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Love starts with rain

Rain lovers are most likely hoping for everyone for their future

By Nikhil BhowmikPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Love starts with rain

After the SSC exam, my mind became desperate for a long vacation. Neither my body nor my mind was stingy in running from here to there.

On such an auspicious day, the clouds began to rain in a hurry. Is it possible to keep the teenage mind tied at home? I am raining again. I like the rain a lot. Rainwater is like holy water to me. So I went to our backyard without caring about anyone.

As soon as the first drop of rainwater touched my skin, the sound of ooh came out of my mouth. I still have to get wet, I stood in the middle of the yard. Trying to smell the rain with my eyes closed, the sound of rain falling on the frozen water in the yard is creating a melody. Tuptap Tuptap.

Gradually the rain subsided and I returned home. It rained a lot that night too but I didn't touch it so the fever was gone.

The result is A- I got it. The mother is not going to look at the father's face. I did not wear it in front of my father for almost four days out of fear. On the fifth day, while I was untying my hair, my father opened the door and came in. When I saw my father leaving the comb and running towards the house, my father called me by name from behind,

- Megha, see who I brought with me?

I stood still, turned my head towards the back and saw an unknown young man standing beside my father. My curious mind wants to know who this young man my father wants to introduce me to.

I pretended to be a decent girl and stood beside my father. Dad glanced at me, looked away at the young man and opened his mouth,

- And your student, Megha. You will come and teach him at this time from tomorrow.

I am looking at my father and that unknown young man, which means my father has fixed my tuition teacher. For the sake of politeness, I saluted my father's teacher and went home.

The next day at five o'clock in the afternoon the teacher was seen at the door of my house. Mother brought him. I saluted him and sat quietly in the chair. He came and sat on my bed. As I was about to start reading the geography book, I heard

- My name is Shoaib Rahman. You can call me Shoaib Sir.

I looked up at Shoaib Sir and said with a light smile,

- Yes sir.

From that day on, Shoaib Sir used to drop me off every afternoon. During this period of one month, I can only say that Shoaib Sir is a very good man. It is said that my studies have improved a lot.

After the final exam of the first year, my father announced that my marriage was over. If I have a choice, let me know. I told my father that day that there was no one I like.

Although I dared to say in front of my father that there is no one I like but now I understand that there is someone I like and that person is Shoaib Sir. But, if I tell my dad about my choice, will dad agree? Or will Shoaib obey sir? Because we can't go with them. Shoaib Sir's father is a university professor and his mother is an advocate. They have a five-storey house in Dhaka city. And my dad is a little postpaid mom housewife. We do not have the resources to tell the story to the people.

I buried the words of my choice and the people buried in the ground in my heart. At the wedding hall, my father's smiling face said that my father was very happy with my future life. I am also happy to see my father's smile.

The news came three days before my wedding anniversary that Shoaib had tried to commit suicide. I was shocked to hear the news because I never imagined that a man with such a hard heart would do such a thing.

We left for our home. It was almost afternoon to arrive. I did not go to our house but went to Shoaib Sir's house. I didn't have to knock anymore because the front door was open. Shoaib Sir's father was sitting in the drawing-room and was almost shocked to see me. When I saluted, he asked about the salutation,

- Have you come to see Shoaib?

- Yes sir.

- Shoaib is sitting on the roof.

I said goodbye to Shoaib Sir's father and left. As soon as I went to the roof, I saw Shoaib Sir looking at the sky with bored eyes. I walked slowly and stood behind Sir. No words coming out of the mouth, what shall I say sir?

At that moment, Sir turned around in a hurry and looked at me as if he was shocked to see a ghost. I have come to respect this man standing in front of me as long as I have been his student. But, from the day I learned to understand that he is a resident of my dormant abyss, a different kind of resentment has arisen in my mind about him. Anger at not getting him, what if he was mine? Why is there no kinship between rich and poor?

Seeing the man from so close after so long

The tears seemed to have become reckless. Just when I was busy trying to hide the tears, I heard Shoaib Sir's question.

- How are you, Megha?

Standing normally, I looked into Sir's eyes and said,

- I'm fine, sir. You?

Sir Malin smiled at my question and said,

- I'm fine.

- When someone sees you, they can't say you're good.

- I was not well, but today at twilight I feel very good.

- You're not good. You don't have that beautiful face, you don't have that full voice. You don't have a that serious face.

Megha gasped as she said the words out loud.

Shoaib is silently looking at Megha. After some time, addressing Megha, he said,

- Have you ever had trouble falling in love with someone unilaterally?

Megha is looking at Shoaib with her head held high. Shoaib is trying to understand what he means.

- Why don't you say that you have suffered in one-sided love? Oh, you will not love anyone again.

-Sir, tell me if you have a problem with any issue. If you do not share your problem with anyone, no one will understand your grief.

- I have no regrets. I am a very happy person just like you. Will you stay at our house today?

Shoaib is avoiding Megha's question and Megha understands that. So he left the hull and said to Shoaib,

- I'm leaving today, sir. But, before I go, I'll tell you one thing, if you're doing this kind of crazy thing about love, I'll tell you. Because there is no such thing as love in the world that has all the emotions.

Megha came down from the roof saying the words. Shoaib is silent, maybe thinking about the words spoken by Megha.

Many years have passed. On my son's third birthday, a special gift came from a special guest. Shoaib sent a gift, sir. After the boy's birthday party, Megha sat down to open the gift packet at night.

There is a picture of a girl with two braids. I'm raining. The little girl has become the mother of a three-year-old boy! How big my rainbow!

Megha sat on the floor with her hands on her face. What is written in this picture and everything you see is true! He took the envelope lying next to him and saw a piece of paper inside. Megha opened the envelope, took the paper in her hand and began to read,


Standing on the roof and getting wet in the rain, I heard the voice of a girl from below. Curious mind said, look at Shoaib, who is this woman? If I could, so many days of my life would be wasted. Megha, I offered your father to take charge of your studies. Your dad agreed and I was happy too. The day I saw you face to face for the first time, you looked like a madman who had let go of his hair. Still nice to see you.

I used to look at you every day under the pretext of teaching you and you keep your face dipped in the pages of the book. Good results came with the news that your marriage will be fine.

I went crazy but I lost my father to this society. My love is lost.

I have accepted your marriage but I can't understand Shala's mind. One night in the battle of mind and brain I decided to commit suicide. I survived that journey after seeing my father. Megha, if I had sat down to talk to you about my love that day, you would have wanted to leave your family, your husband and come to me again and again, so I did not want to increase that conversation. I want you to live in this society with your head held high so that no one can see you and tell you that you have pushed your family to come to me.

I was happiest the day your son died. Because you have grown up thinking this.

Maybe, you are wondering why I am talking so much? Now I will say why I am talking?

I have been in America with my older sister for two years now. You don't go to your house anymore so you don't know about my emigration. Today is the 15th day I have come to the country with my future wife. You know the girl loves me badly. Seeing his love for me, I could not control my greed. So I will take her as my wife. Budd likes to get love and if that love is his future wife then there is no point. Megha, your husband loves you very much and you love your husband too.

I had this picture in my life to tell your memory so today I sent it to the address of your mind.

I don't want you to live in the middle of my chest when my future wife puts her head on my chest. That's why I'm so organized to forget you. From today you are free from my love Megha. Shoaib will love you and will not want to die.

One question- do you still love to get wet in the rain of Shravan like before?

Be well

I'm raining

Going to close the paper, Megha noticed that her eyes were wet. It is said that the fire came in contact with the shadow that has been kept under pressure for so long. Today, Meghan feels very light. When I get rid of someone's love, I understand that there is so much peace!

Megha's sleep was disturbed by the sound of a call on their mobile in the morning. Megha woke up and heard a call,

-Shunchis Megha, your Shoaib Sir died in a road accident last night and the accident happened in your area.

Meghan sat stiffly after hearing such bad news from her mother. What if the man was in this area yesterday? What if he could see the last? How is his future wife after hearing the news of the death of her future husband? Megha is crying with a broken chest?


About the Creator

Nikhil Bhowmik

HI, I am Nikhil Bhowmik.I passed Master Degree in Mathematics.I also passed Master in Library and Information Science.I write blog, articles and courses in my personal website. I also write articles to medium,Hub-pages and Facebook.

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    NBWritten by Nikhil Bhowmik

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