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It is the year 3000. The sun starts to flicker.

Today, in the year 3000, the sun starts to flicker.

By Nipun M. WijerathnePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The sun is flickering!!

This is a very exciting time for our planet! We have created many new technologies that will allow us to expand our knowledge of the universe. For example, we can now talk to aliens from other planets!

Thousands of years ago many people believed that there was only one God. Some people were more religious than others and believed that God wanted them to follow him with their lives. These people would pray often and try hard not to do any wrong things like making fun of someone else or stealing something they did not own. They also tried hard at school so they could become successful in life later on down the road...

Everyone was shocked when the sun started flickering.

It's the year 3000, and you're watching your favorite TV show. Suddenly, you notice that there are some strange things happening outside. The sun is flickering! You look out of your window and see it flickering in the distance—not just one time but over and over again! As more people come into view, they start to notice as well. Everyone was shocked when the sun started flickering! They were even more shocked when they realized that this wasn't just some regular flicker; it was happening every few minutes! Then something else occurred: The moon began to rise up from behind a cloud cover...

In the beginning, scientists and engineers worked together to try and find a solution. But then they all died in wars.

In the beginning, scientists and engineers worked together to try and find a solution. But then they all died in wars.

Scientists didn't want to work with engineers because they were too focused on their own research. Engineers didn't want to work with scientists because they were too focused on their own research.

Scientists and engineers could have worked together to solve the problem. But they didn't, and humanity died.

People still live on earth, but only have enough food and water for two years.

People are living on earth, but only have enough food and water for two years. The sun starts to flicker and people start to become angry with each other. People are living in caves, tents, and cities and even traveling through the woods with their cars!

But there is still enough food and water for everyone. People start to get together and grow their own food in gardens.

People start to plant gardens and grow their own food. They also started to travel through the woods in their cars to find more food. The sun starts to flicker again, but this time no one is angry because they are too busy trying to save themselves from starving. People start yelling at each other because there isn't enough food for everyone anymore.

The flicker is affecting the earth's temperature, and people are migrating from their homes. But everyone is so vicious that there isn't enough room for everyone to move together.

The flicker is affecting the earth's temperature, and people are migrating from their homes. But everyone is so vicious that there isn't enough room for everyone to move together.

People are moving in groups, but there isn't enough room for everyone to move together because they don't trust each other. They fight over the little water and food that is left on earth.

The earth's temperature is increasing because of the flicker. People are migrating from their homes because they don't trust each other and there isn't enough room for everyone to move together. They fight over the little water and food that is left on earth.

There is no more technology or science, but people are working with what they have to fix things.

As you start to become accustomed to the new world, it is easy to forget how much technology and science have changed our lives. But as you travel around town, you can see that people are working together using what they have.

The sun flickers more and more frequently as time passes. It is an indication that something is wrong with our planet's rotation axis, causing it to tilt away from us slightly each day. The only way for us humans who live in this world not only to survive but also thrive in this new era would be if we could somehow fix this problem ourselves!

A flickering sun may not be as enjoyable as it sounds.

The sun is flickering. It's not a good sign. It might be time to make some sacrifices and start thinking about what we can do to solve our problems because if we don't do something now, there will be no one left in the world to enjoy their sunset!

You're probably wondering how this could happen. Well... it's all because of climate change and global warming! And it's not just happening on Earth; other planets like Mars have also been affected by this phenomenon as well!

There are many ways that humans are trying their best to deal with these issues at home (such as building solar panels), but they haven't been able to fix them yet—so now everyone needs help from someone else who knows more than anyone else about how things work around here."

You might be wondering what will happen next. Well, it's hard to say. But we can all hope that there will be no more wars and everyone will live in peace together.

Short Story

About the Creator

Nipun M. Wijerathne

Hello! I’m a creative writer, and I love it. I write creative fiction & mysteries of my own making. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me reading and watching.

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    Nipun M. WijerathneWritten by Nipun M. Wijerathne

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