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"Leftover women" stockholders choose their spouses

Dodo is an uncompromisingly old stockholder. From 900 points into the market to 4,000 points shock, from no one asked, to 10,000 people empty alley, Duo never abandoned to accompany the Chinese stock market through the storm. At the lowest ebb, 30,000 yuan of investment was almost lost, and many people sighed and cut off the meat and empty positions. But more do not believe in evil, over the years, as long as there are savings, will be righteous to add in. Nearly three years, finally keep the clouds open to see the moon, more than in the stock market to run the funds to an alarming rate of expansion. People saw Duo buy a house, buy a car, and said Duo hit the gods of wealth, lucky. Translated with (free version)

By Faygath FyaharhPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
"Leftover women" stockholders choose their spouses
Photo by Bùi Thanh Tâm on Unsplash

Only people who know Duo know that this is not a lucky break, but God's reward for Duo's excellent investment vision. The stock selection of Duo is very stable, and her vision is very poisonous. People buy low stocks, she chose high-performance stocks; performance stocks bullish, she bought ST stocks, never follow the wind, a school of thought. The magic is that the ups and downs of the stock market Duo rarely misses, buy what up what. The company is also unambiguous to the outside world and is not shy about recommending stocks to outsiders when they see them going up. She even opened a stock selection blog, often sending some insights in the above, now and then also recommending some individual stocks. I didn't expect the stockholders to spread the word, ten to one hundred, more than a big hit, the stockholders gave her a big name, the heroine.

  In contrast to the financial success, Duo in the love of the road is extremely bumpy. The first thing you need to do is to blow out 34 birthday candles, but Duo is still a "leftover", Duo thinks she may not be able to get married in this life.

  The duo is not ugly, has good features, and has fair skin. Although dressing lack understanding, Duo does not think that this is the reason that prevents her true love to come, as to what is preventing her, she can not say.

  It's not that Duo has never been in love. Excluding crushes and unrequited love, Duo has been in love three times in the strict sense. The first time was more than ten years ago, not long after she joined the workforce, the office elder sister introduced her to a neighbor. I can't remember the details, but this gentleman said later that he decided to get back together with his former girlfriend and didn't want Duo. The second time was with a high school classmate. An encounter years after graduating from high school caused them to ignite a spark of love. This love experience can be described as romantic, and he said a lot of mountainous vows. When it came time to talk about marriage but found that this ma in many dils on the performance was very "unmanly", selfish and sensitive, and grumpy, and eventually the two ended up with a personality disagreement, rational breakup, and end. The third experience is somewhat blushing to say the least. This is a man who met in the work, or in the government agencies. After three months of acquaintance, he made that request, which was flatly rejected by Duo. Since then, Duo will often feel that he has a "rogue" meaning, but he suspected Duo's rigid thinking and does not understand, and the breakup became a natural thing.

  Since then, Duo has not been in love. The company has a dozen blind dates, none of which both sides feel appropriate. Marriage is a brain-damaging thing.

  To facilitate the speculation, Duo resigned from his job last year. The office was saddened when Duo left. Some people said that Duo speculation faint head, even the job do not want, how to do after the stock market fell; some people are envious, at home, just knocking on the computer can earn a lot of money, then work hard to earn a living in the company a hundred times stronger. Only Lin didn't say anything, just silently helped Duo to organize the office supplies on the table, and Duo handed over and signed for each department.

  Lin and Duo Duo were in the company at the same time and had a good friendship. Lin had been divorced and his daughter was taken away by his ex-wife, and now he is still alone. Sometimes Lin complained to Duo about his ex-wife's domineering ways, and Duo would enlighten him. On the day Duo finished the formalities, Lin took him downstairs and hugged him. Although this means nothing more than an expression of good wishes, Duo is still very embarrassed. He said, "I'll be in touch often, and left in a hurry.

  Every morning Duo woke up at 7:00 a.m., opened the window, watered the flowers, and started to manage his blog on the computer. The number of visitors to the blog was already in six figures. Among the many messages, Duo found a whispered message from a person who signed his name Ouyang.

  "Hello, heroine! I accidentally saw your blog and felt that you are not as great as the legend. I don't know if you have analyzed the annual report of this company. It is not possible to just aim at the K-line, since it is a public platform, I hope you do a good job of investigating before you make your remarks. There is time to communicate again."

  The latter also left a HotMail email address.

  Although the words were harsh, this person was quite generous and spoke in a whisper, leaving their face to Duos. There have been similar people who sang the opposite tune before but in a public shouting manner. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. We'll talk about it after the opening bell.

  The market opened high. The next is something wrong. The first two days of the Green Mao industry is still a small rise, Duo had calculated that today to the top, the results of this stock but down. The company said, "Hold on, hold on, it's just a short-term pullback, it will come up. But the facts are against us. By the afternoon, Green Mao Industry fell to a halt.

  The company lost its footing. Thanks to not betting heavily on this stock, otherwise it would have lost a lot of money.

  The company suddenly remembered the person named Ouyang in the morning. She hurriedly looked up the message and sent an email. She said she would like to know the basis of his analysis and asked for advice.

  An hour later, she received a reply from Ouyang. He analyzed the predecessor of the Green Mao Industry from the perspective of market and management, and many parts of this rate and that indicator were not very clear to Duoduo. He finally even asserted that Green Mao Industry would have a major crisis within six months and suggested Duo Duo hurry up and publish a statement on his blog to alert the shareholders. Finally, he said he also wanted to learn technical skills from Duoduo and made a request to meet. The duo was momentarily baffled. She was not in the habit of meeting with strangers.

  Ouyang didn't wait to hear back. He sent another email. This time he sent a personal introduction and a photo. The photo showed him at the top of the mountain, very healthy and energetic looking. Finally, he said: 7 o'clock, see you at Two Banks Coffee on You Ai Road.

  Duo suddenly felt distracted. To be honest, she liked the look of the person in the photo, so sunny, his life should also be full of sunshine, unlike her own huddled in a snail's home all day. She couldn't do anything else for a while, she didn't want to open her blog, I'm afraid it was boiling over, she recommended a stock that was down. When she was at a loss, her phone rang, and it was Lin.

  "Duo Duo, what are you doing?"

  "Not doing much."

  "Are you bored at home?"

  "Not bad."

  "I texted you last night, why didn't you reply?"

  "Oh, I was asleep by then."

  "So early to bed."


  "Toto, the company has a lot of work these days."


  "I always think of you when I'm tired, it was really fun to talk to you every day before."


  "Duo Duo, I especially want to see you every day and know if you're doing well."

  Duo hung up in a hurry. Lin was a simple man with a gentle nature. But Duo Duo had never thought of it in that way, and after three years of knowing each other, no calls had come in. The company is not the type of person who makes Duo Duo's heart flutter. That Ouyang, on the contrary, seems to be.

Short Story

About the Creator

Faygath Fyaharh

I can love you to death, can not love you to shame.

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