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Into the Phantom Zone

Chapter three in a not so super romance

By Doc SherwoodPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I was still fuming at my girlfriend later that night when I was alone in my room. Eventually though my boy-hormones began to simmer down, and I started to think instead of the new girl. It was a bit more comfortable doing so in my smelly sleeping-pants than it had been in regular underwear, so I stood weakly with my eyes shut and sighed hard, just letting it happen.

Uhh. She'd had such round, round thighs. There was so much of her. And the cheeky way her dark blue matching knickers had poked out from under her hem...! How I wished right now my girlfriend would allow me, just once. Getting a look at a girl's bum in her knickers like that would have been quite something for any boy. It was almost as if she'd wanted me to see!

Or hadn't cared if I did or not, I then thought sadly. In fact she must have thought the backs of her knickers were worth more than me. She'd seen me playing some little girl who I couldn't even beat...

That thought decided me. I was so going to join top grade, no matter what Little Miss Supergirl thought!

So it was that next advanced class I trotted anxiously into the sports hall with a whole lot of much bigger boys, and my heart began to beat fast again as my eyes fell on the new girl. We all gathered together to begin, so with some difficulty I made my awkward way over to her.

Once there I found I was too shy to even look her in the face. She looked straight at me however, and said in a rather haughty voice:

"I think you must have come to the wrong lesson. This is top grade."

Heat and colour slammed into my cheeks at once. "I didn't know you were so stuck-up!" I flung at her. "I'm sure you're not any older than me!"

She just turned around and made to walk off, so I cried out desperately: "Wait!"

She stopped and looked at me. That alone was just about enough to make me shrivel inside! Squirming painfully under her glare I did my best to stammer out: "Um, I thought that perhaps after practice we could spend a bit of time together - my being the only one here your age, I mean...!"

This time she really did whip round and stride away, contemptuous. She was showing the backs of her dark blue knickers under the too-short hem of her netball skirt again, and somehow that was what did it! Intently I ran after her, clutched a handful of those panties and pulled as hard as I could to drag her back.

Thus I thrilled to a fleeting glimpse of bare bumcheeks which I caught through her stretched elastic leg-holes. What happened next wasn't so thrilling though!  She slapped my hand away, hard enough to sting, and whirled to face me with long pigtails bumping.

"If you twist up the back of my knickers again, I'll twist the front of yours," she threatened.

It probably goes without saying this so frightened me I hastened away at once! Quickly I sat down on the court, a safe distance away. From there I watched yearningly as she, tutting and irritated, tugged her bunched-up knickers out of her butt and resettled them.

The minute the teacher came in, the new girl shouted out:

"Miss! There's a nuisance boy here who's not in top grade!"

The teacher surveyed me and said I could stay to watch, but that I was too young to join. So with face burning I had to get up and walk to the sidelines in front of everyone, furious, because after all the new girl was my age! So I didn't know what "too young" could possibly mean here. I threw myself down on a chair with a bump.

The others began to play, and strange as it may sound, before long I'd stopped fuming and was nothing but thankful I'd not been permitted to join in! For the new girl was awesome at it. I gawped at her, scarcely believing. She teased the boys ceaselessly, doing it as a matter of course, as if it was simply what you did when you played this game. They were looking very embarrassed, as well as more and more flustered by the minute. It must have felt all the worse for them because from their point of view, she was younger.

In fact, several of them scowled at me, because I guessed they didn't much appreciate having an audience! I was sorry for them, which had to be first time I'd felt like that for bigger boys. I even began to be indignant on their behalf, as it would have stung any boy's pride to see a girl get the better of our own gender so. But no matter what the hapless top-graders tried, the new girl just teased them all the more.

When at last the game was over she breezed from the court victorious, and only a little pink, which was very different to the hot red blushes of effort and shame on her older boy-opponents. I jumped to my feet.

"So," I began fitfully, "when are you free to spend that bit of time together? You can stop at mine overnight, if you'd like - "

And that when she slapped my face.

I stood there stunned, one palm pressed hard to my stinging cheek, gazing after those dark blue knickers one last time. Some of the boys sniggered, getting their own back on me.



About the Creator

Doc Sherwood

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