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Lessons Through Time

I wrote this for the New Worlds competition but missed the deadline. The theme was the first chapter of a book of other worlds with the first sentence below. My husband had just passed unexpectedly when I wrote this, and I still would like to share it.

By Elyse PenningtonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. I remember spending hours looking up to the night sky, tracking anything that moved, imagining what lay beyond. Splashes of deep colors streaked the view. Purples, dark blues, and undefined gray clouds came together in a magnificent tapestry dotted with pinpoint evidence of other worlds.

My last memories on earth were of floating above my body in a small hospital room, surrounded by people working so hard to keep me grounded in the body I spent the last fifty Earth years residing in. Shouts of directions, medicines being administered, paddles, chest compressions. I can’t feel it, but I know there is pain. In just moments, my mind expands, and knowledge of a much bigger picture radiates through my consciousness. Though I know everything that took place and brought me to this millisecond of my existence, all confusion, anger, and discomfort have been zapped from my awareness.

I can’t say how but I know my wife is on her way. I can feel her panic as she races to be at my bedside. I could stay and wait for her, but the pull of what is beyond beckons. I feel her wailing cries as she drives through empty streets in the wee hours of the morning. Her fear and sadness give me strength. Our love is transcendent. The invisible string that brought us together remains but has altered. She is a mate of my soul, and I know with certainty I will be with her again. She has a new journey to experience in my absence, but she is strong, and nothing beyond that matters. It will be challenging, but she will be fine. I know this as a truth, as evident as the sun’s and universe’s existence.

Letting go of the final bonds of this life, my soul sores free. Without body, my essence returned to the stardust that first created me eons ago. It is hard to explain, my true self being nothing of physical matter or words that exist. Time and trackable locations do not matter. Energy is fluid. I find myself where I last congregated with others like me. Circling moons and stars in galaxies that human beings only guessed existed. Colors beyond any world's understanding, both the deepest and brightest of hues, cradle me. I wish I could take these views with me wherever I go next.

Like a beacon, I find myself surrounded by others that I know. My memories of Earth are slowly becoming more distant. I see the essence of my favorite dog, Cooper, from this last life. Joy radiates as I recognize the lifetimes we spent on other planets in other forms together. The memories aren’t vivid, but the understanding is undeniable. I drift, content, brushing by others who have been part of my journeys. Each lifetime brings its own tests and aids to help our true selves find enlightenment.

It may have been minutes, weeks, or centuries, but I feel a familiar pull. One does not decide where they go or know why they are there, but there is no escaping when it is time for your next lesson. It feels like floating down a river, passing lively, thriving planets, bright with colors and radiating sounds, and old forgotten worlds that have turned grey and float silently through nothingness. Everything in between has its own texture and vibration. My current journey has brought me to a vast established world full of light, music, and war.

My soul lands in a small purple child. The importance of my new role resonates with me. Shock and fear flash as I take residence in my new form. My previous life had joy, laughter, pain and heartache, but the love I experienced grounded me through it all. I’m not sure if I will have it that easy this time. With that final thought, my mind is reset. A blank canvas ready to learn the new lessons that are painted upon our souls.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Elyse Pennington

The world of words is where I hide to escape. I am working to grow in my writing. Please join me on some of my adventures.

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