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Like Romeo and Juliet

We were split asunder

By Novel AllenPublished about a year ago 3 min read
BY Luigi Boccardo on Unsplash

I was Capulet and you were Montaque. Forbidden was our love for one another.

We tried to resist the overwhelming bonds of fiery feelings that kept drawing us together like demented magnets from deep beneath the earth's magnetic core.

At cross purposes by man-made edicts of right and wrong, of moral and immoral platitudes, we suffered and denied ourselves the gift of feelings offered by the Cupidic Gods of the Universe.

Words I hear, shouted down to me by the Gods, though I rage at them:

"Reset your password, your codes, algorithms and binary existence".

I justly or unjustly ignore them. I tell myself, forget all the teachings about the long made up rules of how the world should or should not exist by sets of ancient rules, mapped out by souls who no longer live on in this ever changing plane of existence.

Those who made these archaic rules are long dead and gone the way of dust, ashes and bones. Why are we still behaving as if we still live within those olden days of yore and long ago, when free expressions were forbidden.

Should we not be finding a new process of transformative ideas, solutions and instructions, sensibly changed into the language for the age within which we now exist.

The old methods that once worked, which were made to subjugate and control the lives of the masses, crushing their free forms of high spiritedness with rules at the peril of imprisonment or death, are now mostly, extinct or subdued.

In torment I rage in defiance of the powers that ever compels us to be apart, as urges and passions lie dormant, not unlike a raging volcano deep beneath the earth's surface.

It boils, seethes, stews, froths and roils in wicked angry foams of deadly fire, awaiting to erupt in mesmerizing flames of joyous release

By Piermanuele Sberni on Unsplash

Within those fleeting moments when we find ourselves alone, to laugh and cry and savor the gift of life, love and living, I feel a deep kinship with the universe all around me.

Love is not a feeling or a word as is loosely used by the dwellers of our tiny earthbound space.

Love is the sum total of the whole of the entire universe, reaching deep into our souls to share a fragment of the immortality of the Perfectness of Creation.

To LOVE totally and completely, and to have that love mirrored back to you by someone YOU LOVE; then joined together as one, is the complete and total reason for living and breathing.

It is the literal inhalation of the Cosmos far beyond ourselves. You have found a oneness with Life, God, Universe and Time itself.

A broken heart is a physical separation of the two halves of the God power within an individual.

The soul's perfect universe is ripped in two. Torn asunder, the two halves of the heart yearn to be reunited with each other.

Pain like a raging river will flow throughout the frail fragmented human coil and the mortal shell will hurt beyond the bounds of the bearable limits of the mind.

Until the halves are again joined in complete unity, the human shell will ever feel empty and devoid of quiet, peace and true restful sleep and repose.

This thing between us must to the wind be lost. Maybe in a different lifetime we will be together.

Maybe we shall find a portal to a different dimension to which a simple password reset can launch us into an alternate universe, and time will reset herself just to accommodate our forbidden existence.

Reset your password. What an idea. It conjures up such a myriad of truly distinctive possibilities. Be it manual, psychological, metaphorical or allegorical, such an idea can bring about a plethora of ideas and healthy suggestions.

A new year has dawned and it is in a great hurry to move on ahead.

Resetting my outlook and making healthy and sensible changes to my overall lifestyle is a great way to begin anew and leave all the negative vibes behind. A great healing between Mother Universe and myself has begun.

A time and chance to mend broken hearts and anchor broken symbolic fences is now opened to me.

Reset your password! A sensible way to start!

Resetting my password!!!!!!!!!

Short StoryLove

About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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Comments (1)

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Splendid!!! Enjoyed reading your reset your password story!!! Left a heart!!!

Novel AllenWritten by Novel Allen

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