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Lord Don’t Slow Me Down

please down let me break down

By Tza Fire Published about a year ago 4 min read
Lord Don’t Slow Me Down
Photo by Margit Bantowsky on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a young prince named Alexander. He was a brave and determined young man, with a heart full of ambition and a spirit that could not be tamed. Alexander was determined to become the greatest ruler his kingdom had ever seen, and nothing was going to stand in his way.

Alexander's kingdom was a prosperous one, but it was also plagued by a powerful and ruthless enemy, the dragon. The dragon had been terrorizing the kingdom for years, burning down villages and towns, and taking the lives of many innocent people. Alexander knew that if he was going to be the great leader he wanted to be, he would have to put an end to the dragon's reign of terror.

He set out on a quest to find the dragon, traveling through treacherous mountains and dark forests, facing many dangers along the way. But Alexander was not one to be easily defeated, and he pushed on, determined to complete his mission.

Finally, he reached the dragon's lair, a dark and fearsome cave hidden deep in the mountains. Alexander approached the cave with caution, but as he got closer, he could feel the heat emanating from within. He knew that the dragon was waiting for him, and he prepared himself for the final battle.

As he entered the cave, Alexander could see the dragon, a massive and terrifying creature, coiled in the darkness. The dragon let out a deafening roar, and Alexander knew that it was time to fight.

With all his might, Alexander charged towards the dragon, sword in hand. The dragon breathed fire, but Alexander was quick and agile, and he dodged the flames with ease. They fought for what seemed like hours, but finally, Alexander delivered the fatal blow and the dragon lay dead at his feet.

With the dragon defeated, Alexander returned to his kingdom, hailed as a hero. The people celebrated, and Alexander was crowned king, as he had always dreamed.

As the days passed and Alexander settled into his role as king, he began to realize that his journey was far from over. There were still many challenges to be faced and battles to be won. But Alexander knew that he was capable of anything, for he had the support of his people and the guidance of the Lord above.

With that in mind, Alexander set out on his next quest, and he knew that Lord will not slow him down, he will keep guiding and giving him the strength to keep fighting and making the right decisions. He knew that as long as he kept moving forward and never gave up, he would continue to achieve great things and build a kingdom that would stand the test of time.

And so, Alexander's story became a legend, passed down through the generations, an inspiration to all who heard it. For they knew that with courage, determination, and the help of the Lord, anything is possible. Lord will not slow them down, instead he will guide them to a better future.

In the end, Alexander's quest to defeat the dragon and become king was just the beginning of his journey. He became one of the most successful and respected king of the land, with his people and the Lord's guidance, he was able to achieve great things and leave a lasting legacy, just as he had always dreamed.

Alexander's reign as king was marked by prosperity and peace. He implemented new policies that led to economic growth and improved the lives of his people. He also built strong alliances with neighboring kingdoms, ensuring the safety and security of his own.

As he grew older, Alexander began to focus on the education and development of his people. He established schools and universities, providing opportunities for all to learn and grow. He also built libraries and encouraged the arts, making sure that his kingdom was not only prosperous, but also cultured and sophisticated.

But Alexander's greatest achievement as king was his efforts to bring an end to poverty and suffering in his kingdom. He implemented policies that helped the poor and underprivileged, and he worked tirelessly to provide aid and assistance to those in need.

As Alexander's reign came to an end, he knew that he had accomplished much in his time as king, but he also knew that there was still more to be done. He stepped down from the throne, leaving his kingdom in the hands of his capable and just son, who would continue the work that he had begun.

And as he looked back on his life, Alexander knew that he had achieved his greatest dream: to be a leader who had served his people well, and to have left a lasting legacy of peace, prosperity, and hope for generations to come.

He died peacefully in his sleep knowing that the Lord had guided him through his journey and never slowed him down. His kingdom prospered for many years to come, and his story was passed down from one generation to the next, inspiring all who heard it to strive for greatness, with the help and guidance of the Lord above.

The end

MysteryYoung AdultShort StoryFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Tza Fire

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    TFWritten by Tza Fire

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