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Last Minute Christmas

The Christmas Ornament

By Bobby GuptaPublished 2 years ago 24 min read
Last Minute Christmas
Photo by Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash


Chapter One

"Okay, let's set the meeting for tomorrow. I know it's the weekend but..." you stopped mid-sentence, looking at your employees.

They gave you such a shocked look.

One of them said, "Boss, it's not the weekend, -it's Christmas.-"

You glanced around. How did you become unaware of all the lights and decorations? That's when you realized you haven't celebrated Christmas in years. It's time for a change, you felt.

"Well, I guess you could all celebrate with your families and," you continued, "...come to work on Monday instead?"

Everyone nodded approvingly.

"As for me, I'll be at tomorrow's meeting," you stated to yourself. "I've never understood Christmas. What's the big deal?"

An ornament from a nearby Christmas tree dropped and rolled next to you. You picked it up. It was shiny, red, and reflected your face as you held it. You stood up to hang it on the tree. When you found a good spot, you witnessed the red orb showing something peculiar: white streaking clouds, pink hues in blue skies, a plane soaring by. You were puzzled and took another look. It was your standard bauble again. You furrowed your brows and squinted at it.

“Hey, boss.” Someone poked you.

“Huh.” You composed yourself. “Yes, what is it, Mrs. Fenton?”

“There’s someone here to see you.”

“We’re in a meeting right now.”

“I know, sir, but she wouldn’t listen. I tried telling her…”

“Well, well.” The stranger interrupted. “I do declare I’ve found my knight in shining armor.”

“Ok, can someone get this lady out of here?” you commanded. “Security!”

“That won’t be necessary, my lord. I’ve come only to deliver what truly belongs to you.” Out of her purse, she conjured up a perfectly wrapped present. “For you, an heir among the stars.”

You took it, grudgingly. “Thanks, I guess. Who are you? What is this?”

“Toodles,” she waved goodbye, tossing glitter and shimmering snowflakes as she exited the room.

She didn’t answer your questions. “Great, now we have to clean all this up,” you sighed. “Sorry, everyone, for the interruption.”

Later that day, you finally had time to yourself. Everyone left early to enjoy the Christmas weekend. Your office had papers all over the table. You decided to open the window, turn on the lamp, lean back in your chair, and rest your feet on the desk. Though you saw stacks of books on the shelves, decorations, and the adjoining offices, you thought about today’s mishap. What an absurdity. The present itself wasn’t big. You surmised it probably contained a trinket or a small box of candy. You didn’t care. It bothered you the crazy lady had entered the conference room so arrogantly. She was off her rocker. Anything could have happened. She could have hurt someone. She could have murdered one of your staff. You didn’t feel like opening that gift. Where was it anyway?

You headed out the office, down the hallway, and passed the other offices. It was dark. You could see the evening sky through the windows. The kitchen remained lit. The cleaners chattered among themselves. When you reached the conference room, you saw it there where you had left it. It wasn’t much to stare at. Reflective green paper, white string tied to a bow.

“Might as well open the damn thing, since I ran here,” you chuckled, pulling the string.

The wrapping unfolded. A note read CHIVALRY: THE TASTE FIT FOR A KING. The finest chocolates from the Drubar Kingdom. Magical ingredients. Uncommonly good.

You were elated and relieved. A light bulb switched on: you had an epiphany. “I get it. She was a sales representative,” you laughed. “Wait till I tell everyone about this.”

There were four chocolates, exquisitely made. Hand-crafted inside the yellow box. “They look like works of art. I don’t know if I can eat them,” you joked. “This one looks like a fat pudgy chocolate sword with caramel spiraled around it and minty jewels on its handle. And this one is of a shield with a gummy red dragon on the top and a sparkling diamond flag on the bottom. And this one is of a chocolate castle with a tower. A wizard wearing a blue robe is at the window. And this last one is of a gate with green vines and flowers. Such beautiful detail. I just can’t eat them.”

As you removed each piece from the box, there was the usual writing underneath.

“Want more?” you read on the inside bottom of the candy box. “Just say Drubarrrrrrrr….”

Instantly, you were whisked away.

Suddenly, you returned and with boxes of chocolates. They spilled over on your desk. You couldn’t believe it.

“Drubar,” you tested.

Again, you were transported away and happily sent back gifted with many more chocolate boxes.

“Shoot, I didn’t see where I was,” you stomped your foot. “Let’s try again.”

You shoved all the boxes off the table. “DRUBAR!” you shouted.

Gray cobblestones, cloudy skies, castle, white diamond flag.

“Darn!” you banged your desk as you were quickly thrown back into your office with an armful of chocolate boxes. “I saw horses. I just know it. I heard them clomping on the brick.”

You were determined. Again, you yelled, “Drub…”

"Stop! You've reached the maximum allotment of free chocolates," commanded the wizard.

"Wha-Who are you?" you asked the blue robed stranger in front of you.

"I'm Jrendorf, the wizard of Drubar. Why haven't you eaten any of these fine chocolates. Most are still in the boxes."

"I know."

"But why?"

"I just couldn't. They're wonderful pieces of art."

"But why did you keep asking for more?"

"Because I wanted a glimpse of your kingdom."

"You could have just asked."


"Yes. Of course."

"All right. Then. I would like to visit Drubar."

You were whisked away, and the wizard was left alone in your office with all the chocolates. He looked like a yellow Christmas tree with all the boxes all around him. One of the cleaners walked by and giggled and left, but not before taking a selfie.

"Enough!" The wizard demanded. He pulled out his magic wand and zapped the boxes back to the candy shop. "So, the prophecy has come true!"

He sat down in your chair and slumped over your desk. "I've waited over two hundred years. The prophecy has now been fulfilled."

He let out a long-exasperated bellow. "'He who doesn't eat the chocolates, must be the new King.' I don't like it. I must put a halt to this. I won't let this happen."

The wizard was enraged! He stood up, stirring an evil spell. His magic wand swirled around him.

"I must know what happens if I don't intervene." His eyes sparkled true like the white fires of lore. He struck his staff down at the floor, burning it like fire stone in a hot bubbling cauldron. The windows shattered. Many wands spiraled around him like a tornado.

"Tell me, oracle true, reveal the course of this new King beyond the scores of centuries into the bowels of the future." He groaned deeply chanting, moaning.

Crystal balls and snow globes appeared. Growing larger blending wavering sinking into themselves into one humongous globe. The howling sounds ripped through the walls.

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5...10….

"Noooooo. Further into the future. I command it!!!" The wizard forced his power ever stronger.

Chapters 50, 100, 200, 500...1000

"Further. Furtherrrrr. Tell me, Oracle!!!!" The wizard pushed shoved coerced his power. The globe cracked under the tumultuous pressure. Hot glowing lava spilled from his eyes. "Show meeeeeee!"

Chapter Twenty Thousand

You were the captain of the Starship Treetop 5123. You were in caramel space, the part of the universe that is brown space instead of black.

Unlike spaceships, a starship was a full-blown city with airstrip pads for spaceships to land and launch. You flew in your skimmer around the perimeter of the starship, admiring it workmanship. It was well designed like a rounded tree with twisting branches and vines spiraling in and out through the knots and bark. It rotated continuously and in sections.


"Yes." You patched the commlink.

"We've discovered the planet you've been hunting for all these years."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"No, sir. Check quadrant 2c alpha 9."


There, before you on display, was like a gem to your eyes. A planet that has a ring so close to it, it’s almost a part of it. You weren't sure if the planet was habitable, but you didn’t care. Seeing something like this was remarkable.

Suddenly, you felt a headache, a closing in, almost like the folds of space was shutting in on itself.


"Nooooooooooooooo. This mustn't happen," gleamed Jrendorf. "I must find a way to thwart the prophecy. To destroy this awful future."

He laughed, cackled and twitched his eye. "I must do something!!!! I must do something NOW!!!!"

Everything collapsed like an avalanche and vanished. Time and chapters swirled backwards. Chapter 10,000. Then, chapters 5000, 2000, 99, 75, 35, 20, 11, 9, 4, 3…. The wizard set forth a plan.

Chapter Two

You were in Drubar, thanks to Jrendorf’s tip. You've never been in another kingdom before. Horses galloped by you. The riders wore emblems of diamonds and of the red dragon. The grey cobblestones underneath you felt rough. Everyone smiled as you walked by them. You noticed a lot of children playing about. The clouds streaked across the blue skies like cotton candy. The castle was at the horizon.

"I wonder where that wizard went. I bet you he could help me with a guided tour," you said.

You were at the playground, even here the place was decorated for Christmas. You watched as one of the children took a liking to you.

"May I trace your hand?" She asked, her long brown hair was tangled. She looked of two years old.

"I'm sorry, my lord," apologized her mom.

"It's okay. What’s her name?"


"Well, Stacia. Yes, you can."

She smiled and grabbed your hand. You kept up with her to the sandbox where she traced your hand over and over. The big ornaments nearby were settled in place with bolts.

"Here, take this." She handed you her doll and candy canes.

You didn't know what to do but to hold them in your lap. Then, she grabbed her books and laid them out in the grass.

"What’s she doing?" You asked the mom.

"Oh, she's going to play hopscotch with them."

You saw the other children laughing and playing. The swings were decorated red and green. Garlands spiraled the poles. A few wooden airplanes flew by.

"I'm sleepy," she said to you. Then, she went to sleep on her books.

A few seconds later, she got up and wanted to play again.

"That was a quick nap."

She giggled and took one of the Christmas pillows and plopped them in the sand.

"Oh. I should put that back,” you said to Stacia.

"Don’t bother. She rearranges things," said the dad to you.

Soon, there were pillows, books, dolls all over the play area. You felt something melt in your heart. The skies turned to a pink hue.

"The sun’s setting," said the mom.

Just then, another wooden plane flew by you. You watched its trajectory across the red ornament.

"That's the scene I saw earlier," you pointed.

"That’s a cool scene on the ornament, huh," the dad said to you, not understanding what you meant.

"My King. My King. Where are you?" Stacia sang.

"Do you know this song, my lord?" The mom asked of you.


"Here, let me show you."

The mom turned to Stacia. "Stacia. Stacia. Where are you?"

Stacia looked at her mom, curled and bobbed her index finger at her, and sang, "Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?"

She then to her dad, "Daddy. Daddy. Where are you?"

Her dad turned to her, curled, and bobbed his index finger, and sang, "Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?"

Last, she turned to you. "My King. My King. Where are you?"

You smiled, looking at her, curled and bobbed your index finger. "Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?"

It was getting late. You felt softened inside in your heart like maybe this Christmas thing had qualities you didn’t understand before.

Chapter Three

At the royal courtyard, a sword fight continued between the knights. It was the training grounds. There was a wide audience, everyone watched the intense battle. As you approached the standing soldiers, they asked for your identification.

“I’m supposed to be the next King. I didn’t eat the chocolates, and well this prophecy thing-I…” you rattled on.

“I’m sorry,” one of them said. “But you are an imposter!”

“What do you mean?” you frowned. “But…”

“The next King’s already here,” stated the other soldier, stepping closer to you. “In fact, you look exactly like him.”

“Dark magic’s at play. We’re taking you to the dungeon.” The first soldier grabbed your arm.

“But not before you speak to the King. He might save you from the agitated alligators,” added the other soldier.

“Or the hungry hounds,” laughed the first.

“Or the deathly dragons,” chortled the second.

You were frazzled, full of anguish. This couldn’t be happening. Your feet dragged on the dirt ground as you were hauled like a drunkard across the courtyard. Your heart beat out of your chest. The guards shoved their way through the ongoing match. One of the knights tripped over your feet and was about to pierce you to death if it weren’t for the soldiers. They marched ahead and dropped you at the King Richard’s booth.

“What’s the meaning of this? I have money riding today on Sir Weldrid. I told you before never to interrupt these games,” the King ignited.

“I’m sorry, your liege, but this imposter boldly says he’s the next in line to the kingdom.”

“Preposterous! The next in line to the throne’s here, next to my counsel.” The King stood up, “Let me see this doppelganger!”

“My Lord, we think dark magic’s involved. Please, be on your guard,” warned the first soldier.

The second soldier balked an order to you, “Stand up straight, you scoundrel.”

You clumsily stood, trying to fix your scuffed shoes. You saw the current King, the Queen, the royal counsel, the familiar wizard, and yourself! Everyone was aghast!

“How can this be? It seems we have two of them.” King Richard commanded, “Feed them both to the lucky lions!”

That’s when Jrendorf, the wizard interjected, “My King, please have leniency. Remember the prophecy? The true one sits here with I.”

“Are you defiant to my orders!” The King’s patience grew thin.

“My lord, the prophecy has been fulfilled. We mustn’t break it,” Queen Volamir advised.

“How shall we tell them apart?” the King asked. “Perhaps a quest? Or a test?”

“I am the real one,” your devilish twin stated smugly. “I was at my office when the wizard told me about the prophecy. I didn’t eat any of the chocolates.”

It sounded rehearsed. Everyone believed him, even the King nodded in satisfaction, scratching his beard. You had to think of something, otherwise, you might be thrown to the predatory piranhas or the tossing trolls. The tension mounted. You felt your neck and your shoulders stiffen. A headache swam in your brain like buzzing bees. You almost yelled out your request.

“Your-your lordship. I mean, King. Please, forgive my ignorance.” You were scared, nervous, and shaking. “I I-only came here to see your sweet kingdom. Yes, I did request a lot of chocolates, but I never ate one. The artwork alone was so touching to me. I daren’t eat any of them. And when I glimpsed your world, I kept saying Drubar over and over. I wanted to see more. I only learned of the prophecy in my travels after the wizard had told me I could visit your kingdom freely.”

You breathed in fully and then out, calming yourself, almost resigning. You continued, “If it is your wish, my King, have the other take the role as the next King. My only desire is to explore this realm and then return to my world.”

The Queen smiled at you, but the King wasn’t persuaded. “This is foolishness!”

Both your double and you were thrown into the dungeon. You gained yourself more time, but you had to solve this, unless you didn’t mind dying to the gargling ghouls or to the blood-sucking bats.

“Whoever you are. Whatever you’re going to do, it won’t work.” Your words echoed in the darkness of the chamber.

“Did you really mean what you said back there? That-that you’d allow me to be the next King?” the fraud wondered.

“You sound just like me. I have to think.”

You tried to stand but were chained to the slimy wall. You couldn’t see in front of you. A shared window was your only light. The moon’s glow faintly crawled in, enough for you to know you’re alive.

Your imposter cried, “You know, at first daylight, we’re going to be guil-guila.”

“Guillotined,” you finished. “Beheaded. It hadn’t even occurred to me. Why did you do this to me?”

“It wasn’t me. It was the wizard.”

“But I thought the wizard was nice and sweet.”

“He doesn’t want the prophecy fulfilled. He hates the ancient texts. He wants to be King.”

“Well, it looks like he’s going to get his way,” you said coldly. “There’s nothing we can do about it now.”

“All this over chocolate.”

“Yeah,” you thought. “Chocolate. Chocolate. Hmmmm.”

You tested, “Drubar!”

You were whisked away and returned with a note, but something was different. You felt your hands and arms. You weren’t chained! What a relief! You couldn’t read the note. It was too dark, but you figured it ranted something about inventory control. Who knows?

You were hopeful for the first time. You smiled and shared your insight to your twin, “Hey, just say the kingdom’s name. You’ll be released.”

“Um, it won’t work on me. You must be an outsider. You’re the true heir.”

“Ohhhh. I’m very sorry.”

“I’m sorry for getting you into this mess.”

“Don’t mind that. It’s the wizard’s doing. Because I’m the true heir, I must have rights. I will get us out of this. I promise you.”

You tried something else. “I would like to visit Drubar,” you stated. And, disappeared.

Chapter Four

You reappeared outside in the darkness. You could see Christmas lights all around the town, the playground, and the castle. It must be Christmas early morning. Something must have changed since yesterday. The stars shined like pockets of lights poking through a tent. It felt like you were under a black fort. You were free. You could return home, but you felt you had a quest of your own.

You were at the castle. The guards stood at attention. “Who goes there?” They asked in unison.

“I’m an heir to the throne of Drubar,” you voice sounded confident, regal.

They stared at each other and obeyed. “My liege.”

The doors to the castle opened to you. The knights ran across the court with shields and swords at the ready. You weren’t fazed, deterred. You knew something had changed. You knew everything would be all right.

You said, “Knights. Knights. Where are you?”

The knights laughed in unison. “Here we are. Here we are. How do you do, my Lord?”

“I’m fine. I’m rightly fine.”

The knights bowed before you. You told them to be at ease. You walked into the main domain, past the royal chambers, and stopped at the corner tower. The windows offered enough moonlight, so you could watch your footing going up the spiral steps. A flickering of yellow honey light was at the top. The wizard's lair must be there. As you continued upward, you felt the top light tug you like a marionette. Before you knew it, you were at the top. The lair's door was wide open. When you walked up to it, you immediately ducked as a fireball whizzed by.

"We meet again," Jrendorf said.

You crept to the open door and saw him drawing another fire spell.

"Why are you doing this?" you shouted.

"I despise you."

"You hate the prophecy, not me." You approached closer.

"So, it appears you’re the true heir." The wizard noticed your aura, your countenance, your benevolence.

He lobbed multiple fire balls at you, so you couldn't escape. You covered your eyes with your arm. But.

You felt only warmth. Nothing else.

The wizard seeing you're still alive attacked you with an increasing lava spell. Again, you blocked your eyes, trying to avoid imminent death. You had no magic powers. But. Nothing happened.

The wizard dealt more blows upon you. Each one hotter than the previous.

"You should be dead by now," the wizard grew restless.

His spells penetrated through the tower walls behind you, flew into the sky, and smoked the barracks. The knights clambered up to siege the tower.

Sir Weldrid commanded, "The wizard attacks the heir. Men, protect the King."

All the knights stood and kneed in front of you framing their shields together against the enemy. Unaware you’re completely unharmed.

"How dare you protect the King," the wizard spat after fading away.

Sir Bracknard stated, "There isn’t a mark on you. The prophecy protects you as you protect Drubar!"

The men cheered!

"Of course, our weapons and armor stock have been destroyed," he added.

The men booooed.

You freed your look-a-like. He was so happy to be with his family. The wizard’s powers wouldn’t harm you any longer. Why? Because of the prophecy. The note you finally were able to read on that Christmas early morning had changed you. It read, “Me thinks you’ve had too much, my King! LOL” So, the ancient lore rang true and was fulfilled. The wizard vowed to never return, but who knows. Back at the office, you canceled the meeting, extended the holiday for everyone past the new year, and revisited Drubar to celebrate the victory.


You were at the gazebo. Lights were strewn throughout its wooden workings. It seemed like a fairytale. The royal family mingled. Chivalry chocolates were catered for the event. One piece of chocolate had your attention.

"What is it, my liege?" The Queen's hand was on your shoulder as she peered at your gaze.

"This. I saw this piece in my office. Where does it belong?"

"That is the enchanted gate." She pointed towards the trees where the distilled fog rested like a sun-kissed dream. "There. You will find the real gate. Beware, my Lord, many have gone beyond it, only a handful have come back."



"Evil traps?"

"Nay, my Lord."

"What then?"

"Enchantments. You will find the rarest of enchantments there. Say an enchanted apple that becomes a cozy cottage. Or an enchanted chair that teleports you to another place. Or an enchanted key that opens hidden doors. You will be lured into its depths."

"May I see this gate?" You were intrigued.

"You may but please, my Lord, bring the knights with you," she said with concern. "I fear you’ll be lost to its snare if you went alone."

You followed Queen Volamir's suggestion. Through the path between the tall trees, you went. The powerful scent captured you. It felt like a dream, hazy yet lucid. Sir Weldrid headed the pack. The fog rolled slowly across the patches of grass and forest trail. You saw the gate beckoning you up ahead.

"My liege, do not get too close. The prophecy can’t protect you from this," he instructed.

"I've never seen this gate before," remarked Sir Newton.

"Aye, it changes to match the suitor," Sir Weldrid maintained his distance.

You didn't hear what they said. You walked closer. The gate was white, wooden, stained. Green vines spread through it with pink bloomed flowers. It filled your nostrils. You traced the top of the curved gate with your hand. It felt like a women's shoulder. Her neck. It caressed against your touch. You desired to meet the beyond. You felt kisses on your cheek and lips. It was like the siren call of mermaids gravitating you inward. You yearned to open the gate. The melting breeze felt nice on your face. Soft, sheer, pleasing. You heard the soft creak of the gate as you unlatched it. Like water traversing down a babbling creek around and over the rocks. You couldn’t resist. You couldn’t. You saw a trickle of light on the misty trail beyond the gate. It intoxicated you.

Suddenly, you were in a cabin.

"Get the King out of here now!"

"What just happened?"

"Hurry, men. Hurry!!"

When you awoke, you discovered yourself in one of the royal chambers. Sir Weldrid was next to you, and so was King Richard and Queen Volamir.

"What hap-pened?" You rubbed your eyes.

"You were enchanted, my liege." The knight explained, "Aye, I should have stopped it sooner. I saw you fall through to its spell. My men and I were also affected. The distance saved us."

“You should smash it,” you offered.

Queen smirked, “You’re so naïve.”

“As befits a new young heir.” King Richard said with choice, wise words, “Yes, under my wing, you’ll be trained to be a fine King. The locked enchantments can not be broken.”

“But how did you escape? Er, I mean. How did you save me?"

"I rescued you with this." Sir Weldrid produced a lantern. "Aye, not just a lantern, but an enchanted one."

"You see," the Queen opted in. "Our Sir Weldrid was one of the ones that came back from the gate's enchanted depths."

The King then added, "This enchanted lantern when lit moves those who are close to it to this cabin."

The knight followed, "The cabin saved us. I was thankful to have brought it. When the lantern was lit, I was away from the effects."

"Could you leave the cabin?" You were curious.

"Yes, we doused the lantern once I deemed you and I gained enough strength to leave from the enchantment’s lure."

"No, I meant, could you leave the cabin while the lantern was lit? I’m sure the cabin had windows and a door." you corrected.

The King and Queen both turned to the knight.

"I-I never. I never tried," he answered and triumphantly grinned. "But. But that would make for a fine story."




There were four chocolates, exquisitely made. Hand-crafted inside the yellow box. “They look like works of art. I don’t know if I can eat them,” you joked.

You tried one. "Mmmmm. That tastes pretty damn good." You decided to eat the rest.

"CUT!" yelled the director. "You aren't supposed to eat them, you goon. Bring in another box of chocolates!"

"Um, honey, how did you even swallow those?" questionned the set artist. "They aren't edible."

"Oooops!" you burped. "I was really hungry."



"Yes." You patched the commlink.

"We've discovered the planet you've been hunting for all these years."

"That's nice. Listen to this." You covered your mouth with your right hand and said hoarsely, "Luke, I am your father."

"Oh, brother."

"CUT!" shouted the director. "This isn't Star Wars. Let's try this again. Take it at planet."


"We've discovered the planet you've been hunting for all these years."

"Oh cool." You turned on the radio and started to play music, snapping your fingers. "Yeah, yeah."


The movie crew laughed.


"May I trace your hand?" She asked, her long brown hair was tangled. She looked of two years old.

"I'm sorry, my lord," apologized her mom.

"Mommy, I'm hungry," Stacia cried.

You pointed to the fake candy canes, unknowingly.

"CUT! LET'S GET THIS KID SOME GRUB!" the director got up and threw his clipboard. "10 MINUTES, PEOPLE!"


He lobbed multiple fire balls at you, so you couldn't escape. You covered your eyes with your arm.

"Ouch. Ouch. Jrendorf. Hot. Hot." You ran behind the bed. "Can't you use a lighter spell or make them lukewarm, dude?"

"CUT!" The director chose an alternative. "LET'S CGI THOSE FIRE SPELLS INSTEAD!"

"Darn. I was having fun." The wizard was sad.


Sir Weldrid and you were at the table reviewing the script. Everyone was there except the director. The wizard entered through the wooden door.

"Need some help here." He carried in an armful of logs.

"Sneaking behind the director. This is so much fun," you exclaimed.

"He'll never know," winked Queen Volamir.

King Richard grunted and assisted the wizard.


Short Story

About the Creator

Bobby Gupta

I like creating/writing science fiction and fantasy stories such as this one I dreamed about last night. I walked through the residential community and discovered an outside elevator. It was cylindrical and could only hold two people.

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