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Keepers of the Heart

Rome never fell they just changed addresses but, the truth is they still hold the world.

By Charles WaltonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

August 1 2016, 9:19pm

Father Del spoke to his children at the dinner table, “Our ancestors passed down tales from generation to generation, and today I share with you children the prophecy as it has been shared to me.” Father Del Harper was a tall man of medium complexion, his eyes sharp and slice right through you seeing the very depths of your self. His smile warm and violent, which fit his demeanor the way he remained cool and calm what seemed to be all the time. He stood with long lanky arms with what had to be mittens attached to them for hands the were so big and strong. He was one of the thin but unnaturally strong types.

“It couldn’t be anything to do with the strange phenomenon, that happened in east Velona 2 months ago?” John the first-born son of Del’s had asked. John and his triplet brother and sister Jack and Jean were approaching their 18th birthday in 12 days.

“Yes that was one of the first signs that It’s almost time for this revolution to begin its change of tide.” Father Del replied impressed with his son’s observation.

Del had 2 more children Luke and Ril who were also there listening to their father speak, Luke had turned 17 earlier that year in March and Ril had an upcoming birthday as well in December where he would be turning 16 . The triplets to no surprise were all identical, what did stand out however was how all 5 of them Resembled a perfect reconstruction of their father, Del and their mother, Rachael Fin.

Father Del continued to speak, now more passionately as though he’d been waiting his entire life for this moment, “Now kids, our family has a long and rich history despite the World being thrust into Armageddon seemingly overnight. Today the world is at war as it had been for the past 2,019 years since the first day when it was written that the world would be plunged into immeasurable chaos back in 3 B.C. A few years later a child would be born a prophesied child like the one I speak to you of in todays time. The old prophecy told of The true King becoming a man and delivering man from himself. The stories that most people hear have been tainted by mans own greed and evil desires, but what I tell you here has been passed from ear to ear since the day the True king appeared.”

“When the true king appeared he was met by three mages who all bore gifts, one being a Robe that was said to have been woven from spirit itself, The other brought with him fine jewels and gold that had been bathed in fire, so the newly born king may not worry, and the third brought a heart shaped locket which is said to have descended to him from the heavens opening above, the third mage I speak of is also one of our elders.”

“When he met the prophesied child our elder said he received a message from beyond himself, that he need not give this child the locket but keep it safe through the war, famine, and destruction to come. He was to ensure the survival of the truth and to make sure the locket found the king when he came to truly deliver this world.”

“The prophecy our ancestor received foretold that the coming of the king on the first occasion would plunge this world into immeasurable darkness and chaos. Leaving the planet, a cesspool for war, murder, theft, and all kinds of hate and crimes. The king is to come again to return balance by taking the throne this time restoring the world of old, and as the keepers of the Heart, it’s our duty to return to the king what he sent his servant before he arrived.”

“You can’t be being serious right now.” Jack snidely huffed out.

With a satisfied look on his face Del reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold locket, as soon as his kids set they’re eyes on the gold heart shaped locket they knew what he was saying was true. It had strange engravings with many different shapes with some ancient markings or words of some sort. The locket emanated such a powerful aura that if you weren’t an adept of some sort you’d probably freeze in it’s presence.

Del then began to speak again with the same fire in his eyes as though he was never interrupted, “The past few years have been rough on me. I myself have turned to doubting my father and my grandfathers words with the world seemingly becoming more sick and sinister by the day but the undeniable proof of the existence of this locket has kept me strong in my faith that one day the world will see days of peace and everyone will be able to experience happiness.”

Ril upon notice of the locket, and hearing his dad talk spoke up for once, “how can you want world peace when all of nature is designed with the strong devouring the weak?”

Del looked surprised as if his son had hit a spark in him. “Even if that’s what we see and experience that doesn’t mean that’s what this world was created for. Only the creator knows why he created us, some say we’re just fulfilling his book, we’re lucky enough to be right in the middle of God’s greatest story and we get to deliver him with this locket… but now that I think of it I never found out what its supposed to do.”

The triplets hadn’t said a word the entire time their dad had been talking, they only watched their father’s intensity and tried to absorb the gravity of what he was telling them. John opened his mouth as he was about to ask his father a question but closed his mouth quickly after opening it deciding his question was better held off. His brother Jack noticing decided to ask their father, “Why are you just telling us this now?”

Del, coming to a stale and serious tone spoke, “My children, now we are protected because we’ve able to stay behind the scenes all these years, we’re also lucky to still have elders that we may call on who’s powers have not diminished. But once we begin the task of delivering this locket to the new king the world powers will take notice and we may become targets.”

He could see the expression of his children’s faces become duller, and ominous. All except Ril that is, the youngest of the 5, at the sound of becoming a target for the world powers his expression lit up and he sat a little taller listening a little closer as he thought to himself this might be his opportunity to show his own power to the world. The world had changed a lot since the first coming of the king, despite the constant war and violence, civilization was still able to advance with moderate speed. Granted the most noticeable achievements would be the mass influx of new technologies within the past 150 years. They brought civilization to the threshold of self-destruction, and extinction for humanity. After the second world war the world was divided into two groups the rulers and the ruled, they called themselves the allied world power and referred to anyone that didn’t know the truth of the world as plebeians. Within recent years the plebians have been developing psychic abilities, at first they called those with powers cursed and the world powers tried to reinforce that notion with public murders and televised tragedy anytime they encountered an unnaturally gifted plebian. It’s not known by the public but that’s how the world powers have been able to maintain their state of power. It’s also how they are able to seemingly try to help and fix the state of the world while digging it deeper into the shithole humanity created for itself.

Jean yelled out in a state of shock “Targets!” The harper family was one of the world powers that played behind the scenes, though they held a reputation for being untouchable there were still other families that even they didn’t want to have to go to war with. Even with the world at war and being destroyed, the strength of the allied families within the upper echelon of world powers kept their homes and sacred places safe in all of this destruction. Today the unified world powers occupy every continent on the planet, and the places that resist their oppression are swiftly met with violence and death, while the plebeians are used as pawns and expendable objects in the world powers game of playing god.

Just at that moment Rachael Fin walked into the dining room She was tall with a dark caramel skin tone, her skin was smooth and she had freckles that would change location based on the energy levels of the people around her. She had long dark curly hair, with a smile that could make anyone melt. She was the prettiest woman that you’d probably ever lay your eyes on, anytime she walked in a room the air would freeze and time would slow as she came in like a god among men. “Why’s everyone look so scared and surprised?” she said as she walked in.

“Where’s this kid” Del asked his father, totally ignoring the arrival of his mother, and his sister’s hysterical response. The expression on his face told his dad everything he needed to know, he could tell that his son had been stirred by the news.

Rachael Fin then cut through the conversation again, “So nobody’s going to say hi or tell me what’s the deal with the defeated looks?” She looked as though her day hadn’t been one of the smoothest either. Her eyes met with Del’s and in that instant she knew he was telling them their fate.

They had felt somewhat bad for not letting them know sooner what the fate of their family’s fate was. But they thought it would be better just to prepare them without any distractions, so on the harper’s vast property they trained their children from young children to know how to shoot, fight, use a blade, and more over they taught their kids how to control their psychic abilities. In recent times schools have been closed and shut down for children’s safety. With the arrival of new powers and the revolution within the mainland for peace it’s suspected that the world powers had began using riots and violence in public places like schools, stores, and anywhere that would show how merciless they could be; to deter revolutionaries from continuing their revolution. The Harper family knew this; Father Del and his wife Rachael Fin had been in contact with the revolutionaries in secret letting them know they were on a mission to help the revolution giving them information about and on attacks from the Allied World Powers.

Ril Baptiste was the youngest and most talented of the Harper children as far latent psychic abilities he developed the ability to teleport items and people and even himself at a young age. He was an unnaturally gifted boy he excelled in all areas of his training, though he’s only 15, he stands to be one of the strongest members of the family including some elders. Jean and Jack had been born without psychic abilities however they both possessed extreme physical prowess and were among the best battle strategist that this world had to offer, probably because they had to grow up practicing against their brother John, he possessed the unnatural ability to investigate the future. John could intentionally see up to 3 days in the future, with this gift he also possessed an uncanny sixth sense which allowed him to take notice of unexpected and unforetold events at moments notice and adequately deal with them, almost as if he had a fail safe for any encounter. Luke the fourth child was an average child with the ability hear others thoughts, feel others feelings, and sense others intentions. Luke had it rough in groups even this family meeting was much for him as he could hear and feel every one in the room’s thoughts and feelings. That was one ability no matter how much he got better at clearly understanding how his ability could help him in combat he could never seem to be able to turn it off…

To be continued.


About the Creator

Charles Walton

I am a poet and a man. Just a few of my poems, if you like them my book is now available on Amazon “Letters to Myself Through Time"

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    Charles WaltonWritten by Charles Walton

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