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The Priestess Cursed by Athena and Her Tragic Fate in Greek Mythology.

By Madu Published 9 months ago 4 min read
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Medusa was the youngest of three sisters, collectively known as the Gorgons, alongside Steno and Uriel. All three struck terror into the hearts of those who beheld their horrifying and nauseating appearances. They were infamous for their evil reputation, except for Medusa, the only mortal among them. Despite her mortality, Medusa was an exceptionally beautiful woman, with her extraordinary beauty being lauded by both mortals and gods throughout her life. Her beauty was considered unparalleled on Earth, while her sisters were cursed with truly terrifying visages.

As time passed, Medusa became a devoted follower of the goddess Athena. Alongside her sisters and her closest friend, Difficults , she would often engage in playful acts of pretending to be the goddess Athena, whom she deeply admired and aspired to emulate. Her childhood was filled with adventures and joy, and as she grew into a stunningly beautiful woman, her admirable appearance left anyone who saw her utterly astonished.

Medusa harbored a fervent desire to become a priestess and serve in the Temple of the Great Goddess. She vowed to give up everything when she reached the appropriate age to join the temple. In contrast, Ethicals, her best friend, had secretly harbored deep feelings for Medusa for years. However, they both understood that they were still too young to pursue a romantic relationship, and Ethicals was apprehensive about whether Medusa would reciprocate his affections.

One day, while on a customary walk, Medusa and Ethicals stood face to face, sharing a moment of affectionate gazes and laughter. Seizing the opportunity, Ethicals finally mustered the courage to confess his love for Medusa. With a smile on her face, Medusa responded, "I love you too," embracing him tightly. However, she added solemnly, "But our love can never be, for there is something I wish to pursue with all my heart." She then led Ethicals to the Temple of Athena and revealed her deep longing to become a priestess of the great goddess, explaining that she needed to maintain purity and avoid temptations to fulfill her dream.

Ethicals, deeply in love with Medusa, chose to support her wholeheartedly in her pursuit. He understood that her happiness was paramount, even if it meant not being together romantically. In time, Medusa reached the age to begin her training as a priestess of Athena, embarking on a journey to dedicate herself fully to the goddess. The rigorous training involved demanding tests of discipline, wisdom, exemplary conduct, and purity, as Athena herself embodied these qualities.

Medusa achieved her lifelong dream, becoming a revered priestess known for her unwavering commitment, discipline, and impressive conduct. Her beauty and devotion attracted attention from the devotees who frequented the Temple of Athena, where she performed sacred rituals with grace, her striking appearance captivating those who witnessed her.

Word of the beautiful priestess quickly spread throughout the land, drawing more and more people to the Temple of Athena solely to witness her beauty and the perfection with which she conducted the rituals. Even the gods of Olympus became curious about the enchanting young woman, particularly Poseidon, who saw an opportunity for revenge against Athena.

Poseidon had long harbored resentment towards Athena for winning a dispute over the city of Athens. He believed that tarnishing the reputation of Athena's most faithful priestess, Medusa, would be an effective means of revenge. Poseidon meticulously observed Medusa, enchanted by her beauty, as he plotted a plan to achieve his sinister goal.

One day, as Medusa strolled along the beach, she heard her name called by a deep voice. Startled, she scanned her surroundings and saw Poseidon emerging from the waters—an imposing figure. Medusa was initially paralyzed with fear, but Poseidon attempted to seduce her. However, she resisted his advances, remaining steadfast in her commitment to Athena.

Despite Poseidon's flattery and deception, Medusa refused to give in to him, infuriating the god. He forcefully grabbed her, intending to take her by force. In a moment of desperation, Medusa struck Poseidon's face and managed to escape, fleeing to the safety of the Temple of Athena.

Poseidon, consumed by desire, pursued Medusa into the temple. Athena watched in bitterness as her sanctuary was defiled by the god's actions. Blaming Medusa for the intrusion and Poseidon's advances, Athena condemned her for attracting such attention and subjected her to a terrible punishment.

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Athena transformed Medusa into a monstrous and horrifying being, akin to her sisters, the Gorgons. Additionally, Aphrodite seized the opportunity to turn Medusa's beautiful hair into a mass of poisonous snakes. Medusa, now horrified by her own appearance, wept bitterly within the temple, her dreams and purity shattered.

Ethicals, concerned for his beloved Medusa, ventured to the temple at night. He found her weeping on the floor, but when he approached, Medusa warned him not to come closer, fearing he would witness her transformation. Ignoring her plea, Ethicals touched her shoulder and was instantly turned to stone.

Terrified by the consequences of her gaze, Medusa fled the city, enduring the torment of being hunted and vilified by the townsfolk, who had heard rumors of her petrifying abilities. She sought refuge in a remote, abandoned city, where she spent years in isolation, gradually losing her humanity and becoming more fearsome.

Warriors and soldiers ventured to hunt the dreaded monster, but none returned. In one version of the myth, Medusa became pregnant by Poseidon, further angering Athena, who sought the hero Perseus to assassinate her. Equipped with divine tools, Perseus beheaded Medusa while she slept, leading to the birth of Pegasus and Chrysaor from her blood.

Perseus presented Medusa's head to Athena, who placed it on her shield as a testament to her power. Despite her transformation, Medusa's story lives on as a cautionary tale of beauty, jealousy, and divine retribution.

MysteryShort StoryHistoricalFantasy

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    Madu Written by Madu

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