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Life's Freedom, Wealth & Meaning

Evil Still Lurks!

By BettyPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read

The anguish and hopelessness are disturbing and painful; however, I take consolation in knowing that SOB will never hurt anyone ever again!

Grand-dad would have been mortified if he was still alive! Susie, my sister, was very special to him, as she looked like a younger version of our late grandma. He was so proud the day he presented her at the Debutante Ball! A traditional grand affair for the elite high-society aristocrats to stare, judge and decide if she's suitable for their son and family status! I disagree with these pompous traditions, but as her brother I was forced to attend and surprisingly had a good time.

It's quite astonishing when the older generations point out and recognize genes and traits in the new generations! I can hear grand-dad's voice loudly confirming that I'm just like him; especially when my parents are nattering at me about minding my manners, being more attentive at those stupid flamboyant events and keeping myself presentable at all times. Other than going to school, life is so dull and boring! There's always someone a few feet behind me making sure I don't get dirty, don't walk far from the house, don't climb anything or swing too high; I can't even spontaneously fart without rules and restrictions!

Everyone in the family for generations grew up in the utmost pristine and indescribably privileged fashion, due to profuse inherited wealth! However, grand-dad and I were both unsatisfied; I remember him saying, "His life, is his life, and he will live it, his way!" Of course, he did his part when needed; nose-up chit-chatting, clinging of glasses, ballroom dancing, dignitary entertaining, and being a tuxedo wearing statue-like aristocrat! Sadly, I do the same to keep my parents happy!

He was the first man to successfully achieve oil well drilling; he'd reminisce saying, "I couldn't believe it, black gold shot up high into the clouds!" His goal was to perfect the fundamentals, and techniques of drilling as far down into the earth's core as needed. Funny thing is, he never gave much thought about the oil and what to do with it! This event not only made him world famous but he unenthusiastically became the world's wealthiest man!

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As I grew up, I tinkered in his businesses, trying this and that but eventually found my own calling and became a paramedic and volunteer firefighter! The screeching sirens stimulate my adrenaline and helping people soothes my soul; these made me feel my life has meaning and purpose!

My sister Susie became an artist in watercolor painting and photography; she's travelled all over with her best friend Julie and settled in New York, as the "art scene" captivated her! The traditions of nobility and high-society called Julie back home, her freedom was over; she got married and joined the lady's social groups as tradition dictates!

Lately, I've been super busy helping with the volunteer firefighter's green light campaign. We've made numerous videos regarding our pilot project and its success; but continue to battle with transportation authorities! We need laws passed to legalize "mandatory pullover n' stop" regarding any vehicle with flashing green lights driving on the road! It's imperative as time is of the essences for these vehicles, they're in route to an emergency fire call as these people are volunteer firefighters. Please watch and learn!

Thanksgiving was approaching and I wondered when Susie was planning to travel to our parents. I called many times and her phone would either ring once and disconnect or I'd hear a recorded message saying the phone was not in service.

I proceeded to call a buddy explaining my concerns and asked him for help, then called the airport, another friend; within the hour I was on a flight to New York! Dan Wilson, a college buddy, picked me up at the airport and drove right over the Susie's Fifth Avenue apartment. Greeted by the concierge, I was informed that Susie no longer lives in the penthouse, she'd moved out about six months ago, with no forwarding address!

Dan and I proceeded to his work to see what we could find regarding Susie's whereabouts. The police station was a hub of disillusionment as I looked around following Dan to his office. He did whatever he does to find information and came up with these leads.

  • A driver's license showing a Hunts Point address; across from Riker Island, New York's main jail complex.
  • A criminal record of prostitution which detailed current incarceration for the next three years.
  • An admittance record to the Manhattan Psychiatric Hospital.

The chief and I pondered these findings, there's no way these can be relevant to Susie; after making a call he was able to rule out the incarcerated prostitute and until he obtains a warrant of disclosure, the hospital was bound by privacy laws regarding patient information. So, we headed out to the address in Hunts Point, as that's all we had left.

Flabbergasted, more like mortified I was as he stopped in front of a brown brick monstrosity!

Wildly wondering, did she really leave the poshest part of the city to live here! My stomach hurt and I felt anxious; across the street was a wasteland of desolation, as far as the eye can see!

Dan got entry into the unit from the superintendent and we were stunned; it was so lovely, had exquisite décor! We slowly walked around looking, I nearly passed out when I saw my family's portrait hanging on the wall!

In investigator mode, the chief questioned the super; I was horrified by what I heard; Boyfriend! Not treated good! Abused! Hooked on drugs! Pimp! Crazy girl! Taken away! I ran out the front doors and threw up on the grass!

Driving back to the city, Dan told me to stay at his place versus the hotel! I woke in the morning, he was already gone, his wife told me to stay put and gave me a cup of coffee! He called not long after and told me he had the warrant, was on his way to pick me up and we're heading to Manhattan!

I was numb, felt like a zombie as I followed the doctor and Dan down the hall, hearing them saying, severely unbalanced, toxic, drug addiction, multiple gang rapes! They had to be talking about some other patient; I fell to my knees in disbelief when I saw her!

Julie arrived with my parents the next day, sorrow engulfed the room! My wonderful friend picked them up at the airport and brought them straight here! There was absolutely nothing the doctors could do; she was in a persistent vegetative state due to the horrific abuse and drug usage! Her brain has been so intensely damaged that only the very basic functions remain working, for her heart to pump, so she breathes and shallows naturally, along with some involuntary eye fluttering and body spasms! Her brain was a wasteland of emptiness!

My parents were so distraught, they left about two hours later and headed to the Plaza Hotel. Julie stayed with me at Susie's bedside. Julie was very upset and crying terribly, I hugged and consoled her; it seemed the more I tried the worse she got! She started rambling about her husband hitting and beating her, being so rough, mean and hateful, and how she was so extremely unhappy! Wishing she'd stayed with Susie, never went back home or got married!

By Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Out of the blue, she twists around and kisses me passionately, whispering in my ear, how she's love me since we were young, reminding me of our very intimate moments together as teenagers, asking if I love her still?

As the hospital room door opens, I abruptly stood and walked over to the window, pulling the blinds open. Dan introduced himself to Julie and started explaining how the entire police station has been working on Susie's case and they know who did this to her!

Meanwhile, Julie walked over and gazed out the window, interruptingly inquiring about a hideous wall in the distance. Dan and I go look, she's right, it's mighty disturbing!

Dan explains, it's an old industrial area that has become rather popular for drug addicts, teenagers and the homeless. Pointing to the eyes, saying they're actually holes in the building structure not black paint; further mentioning, after it was all graffitied many incidents of satanic worshipping took place, even other vulgar sacrifices and other various crimes and arrests regarding drug users, dealers, sexual misconduct, and homeless people sleeping inside! They've been trying to get the municipality to demolish it but hasn't happened yet!

In the police database he'd found many criminal records on this "boyfriend" of Susie's which included assault with a deadly weapon, identity theft, fraud, sex trafficking and oodles of drug related charges; then showed us a computer-generated picture; Julie gasped stating, that's her husband!

As my memory digs in deep, this guy's Adam, who use-to have a huge crush on Susie for years in school. Julie married him? Guess there's not many pickens back there or it was just one of those traditional "quality match" marriages parents do.

Dan asked her many questions, wanted her to go down to the police station, but I disagreed, it was a harsh place for a lady! Many things came about regarding Adam's travel habits and personality, plus all the stuff Julie had mentioned before. A few hours later, I could see she was upset, anxious and looking exhausted; Dan agreed she could go to the Plaza and he'd talk to her tomorrow. Dan and I also agreed to go have dinner.

The hostess came around advising that the dining room would be closing in about 30 minutes; we'd talking the evening away, as it was nearly midnight, it turned out to be a very enjoyable evening! I laid in bed feeling tired and reassured; in the morning, on Dan's advice, I'd get the ball rolling to transfer Susie from Manhattan to the finest facility in Boston Massachusetts, and contact the bank to ensure Susie's accounts, assets and investments are secure and no odd transactions or tampering have occurred.

At breakfast, I told my parents and Julie to take their time, relax, hit the spa, shop; I'd met them in a couple hours at the hospital, as I had a few errands to take care of.

The chief was right on time and started to explain that this area is one of the city's worst wastelands and city head honchos completely ignore it; also thanking me for the very notable donation. We shook hands, smiled and left that disgusting godforsaken area!

Julie followed Susie to Boston a couple days later, intending on an indefinite stay, after all, Susie's her best friend and extremely ill.

My parents returned home knowing we were with Susie; she was in the best hospital in the country and we'd keep them informed.

I approached the city honchos and arranged a lucrative purchase of many acres around and including that city wasteland with future plans to clean it up and make it a very profitable part of the city; city officials love when you talk money and profit!

Dan eventually found that SOB Adam and from what I know; thousands of wild seagulls, rats and other vermin living on my new property, really enjoyed the delights of a tasty high-society meal!

I see Julie every week when I fly down, on my day off, to visit Susie. Julie's free once again to establish a meaningful life, hopefully with me! Susie is stable, no changes, and in no way deserved the evil that found her!

The best thing is, we've come to understand the twinkling green light in her eyes means Susie's smiling at us!

By Jonathan Taylor on Unsplash


About the Creator


An average person that enjoys DYI and History shows.

A huge Downton Abbey fan that would have loved to live that life.

Nanny to 2 sweet grandchildren.

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    BettyWritten by Betty

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