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Just One More Chair.(SCP-002)

By: Ink Stories

By V-Ink StoriesPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

As the sun began to set on a somber evening, the cool breeze whispered through the barred windows of the prison. Within the confines of a dimly lit cell, Francis Lewis, a man condemned to death row, pondered the fate that awaited him. His mind was tortured by the inevitability of his demise, the finality of it all. Little did he know that an unimaginable fate awaited him, deep within the heart of SCP-002.

Three weeks prior, the mysterious SCP Foundation had taken control of Francis's grim existence. Guards clad in dark suits had transported him from his cold, sterile prison cell to an undisclosed location. Shackled and blindfolded, he stood at the entrance of SCP-002, unaware of what lay behind the iron valve hatch.

With a loud creak, the hatch swung open, revealing an otherworldly sight that sent chills down Francis's spine. Before him lay a grotesque growth, resembling a fleshy tumor. Despite his fear, his curiosity led him to enter the chamber, taking cautious steps into the mysterious depths. As he passed through the hatch, it sealed shut behind him, leaving him in an eerie stillness.

To his astonishment, inside SCP-002, he found himself in a modest, low-rent apartment. The room contained furniture, but it was no ordinary setup. The chairs were sculpted from bone, the carpets were woven from hair, and the walls were adorned with various biological substances. It was as if the room itself was an entity created from the human body.

Yet Francis couldn't fully comprehend the true nature of this place. His attention was immediately drawn to the single window, offering a glimpse of the outside world. Strangely, this window didn't exist within the tumor-like growth, leaving him bewildered as to its origin.

Days turned into weeks, and Francis began to acclimate to his strange surroundings. Most peculiar, however, was the fact that every object within the room possessed its own DNA sequence as if it were a living organism. His mind buzzed with questions, but curiosity always overpowered his survival instincts.

As time passed, Francis unwittingly discovered that this malignant chamber had a sinister appetite for human life. Seven unfortunate personnel had disappeared within its depths, leaving behind no trace or hope for their return. Francis realized that his own fate was intertwined with this enigmatic entity, though he couldn't grasp the reasons behind its malevolent hunger.

Miraculously, the room further furnished itself, acquiring lamps, a rug, a television, and other oddities. It was as if SCP-002 craved the touch of humanity, yearning to gather items that would imitate a normal existence. Among its newfound possessions were three books written in an unknown language, children's toys, and even a small potted plant, brimming with life.

The SCP Foundation, desperate to understand the implications of SCP-002's actions, conducted numerous tests. Lab animals, including higher primates, displayed no reaction to the room, while cadavers failed to provoke any response. It appeared that only living humans could satiate SCP-002's need to transform organic matter into its macabre furnishings.

As Francis's execution date approached, hope began to wither within him. He realized that the room had become an integral part of his existence, a living extension of his own fate. With each passing day, he grew more entwined with this anomaly, unable to escape its insidious grasp.

On a fateful evening, as the moon rose high above the prison walls, Francis quietly embraced his inescapable destiny. He had become an unwitting victim of SCP-002's dark hunger, a prisoner within a prison. His final hours drew near, the iron chains of inevitability tightening around his soul.

As SCP-002 consumed yet another life, Francis Lewis met his end. Within the ominous growth, his life force dispersed into the eerie stillness, forever lost to the world outside. The room, adorned with its unsettling furnishings, continued its quiet existence, awaiting the next unsuspecting visitor who would come to feel its insatiable desires.

But little did anyone suspect that within the heart of SCP-002, whispers of Francis's defiance still echoed, a testament to the indomitable spirit that lived on despite the darkest of circumstances.


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V-Ink Stories

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