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It Starts In The Attic Pt.2

Curiosity can either be helpful, or it can be dangerous...

By crativekikiPublished 10 months ago 5 min read

A 9 year old girl named Misty gets locked in an attic by her own parents.. Alone in the attic, She wakes up to a huge bang leading her to a talking box. Full of curiosity, She does as the voices say and opens the box. What was in the box? Was it just voices? Was she just paranoid? is it a trap!?!?

Misty's eyes then grow wide as the box starts to slowly open, Blinding her with a sudden bright light flowing out of it and filling the room. In a panic, Misty then cries out "oh my! What have I done!?"

In the blink of an eye, before Misty, stood two very young kids.. A little boy and a little girl. They both looked just like her.

"you saved us misty! you saved us!" says the little boy full of cheer and grace. The little boy and girl both then run up to Misty and give her a big warm squeeze.

"I saved you? from what? from who? how did you two fit in there?" Misty then asks with a concerned expression on her face. The boy then replies "It was your parents! they locked us up in this attic and next thing you know..."as he drifts off, the girl then adds "We came across this box and I guess we ended up in it.."

Misty stares at the two kids in disbelief. An awkward silence grows loud as the three kids stare at each other. No clue for what they should do next.

"I'm Vanessa! And this is Tommy. and we are your guardian angels. your aunt sent us here to protect you and save you from those... those monsters!" The little girl then gushes while holding her hand out for Misty to shake.

"where did the boxes go?" Misty then says as she pushes the girl's hand to the side. Vanessa and Tommy then turn around to see that the huge mountains of boxes had disappeared leaving the tiny box they came out of alone with the special candle.

Vanessa then replies.. "that's not the point. the point is we need your help." She goes to pick up the candle stick when she hears heavy footsteps growing louder and louder.

Misty, Vanessa, and Tommy all share a look of fear for they know what would happen to all of them if those heavy footsteps were coming from one of Misty's parents. "What now?!" Misty yells in a low panicky whisper.

Vanessa and Tommy share a look then as if on signal, speeds toward the empty mattress on the floor. They both fling the mattress halfway across the attic, exposing a trap door that looked as if it was handmade.

Quickly, Misty speed walks on the tip of her toes towards the trapped door as she doesn't dare to make a creek on the floor. Vanessa and Tommy then throw the door open.

As Misty hesitates to follow as she weighs the consequences in her head, Vanessa and Tommy jump into the dark room. "Are you coming!?" both kids asked. everything comes to a blur to misty as she weighs the choices in her head.

Lost in thought, misty whispers to herself... 'If I go with them... I might be able to escape this awful place... or my parents will catch me.. But they seem pretty trustworthy.. But if I don't go.. What will my parents do to me?


Just then a loud knock on the attic door followed by yelling raddles Misty and knocks her back to reality. Vanessa and Tommy stare at Misty intensely as they wait for her to make her decision. "I'M COMING IN KID!" yells Misty's father.

Misty then feels her heart drop to her stomach; She flees to the kids standing at the door waiting impatiently for her to make her choice.

Running to the door, Misty suddenly feels a huge hand appear on her right shoulder...

Just like a helpless little flower in a garden. so beautiful, yet so fragile, Misty was picked by her aunt, whom she thought was murdered. the world around them blurred, as she looked at her aunt, tears forming in her eyes. "Misty, I know you are scared... But you have to take leaps of faith." her aunt says with a warm smile plastered on her face.

Misty's tears start to fall, as she leaned in to hug her aunt josephine. "I miss you..." she says closing her eyes shut. "I'm not here." her aunt says, while whithering into air. Misty is then thrown back in to reality, the knob on the door continue to rattle, and time starts ticking. Misty looks towards the trapped door where the two kids stand still, waiting impatiently for her decision. Misty jumps in, and flinches, the trap door shutting fast and disappearing behind the three.

Misty then stare in horror at the long dark trail in front of her. with a panicked deep breath, the three kids share a look of faith, and start to walk.

*3 hours later*

It's very dark now, the three kids, Misty, Vanessa, and Tommy can't even see each other. It was almost like they were blind. They walk in silence, listening to their surroundings as they take one step at a time. As she walk, Misty replays memories that she had shared with her aunt josephine, before she had passed. oh how lovely she was. Misty couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful, warming smile. the scent of lavender and pumpkin that she smelled everytime her and her aunt josephine went in for a hug. The sound of her laugh, and when they danced all night until the sun went down. She misses those days.

The three take one step at a time walking down the dark, cold and mysterious path, when Misty get's chills down the back of her neck. "umm... guys?" Tommy says, with a worried tone. they all stop walking. "I don't think we are alon-," There is then a blood curdling scream, as Misty feel the thud of Tommy's body hitting the ground. Paralyzed with horror, Misty's eyes grow wide.

"RUN!" Vanessa says, you can hear the fear in her voice, Jerking Misty back in to reality. They both begin running, forced to leave Tommy behind.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHA" an unfamiliar voice in the distance bursts out in laughter.

The now only 2 girls run, screaming for dear life.

To Be Continued...

thrillerfamilyFantasyMysteryShort StorySeries

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    crativekikiWritten by crativekiki

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