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Is it just Me: Vol. 1

Sorry Steppenwolf

By Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Warning this is just my opinion, not fact.

Is it just me or does anybody else feel bad for Steppenwolf? If you paid close attention to his storyline, he actually succeeded in everything that he said he was going to do in order for him to gain favor with Darkseid. Which I recently found out was his nephew. Stephen (nickname) somehow betrayed his nephew and was ban from home and to make up for the disloyalty he owned Darkseid 50,000 planets. Let me repeat that again. Fifty thousand new planets he had to conquer and destroy for Darkseid, a.k.a his nephew, a.k.a his boss, a.k.a it should be me on the throne and not you.

But Steppenwolf found something more valuable than 50,000 damn planets, he found the motherload of gifts which are the three MOTHER BOXES. Not only did he find the MOTHER BOXES he found out that planet Earth has the Anti-Life Equation and also was the planet that defeated them some thousands of eons ago. Now if that’s not an A+, I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY. They doubted him, when I say they I mean DeSaad. He didn’t believe Stephen could succeed. Oh but he did DeSaad, Stephen not only had one mother he had two mothers (LOL) and was kidnapping scientists in order to find the third.

Now for my FULL-ON RANT

Stephen got defeated and I feel so bad for him cuz it feels like he didn’t even have f****** help. This WARLORD single-handedly with an army of freaking flying flies collected all three boxes in one movie. I repeat ONE FRANCHISE MOVIE. Don’t mean to compare but the fact is a fact, it took The Avengers how many collective movies to lose to Thanos. Thanos the BIG BAD planet destroyer said to himself “Hey instead of getting my lackey (LOKI) to do the job for me, I rather just pop down to Earth and collect my shit myself”. Thanos not only had an ARMY, he had team leaders whom he trusted to help him collect the Infinity Stones.

Stephen didn’t even have a general, a lieutenant, he was just a captain with a ship. A CAPTAIN WHO JUST HAD MINIONS. I know Stephen was on Darkseid’s bad side, but he was collecting the MOTHERS. That’s not a job you just thrust one villain to do, you send in three more to get the job done. Thanos also had to sacrifice the one person that he loved in order to succeed in his master plan. What did Darkseid ever have to sacrifice? It took Steppenwolf a day to collect the first box and a week to collect the last two. He had all three MOTHER BOXES waiting for Death Note (Darkseid) to show up and collect Earth.

If I was Seid, I would have shown up once Stephen told me he had two not three but two MOTHER BOXES, I would have shown up once Stephen told me Earth was the planet that defeated us back in the day. Hold my keys, hold my phone, I’m pulling up right now, tell them bitches (Justice League) I’m outside and ready to fight. PERIODT. Let me state it again, Stephen not only had the three MOTHER BOXES, but the boxes also conjoined and destroyed. But Mr. Barry Allen “The Flash”, a.k.a “Nobody’s gonna know” “They’re gonna know” “How would they know?…….. How?

Reversing time, that’s how. He reversed time in order for the odds to be in the Leagues’ favor and I’m pissed at this moment. Because Death Note had to wait for the boxes to synchronize in order for him to show up for the battle. Why you scared Sir, your uncle did the hard part. You should have been there Seid. Steph couldn’t handle that fight alone. Superman showed up and start beating his alien ass, disfiguring his face, and Wonder Woman sent his head home without a doggy bag. The very moment when the boxes were un-synced, Darkseid should have been infuriated enough to join the fight.

It makes me wonder if Darkseid knew that the last son of Krypton was on Earth and he needed the reinsurance of the boxes in order to conquer it. I understand that Darkseid is the endgame for The Justice League Franchise. He’s the top-level game boss they need to defeat, but it was all too easy to collect the MOTHER BOXES. It wasn’t a journey of two-four movies to defeat and find the treasure. Steppenwolf succeeded in the one thing Darkseid needed.

My first question would be, what is the next plot for The Justice League movies? Because at this point I really don’t care about the boxes. I refuse to watch another movie if it involves them still searching for the MOTHER BOXES, but we all know Darkseid is not done with Earth. That look Clark gave him was like I’m ready when you are. Also, Darkseid may not be the main villain we think he is because we all witness Superman having his Daenerys moment in Bruce’s nightmare. Any time you have Batman team up with the Joker you know shit is really “Something Darker”.

I have my predictions that Superman will turn to the dark side when Lois tragically dies, not only just her but their unborn child. The movie did hint that Lois might be pregnant, we’re not going to skip past that pregnancy test like we didn’t notice. So that means after Clark’s death, she would have been three months. That’s why I believe Martian Manhunter paid her a visit disguised as mother Martha. He knows that Lois is very important. Just like Berry, he knows Lois is the key to humanity’s downfall. When you lose the person you love more than your whole life, you see no purpose in living, and in Clark’s case, no one should live. The last big question would be what did Batman do to cause Lois’s death and I also notice Wonder Women and Aquaman was not amongst the new team. Have they died too, did Clark kill his partners in crime? When Barry went back in time and told Bruce Lois is the key, he’s basically saying B**** don’t let Lois die.


About the Creator

My life is unpredictable but I speak my mind.

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