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My Name Is?


By BettyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
My Name Is?
Photo by Joni Ludlow on Unsplash

Ugg, my brain just woke up, geez!

Don't move, lay still, keep your eyes shut, fall back to sleep!

I'm tired, I don't wanna get up, I love sleeping, everything stops, the world disappears, my mind and body are numb, it's calm and best of all, it's quiet!

Let's go, time to wake up, geez, shh!

I hit the bathroom, then headed to the kitchen, for crap sakes, the place is a frigging mess; paint all over the floor, counters, sink and even the fridge door handle!

April, you're stressing me out first thing this morning, there's paint everywhere!

Coffee, I need coffee!

I notice on the window ledge such a beautiful painting; the blending of colors creates such great harmony, peace and tranquility, I love it!

As I'm eating some cereal, I find myself starring at it, the water really has flow and depth and the sun's beaming so bright!

It's not done, so don't touch it.

April, I won't touch it, it's really lovely, just leave it as it is!

Finished my shower, I need more coffee.

I see my reflection in the kitchen sliding door and the t-shirt I have on is such a nice yellowy orange, no orangey peach, no, I don't know but it's really nice!

Susan, this t-shirt is such a beautiful color, it reminds me of April's very first video, the water color marigolds; let's watch it, please, please!

Ok Ivy, but only once, we've only got a few minutes.

It's so awesome, but I still don't like the splatters at the end.

It's time to go.

Susan, I don't wanna go, I hate that place!

Come on, let's go!

Who's coming with us?

It doesn't matter, whoever wants to, let's go!

"Doctor Robinson is ready to see you now."

"Hi, good morning Ivy, nice to see you, how are you today?"

"Hi doctor, tired, thanks."

Come on everyone speak up so she can hear you!

It's Susan, doctor.

April too.

Jane also.

Laura as well.

"Good morning everyone, where's Lily, Samantha and Mary today?"

None of your business!

Laura, that wasn't very nice, stop it and be respectful; and stop snarling at Susan too!

"They stayed at home today, Lily had a headache and the other two were still sleeping."

"Oh, ok Ivy thanks, can you tell them I missed seeing them today?"

"Sure, I will. Do you know that shade of turquoise in your blouse really compliments your eyes, doctor!"

"Thank you Ivy, let's take a seat."

"Hey doc, I got something to say!"

"Ok Laura, what's on your mind?"

"Doc, you know we hate coming here, don't take it personally, but this place just gives us the creeps! Also, I bloody well hope you have prepared yourself like I suggested last time. So, like did you read up on things before we arrived to jog your memory? I don't want Ivy having to re-live and repeat all that kindergarten crap again. Did you read your notes already? We don't mind waiting , if you need to!

Shush Laura!

Don't worry Ivy, I got your back!


"Yes Ivy."

"What are you starring at Ivy?"

Hey, did you take your morning pills? You know you need to take them morning, noon and night; did you take them this morning?

Susan lay off, she took them!

Wonderful, thanks Jane; I was worried she forgot!

"I gotta go pee."

"Ok Ivy, see you in a bit."

"Doctor, listen to me."

"Have I told you that I use to be a model?"

"No April, you didn't. Did you enjoy doing it?"

"Well, kind of, I did it for a bit; all kinds of different stuff but swim suits were my favourite because I love going to the beach, swimming and the warm sand under my feet! We got to go swimming everyday after the shoot was over, plus it made me feel very pretty and beautiful! Let me get my wallet, here, these are a few of my favourite shots!

That's me, not you stupid!

Don't call me stupid Jane! I'm not stupid, you are!

I've been modeling for like five years, not you, so stop saying you do, you're just a jealous dumbass, and give me back my pictures!

Really Jane, I'm not jealous of you or a dumbass, so shut up!

Susan, I'm not a dumbass right? Why does April hate me? I'm beautiful like her right? I wanna be beautiful too!


"Yes, Ivy."

"I should have worn a calmer color t-shirt like soft blue or purple, this yellowy orangey peach one is too loud, it's bugging me and hurting my eyes! Do you still have that dark gray one here?"

"Yes Ivy, it's right here."

Stop crying, Ivy, it's ok, shh!

Susan, can we please go home now, please!

"Ok, so doc, while Ivy's blubbering away, I'll set things straight for you!"

"Sure Laura, thank you."

"Jane's right, she's the model, those are her pictures. April and Ivy tried it for a bit but didn't like all the people starring at them and the hours of still posing. Plus, April use to stress the camera guy out with her melt downs. See, she has some weird warped view of herself and won't listen or believe any of us. I don't know what her problem is! Anyway, she is a fabulous painter and has a real knack for all that color, shading, blending and depth shit!

Now, Ivy's a really great piano player and has a pretty good voice, not professional, but she doesn't break windows or make dogs howl! She also helps Susan and the events committee, plan trips, parties and other fun stuff at the centre.

Susan loves us all and takes care of Ivy, as she can be such a freak! Susan also keeps track of Samantha, otherwise she'd disappear and be drinking, doing drugs and sleeping around. When she's chill though she likes doing old lady stuff, like crochet, knitting and sewing. I don't see how she enjoys those as they look so boring, but she does make some rather nice things.

Me, well, I love to cook and bake, as long as everyone leaves me the hell alone, doesn't talk or bug me, so I can concentrate. Chef Marcus at the centre says I'm pretty good at it too!

As for Lily, she likes sitting on the computer, like in a trance typing; something about short stories. She's also an exercise nut, forever running in one spot or riding that stupid bike that whistles and is so annoying!

Mary, she likes gardening and being outside helping Henry at the centre; I not sure but I think she sleeps with him, psst, you know what I mean!

So there you have it doc, did you write it all down or should I repeat it for you?

Susan, I really want to go home now, everyone is being too loud and my head is throbbing!

Hey Ivy.

Yeah April.

Do you want me to ask the doctor if she'd put on my new teaching video, the wiggly marigold? We can rest and relax a bit watching it!

That's a great idea April, I love watching your videos!

"Doctor, Ivy and I want to watch my wiggly marigold video, so we can rest and relax a bit."

"Your new one, right April?"


"Let me get it, good idea to take a little break!"

"Excellent job April, very good!"

"Thank you very much, it was fun making it too."

"Ivy, do you feel better now?"

"Yes, thank you."

"So, like can I say something?"

"Sure Jane, tell Doctor Robinson what's on your mind!"

"I don't understand this at all, but Ivy is missing her parents a lot and that's so nuts as they treated her so horribly! I don't get it, I just don't get it!"

" Well Jane, unfortunately children do not get to choose their parents, they are just born to them and children's lives are in their hands. These adults should care, protect and love their children but some parents are horribly abusive and mistreat innocent children. You're right Ivy's parents were horrible to her and that is why we are working together to figure it all out!"

"Doc, Ivy needed them to take care of her, but instead they just partied, drank, did drugs and ignored her! I tried to explain to her that moms and dads are suppose to take care and protect their little girl, keep her safe from strangers, feed her and being locked in that creepy dark, smelly basement all alone was so very wrong! She was only 6-years-old and terrified! It was a good thing Susan was already her friend and the rest of us showed up at the perfect time to help her break that small window in order to get out! Samantha had mentioned not hearing any noise upstairs and maybe everyone left the house and forgot about her! When we finally got out, we should have run away instead of going in the back door to see if anyone was home. We should have never done that! It was so disgustingly gross and really bad smelling! We all gagged many times; people were lying everywhere all bluey purple and swollen up with holes in their faces, maggots and oozing stuff coming out; just thinking about it makes me want to gag! Lily and Mary went running out the back door arms flailing and screaming at the top of their lungs! We all chased them to calm them down, but that neighbor man showed up. He made us wait with some lady on the front lawn until the Police showed up!

Can you please explain to Ivy, that her parents overdosed and are dead! It is just us left and she's better off without them! We'll always be here with her forever and love her, will protect and care for her!"

"Shut up Jane, you're making me nauseous!"

"Ivy, calm down, Jane's just trying to help, so I can understand everything and how it made you feel."

"Look at the three girls over by the window."

"Ivy, Doctor Robinson doesn't see anyone by the window."

Hi there, it's so nice to meet you all, my name is Ivy, this is Susan, April, Jane, Laura and our other friends, Lily, Samantha and Mary are at home!

What's your names?

Mine's Sarah, this is Angelina and she's Shae-Lynn!

Do you all want to come over to our place, we'll make pasta primavera, and we can hang out and get to know each other!

Sure, sounds like fun!

Sorry for all the security when you arrived, it's just how things are here at the centre for some reason.

It's no problem.

Let's eat, but I wanna take a picture first, I hope the camera on my phone co-operates, fingers crossed, say Cheese!

Geez, there's definitely something wrong, look the food came out great but look at us, it's like all crazy looking multiple imagines of me!

By Önder Örtel on Unsplash

Short Story

About the Creator


An average person that enjoys DYI and History shows.

A huge Downton Abbey fan that would have loved to live that life.

Nanny to 2 sweet grandchildren.

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    BettyWritten by Betty

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