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Laughing Horse

Laugh is not only an expression,its an emotion!

By @FahiPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A sense of humour really matters in stress buster

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. He notices a sign that reads "Free drinks if you make our horse laugh." He sees the horse tied up outside, so he walks over to it and whispers something in its ear.

To everyone's surprise, the horse starts to laugh uncontrollably. The bartender is so shocked that he gives the man his free drink.

A few minutes later, a second man walks into the bar and also orders a drink. He too sees the sign and heads outside to try to make the horse laugh. But no matter what he says, the horse remains completely still and silent.

Frustrated, the second man walks back into the bar and confronts the first man. "What did you say to the horse?" he demands.

The first man leans in and whispers, "I told him my salary."

Feeling defeated, the second man walks back to the bar and orders another drink. He turns to the first man and says, "I didn't think a joke about your salary would be so funny to a horse."

The first man smiles and replies, "Neither did my boss."

The second man chuckles and the two of them strike up a conversation, bonding over their mutual love for humor and horse laughter.

As the night goes on, more and more people try their luck with the horse, but no one can seem to make it laugh as hard as the first man did.

Finally, the bartender approaches the first man and says, "We've never seen the horse laugh like that before. What exactly did you say to it?"

The first man grins and says, "I just told it some horse jokes. It seems like they're a little corny, even for a horse."

And with that, the first man becomes known as the horse whisperer of the bar, always bringing a smile to the faces of both horse and human alike.

Word of the man's horse-laughing abilities spread quickly and soon enough, he was the talk of the town. People from all over came to the bar just to see him make the horse laugh.

One day, a talent scout happened to be in the bar and was blown away by the man's unique gift. He offered him a job as a stand-up comedian, traveling the country and making horses laugh.

The man was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed to give it a try. And to everyone's surprise, he was a huge hit! Horses across the country were rolling on the ground with laughter, and audiences couldn't get enough.

From that day on, the man lived a life of laughter and joy, spreading cheer wherever he went, always with a horse by his side and a joke on the tip of his tongue.

Years passed and the man became a legend in the world of comedy, known as the king of horse humor. He wrote books, starred in movies, and even had his own line of horse-themed jokes and merchandise.

But despite all his success, the man never forgot where he came from and always made time for the little bar that started it all. He would visit whenever he was in town and never failed to bring a smile to the faces of the horse and all the regulars who frequented the bar.

As he grew older, the man began to pass on his wisdom and love of horse jokes to a new generation of aspiring comedians. And even after he was gone, his legacy lived on, inspiring people everywhere to tell horse jokes, make horses laugh, and spread joy wherever they went.

And so, the story of the horse whisperer of the bar will be told for generations to come, a reminder that laughter truly is the best medicine, even for horses.

As a result, more and more people started incorporating horse humor into their daily lives, using it as a tool for connecting with and caring for these magnificent animals. Horse sanctuaries were established all over the world, dedicated to providing a safe and happy home for horses, filled with laughter and joy.

The man may have started as just a joke-teller in a small bar, but he ended up changing the world in a big way, leaving behind a legacy of love and laughter that will be remembered for years to come.


About the Creator


I am an engineer and running my own website, I am good story writer and interested in cooking too.I present you more interesting,funny,thrilling,entertaining,comic stories in my article.

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