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Lost in the Waves

The Final Goodbye: A True Story of Love, Loss, and Regret

By Anastasia DinhPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
The Last Kiss - The Sea of Sorrow

Lily and Ryan were childhood friends. They met when they were five years old, in the same neighborhood. They lived next door to each other and spent every day together. They went to the same school, joined the same clubs, and shared the same hobbies. They were like two peas in a pod, always laughing, teasing, and having fun. They knew each other inside out, and they cared for each other deeply. As they grew up, their friendship blossomed into something more. They realized that they had feelings for each other that went beyond friendship. They started dating when they were sixteen, and they were the perfect couple. Everyone admired them and envied them. They were happy and in love.

But Lily had some insecurities that she kept hidden from Ryan. She felt that she was not good enough for him, that he deserved someone better than her. She was always comparing herself to other girls, who seemed prettier, smarter, or more successful than her. She was afraid that Ryan would leave her for someone else, or that he would get bored of her. She tried to act confident and cheerful, but inside she was insecure and anxious. Ryan loved Lily with all his heart. He thought she was the most beautiful, intelligent, and amazing girl in the world. He never looked at anyone else but her. He wanted to make her happy and give her everything she wanted. He was loyal, supportive, and attentive to her needs. He tried to reassure her and compliment her, but he didn't know how deep her insecurities ran.

After many years of struggling and loving, Ryan decided to propose to Lily. He bought a ring and planned a romantic dinner at their favorite restaurant. He was nervous and excited, hoping that she would say yes. He loved her more than anything, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Lily was surprised and touched when Ryan got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She looked at him with tears in her eyes, feeling a mix of emotions. She loved him more than anything, and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him too. But she was also scared and doubtful, wondering if she was worthy of him if he would regret his decision later if she could make him happy as his wife. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head and said yes. Ryan was overjoyed and hugged her tightly. He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. He thanked her for making him the happiest man in the world. He told her that he loved her more than anything and that he couldn't wait to marry her.

They celebrated their engagement with their friends and family, who congratulated them and wished them well. They seemed like the happiest couple in the world, but Lily still felt some anxiety in her heart. Ryan noticed that Lily was not as cheerful as usual, and he asked her what was wrong. She told him that she was just tired and stressed from work, but he didn't believe her. He sensed that there was something else bothering her, something that she didn't want to tell him. He decided to take her on a vacation to relax and have some fun. He booked a flight to Hawaii, where they had always wanted to go. He told her that it was a surprise gift for their engagement and that he wanted to spend some quality time with her before they got married. Lily was grateful and happy for his gesture, but she also felt guilty and nervous. She wondered if he was doing this because he sensed something was wrong with their relationship, or because he wanted to make sure she was happy with him before they tied the knot.

They arrived in Hawaii and checked into a beach resort. The place was beautiful and peaceful, with palm trees, white sand, blue water, and sunny skies. They enjoyed the scenery and the activities, such as swimming, surfing, snorkeling, hiking, and sightseeing.

They also met some new friends at the resort, who invited them to join them for drinks at night. They agreed and had a good time chatting and laughing with them. But Lily felt restless and uneasy. She felt like she didn't belong there like she didn't deserve this happiness. She felt like she was living a lie, pretending to be someone she wasn't. She decided to drink more than usual, hoping to drown out her negative thoughts and feelings. She became drunk and reckless, losing her inhibitions and her sense of reality. She started flirting with other guys, dancing with them, and kissing them. She didn't care about Ryan or their relationship anymore. She just wanted to escape from her problems and have some fun.

Ryan was shocked and hurt by her behavior. He tried to talk to her, to ask her what was wrong, to remind her that they were engaged and that they loved each other. But she ignored him, pushed him away, and told him to leave her alone. She said that she didn't love him, that she never loved him, that he was a mistake. She said that she didn't want to marry him, that she wanted to break up with him, that he should find someone else. Ryan was heartbroken and angry. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought that she was drunk and confused, that she didn't mean what she was saying. He loved her more than anything, and he wanted to help her. He wanted to make her see reason, to make her remember their love, to make her happy again. He grabbed her by the arm and tried to drag her away from the crowd. He wanted to take her back to their room, to sober her up, to talk to her calmly. But she resisted and fought back. She screamed at him, cursed at him, and slapped him. She told him to let go of her, to get away from her, to leave her alone.

Lily broke free from his grip and ran away from him. She ran towards the beach, where the waves were crashing loudly. She wanted to get away from him, from everyone, from everything. She wanted to end it all. She stumbled into the water, not caring about the danger. The waves were big and strong, and they pulled her deeper into the sea. She felt the water filling her lungs, choking her breath, drowning her life. She didn't struggle or scream. She just let go. Ryan saw her running into the water and followed her. He saw her disappearing into the waves and panicked. He dove into the water and swam after her. He wanted to save her, to bring her back, to make her live. He reached her and grabbed her by the waist. He tried to pull her up to the surface, but the waves were too strong. They pushed them down and apart. He lost his grip on her and felt his strength fading. He didn't give up. He searched for her in the dark water, hoping to find her again. He called out for her name, hoping she would hear him. He found her again and held on to her tightly. He tried again to pull them up to the surface, but it was too late. They were too deep and too far. He looked at her face and saw that she was unconscious. He kissed her softly on the lips, as if saying goodbye. He whispered in her ear that he loved her, that he was sorry, that he would always be with her. He fought against the current. He struggled for air. He shouted for help. Their friends heard him. They rushed to the shore. They called for help. They managed to save one person at a time and he said they should save her first. What they don't know is....

They couldn’t save him.

Later, Lily woke up on the sand. She coughed up water from her lungs. She opened up eyes and saw her friends' faces. They looked at her with pity and sorrow and anger. They told her what happened, that he was gone. She couldn’t believe it. She refused to accept it. She ran back into the water. She searched for him desperately, hoping he was still alive. But he wasn’t. They found his body hours later.

Ryan was dead.

She sat there by the beach and waited and waited till they found his body. She felt so awful.

She blamed herself.

She hated herself.

She wished she had died instead of him.

She wished she had said yes when he proposed.

She wished she had loved him more when he was alive.

She wished she had never met him at all.

She kept waiting by the sea.

She kept waiting for him to come back.

She kept waiting for a miracle.

But it never came.

She lost her soulmate.

She lost her best friend.

She lost her everything.

She lost herself......

Young Adult

About the Creator

Anastasia Dinh

I am an imaginative creative writer, crafting captivating stories that transport readers to enchanting worlds. I see stories everywhere, and sometimes they’re even my own. #creativewriter #idealist

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    Anastasia DinhWritten by Anastasia Dinh

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