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lonely zombie

zombie kid

By Raven APublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town nestled between mist-covered mountains, there lived a lonely zombie kid named Zephyr. Unlike the other zombies, who roamed the outskirts of the town, Zephyr preferred to hide away in an old abandoned mansion at the edge of the forest.

Zephyr wasn't like the typical scary zombies you see in movies; he was different. He had a gentle heart, a love for books, and a longing for companionship. However, his decomposing appearance and clumsy zombie nature made it hard for him to connect with others. People would often get frightened by his presence and run away before he could even say a word.

One day, as the autumn leaves painted the town in hues of gold and red, a brave little girl named Eliza dared to explore the abandoned mansion. Armed with courage and curiosity, she pushed the creaky door open, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw Zephyr sitting in a dusty corner, reading an old tattered book.

At first, Eliza was startled, but as she looked into Zephyr's sad, soulful eyes, her fear turned into compassion. She cautiously approached him, and with a warm smile, she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Eliza. What's your name?"

Zephyr, surprised by her kindness, mumbled his name, almost too softly to hear. But Eliza didn't mind; she was just glad to have found someone to talk to. From that moment on, they became friends, meeting in secret at the mansion every day.

They would share stories, laugh, and even read books together. Zephyr's heart felt lighter than ever before, and he found solace in Eliza's company. She didn't see him as a terrifying monster but as a lonely soul in need of friendship.

As the days passed, the town started noticing a change in Zephyr. He seemed happier, and his once dismal aura now had a glimmer of hope. The other zombies, too, noticed the change and wondered what had caused their friend to transform.

One day, as Eliza and Zephyr were sitting under the shade of a gnarled oak tree, she asked him why he hid away in the mansion. Zephyr hesitated, fearing he might lose his only friend if he revealed the truth.

But Eliza reassured him, "You can trust me, Zephyr. I won't judge you."

With tears in his eyes, Zephyr confessed, "I was afraid that if people saw me, they would run away in fear, just like they always do. I didn't want to be alone, but it felt safer to hide."

Eliza held his hand and said, "You don't have to hide anymore. You are my friend, and I'm not afraid. I believe there is goodness in everyone, even in zombies."

With Eliza's unwavering support, Zephyr gradually began to step out of the shadows. The townsfolk were taken aback at first, but Eliza's friendship and her ability to see beyond appearances influenced them. Slowly, they started accepting Zephyr for who he was, and fear turned into understanding.

As time passed, Zephyr and Eliza's friendship inspired the town to change its perspective on zombies. They organized events where humans and zombies could interact in a friendly environment, fostering unity and breaking down barriers. Zephyr's lonely days were gone, and he became an integral part of the community, thanks to Eliza's friendship.

And so, a lonely zombie kid named Zephyr found love, acceptance, and companionship, all because of the courage and kindness of a little girl named Eliza. Their story became a timeless tale of how friendship can transcend even the most unlikely of circumstances, teaching the world that true acceptance comes from looking beyond the surface and embracing the uniqueness of every individual.

PsychologicalShort StoryLove

About the Creator

Raven A

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