I just watched just to make it dramatic yo that's what it's about and so now this is the important part for where you are able to get paid so the way that we're actually going to be able to make this money is from and this is actually what the website looks like right here and up here is where everyone in the video usually go to show you the proof that people are actually being paid these amounts of money that you're supposed to be able to get in a matter of minutes but one thing I see that's good so far is the fact that there are many different payment methods because that's one thing a lot of people ask about and yes this is supposed to be something that's able to be done worldwide and they have phone PE PayPal payer or pay year I don't even know how to really pronounce that one and I believe there's more different ways and on shrink me you will have to register for your free account and so when you're making your shrinkme account you're gonna go down here to settings and you'll hit profile and you'll just enter your information and then you'll pick which type of payment you want to receive I'm going to do PayPal and at the bottom here is where you'll put your account information like your PayPal email address or payoneer account you'll need email a phone number whatever they're saying down here you need is what you put here and so now we're going to take that link that we copied of the video and we're going to paste it here and then we're going to grab that shortened link and then we'll just copy it and then we'll come back over here to Pinterest and I'm going to paste it down there in a destination link and so with this link every time you get a certain amount of clicks on this link you're going to get paid and I can show you the payout rates up here you have up to 22 dollars per thousand views here sixteen dollars eight dollars and remember that's why you're getting these trending videos so that means that there's a great possibility for you to at least get a few thousand views and honestly I'm just going at this point by what they're saying in the video I don't know for sure yet until we try this all out and see and I did create another link for the second trending video that's going on right now of the McDonald's secret menu food that has literally 228 000 views per hour so of course I went through the same process grabbing a thumbnail creating a picture in canva to use and going over to Pinterest and uploading it getting a new link for it and I did because I wanted to increase the chances of this working because for the most part when you have multiple things going at one time maybe one may do better than another so I want to really see if this is legit I want to see if this is actually worth your time and so I'm going to give it about three days three days y'all and then we'll determine if this is really worth it or not so see you in a few days it's me again I'm back y'all it's been three days and I have not even logged into this account I don't know what's going on there I could literally have a million dollars sitting in there and have no idea no I highly doubt that so I'm over here on the street me website and this is the Moment of Truth oh I don't know why I'm nervous y'all but let's just hit this dashboard and see I have received one View and how much I have made from that one view is one cent so you let me know down below if you feel like this is worth it but as far as me I would not put my time and energy too much into doing this now you can and you may get better results than me that's just how it works sometimes you could put out the same video that I do and end up getting way more views so it is still possible that you can get something from this however I don't feel like this is enough for you to pay a bill with if you just want a little extra change and I literally mean change in your pocket then this is the way to go now let's take a look at the link and see what that process looks like when someone clicks into it because three days ago when I uploaded this I did not check that out and uh yeah we're gonna make sure it actually works so I'm going to click into it and see what it does so when I click on the link I don't even see the video pop up is a whole lot of different ads it kind of looks suspect it looks a little spammy let me close that out look when I try to close that it brings me to another ad it looks like you're gonna go down a rabbit hole full of ads close that close that try to look when I try to close that one something else pops up um I don't know what a video is let me try to hit I'm not a robot still don't see it coming up usually that'll clear let's say click oh click here to continue another egg click here to continue is redirecting me to this ad and this is not it's not even showing the video at all I think that these people are just using others to pretty much send people to these links and have all these ads pop up so that they can get paid for the ads and they give you change for doing that it it kind of gives me that like scam feel when people are coming to you on Pinterest and then they're clicking on the links that you're telling them to go to however whatever you're telling them is there is not even what's being shown then that's going to put a stain on your brand on your reputation on your word and some people out there might be like well I'm gonna do it anyway as long as I can keep getting my one cent however you know it's for me in my house we shall not be doing this this is not something that I would do or I would recommend you do let's go ahead on and hang this one up and if you're in interested in me doing more videos like this to try these side hustles out to see if they actually work then let me know down in the comments if you have any particular ones you would like me to try then comment that down below as well other than that if you have not liked this video please like it for me although we don't like the side hustle just liking the video helped me out okay I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace [Music] thank you [Music]

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