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Into the Meadow

Vaciella's Beginning

By Amber TrudeauPublished 2 years ago 12 min read

Vaciella stood frozen at the edge of the forest, filled with fear, she was unable to force herself to step into the meadow. She looked down at her feet questioning their defiance, despite her demands to move forward they remained firm where they were. The tips of her toes teetered on the border between the shade of the trees and the bright blaze of the midday sun hitting the meadow.

"We can take a few moments before we say our farewells, however you must go my dear. As much as it pains us both, you don't belong with me." Ophelia spoke in a soft whisper from over her shoulder.

"How do you know I wouldn't be happy living in the Heights with you?" She spun around to face her surrogate. "It is all I've ever known. How could I be happy in a place so foreign?" She gestured behind her to the village that lay beyond the meadow and pastures.

"Child you are about to see your 13th winter, the longer you wait to go the more it will remain foreign even once you do." Ophelia adjusted her position and rested her weight against a tree. "Come here my sweet girl. Come sit with me." She could feel Vaciella's anxious heart pounding in her tiny human chest.

Vaciella sat beside Ophelia, leaning lightly upon her wing as there was little trunk left of the proud pine after supporting the weight of a great dragon. They were both silent for a moment looking outward from the tree line. Vaciella began to trace the veins on Ophelia's thin smooth wing. Her fingers followed them as though they were streams to flow through.

"You would do that to calm yourself as a babe." Ophelia said lovingly, breaking the silence. "Whenever you were frightened I would wrap you up in my wings and tell you nothing could harm you there. Soon you'd start running your tiny fingers alongside the lines, it would relax you enough to feel safe again and fall asleep. The tracing is quite soothing so I would often nod off as well." She finished with a laugh.

"That sounds ideal! A nap would be very nice." Vaciella said, shifting her head into a more relaxed position.

"No, no time for a nap. However I would like to tell you about when we first met and why it is so important that you go to that village."

"You have told me Mama Ophi." The young girl said still fixated on following the veins and hoping for a nap.

"No dear the whole story, I knew you while you still slept in your mother's womb." Vaciella looked up, puzzled and intrigued.

"I first saw your parents when they managed to cross the mighty River east of the Heights. They had washed ashore, nearly drowned; their tiny boat strewn shipwrecked along the sand. I only noticed because I could hear your mother crying for your father to 'cough it all out and breathe'. The senses of a dragon are indeed incredible as you know and enabled me to observe them with intense intrigue from afar. I had not seen a human in nearly a century, not since the wars.

"After the fighting ceased any dragons left fled to places unreachable to humans and most lived in solitude. I was no different and neither was my home in the Heights. Not only did I usually dwell in the mountain caves so high it is hard for humans to breathe but on one side of my mountain range lay a canyon so deep, wide and steep that you crossing today on my back was perhaps the first time a human has made the passing since the days of old dragon riders. On the other side is a river so tremendous and treacherous I have only ever known your parents to be brave and bold enough to survive. I had to know why they were there, where they were going and what was it that had even gotten them this far, so I watched them.

"They spent some time on the river's shore mending wounds and gathering what they could salvage of supplies from their shipwreck. While they worked, they would talk about continuing on their journey, or as your father called it their mission. I learned through listening that life in their homeland was as treacherous as the river itself. Your father spoke passionately against the oppression and how after all his failed attempts to change it he at the very least would get the woman he loved as far away as possible. He planned to eventually reach another kingdom, seek refuge and perhaps persuade the leaders for support to one day return to liberate the land they fled.

"I wanted nothing more than their success and safety. The rulers they suffered were the same type that started the slavery of dragons, it seemed they had found new victims for their tyranny. It infuriated me and made me want to set it all a blaze but your father's concern for the remaining citizens was commendable and courageous. I couldn't help but want to aid his cause, so I vowed to see the success of his mission."

Ophelia paused as though she was silently evaluating herself then continued with a deep sigh.

"I did my best to help them without exposing myself. If they were veering off course, I would set fire to a bush in the distance to give the appearance of humans so they would follow, if your father had not made a kill I would leave a wounded buck nearby, I spread my scent all around the two of them so no wolves would dare approach. When winter hit and it was time to settle in for the weeks ahead, I tore down a chunk of Evergreens to help provide materials for your father to build shelter with.

"They made a small simple cabin and waited out the winter. I would come close and check on them from time to time. I would watch as the slim sliver of silver smoke rose from the small chimney stack wrapping and wiggling around itself making shapes and letters in the cold motionless winter air. Your father would come out at least every couple days to fetch more firewood. It amused me to watch his beard grow thicker and hair grow longer as the weeks passed.

"Winter was nearly over before I saw your mother emerge early one morning. She poked her head out and looked around at the wintery silence of the snow. Her fair cheeks turned to rose in seconds before my eyes as the frosty air touched them for the first time. Your father had to coax her out saying there would not ever be a more perfect day for her to see the snow. He offered to wrap another blanket around her, or light a fire outside, he held her hand at the threshold of their home all the while standing in the cold yet remaining so patient. She said all he needed to do was hold her and she would be warm then jumped from the doorway into his arms. It was then that I noticed her stomach, she was pregnant. I focused my ears and listened for you, your heart was strong and steady. Based on its sound I guessed your mother to be at least halfway to term.

"She glowed so brightly against the gray and white backdrop of winter. I watched them play in the freshly fallen fluff, throwing loose little lumps at each other, and building lopsided castles. It was the most endearing thing I had ever seen in the entirety of my twelve hundred years. I loved their love. It was then that I realized that same love is what had brought them so far. Its purity made it powerful and their vulnerability for each other made them stronger than they could ever be separately, it was beautiful to watch.

"Spring seemed to take its time coming, making me utterly miserable with impatience. My back had begun to ache from how long I would remain perched in a crouching position high in the treetops. Just listening to the three of you live humbly and happily in your home, I'd visualize what I heard and try to imagine what you looked like so small and sweet sounding. However, once the frost fully melted, I came to find you were cuter and more perfect than I ever could have pictured.

"You were nestled against your mother's chest strongly secured with a scarf freeing her to hold a fishing pole in one hand and your father's hand in the other. Like on the shore of the river they took the time needed to prepare for the next leg of their journey. Summer heat had worked its way into the forest before they were ready to leave. You were able to walk, but still so small and fragile that you were carried during the long days of travel. The months passed quickly as the three of you made as much progress as possible up the mountain and through the pass. Every night I would wait until camp was made before returning to my caves in the Heights and keep my ears turned towards you just in case. Your father had grown so capable and strong in the year they had endured that my help was nearly never needed at that point.

"In fact, it wasn't until they were ready to make home for another winter that they needed me. The cabin was nearly built but not yet complete when the first night of freezing temperatures hit. There was a fire roaring only feet from the tent and the three of you were huddled closely together under all the furs, but I could still see your bodies shaking from the cold. I leaned as far out as I could from my perch and breathed the warmest air possible down on the tent without causing flames. By the morning my bones hurt horribly from the awkward bend I had them in, but you were all still alive and well, so I had counted the pain as worth it. Thankfully your father worked tirelessly to finish the cabin within just a couple days.

"I felt best during the winters with the three of you cozied comfortably in your cabin, even though I hardly got to see you guys, I knew you were safe. It was when you all traveled that my heart ached with anxiety. The mountains were dangerous and full of perils that I could not protect you all from."

Ophelia glanced down at her human foster who she loved as much as if she had hatched her herself. A flood of mixed emotions hit her hard in the chest as if she was reliving the events as she spoke.

"Your third spring my greatest fears came to reality. The cold was not completely gone yet but the sun was growing stronger and warmer by the day. After a long day's hike your parents searched for a place to make camp. Your mother spotted a cave and begged your father to make camp there as the nights were still so chilly. There was no way for either of them or myself to know that there was a nest of snakes in the cave."

Ophelia attempted to gently clear the lump of grief caught in her throat. However, the sound was so painfully great that it shook the entire tree and Vaciella at once.

"Your mother was bitten first, her shout of pain echoed against the stone walls and out to my ears. I flew in circles scared out of my mind unsure of what to do, I could only hear the cries of chaos and hover hopelessly. It felt like an eternity until your father emerged holding you in his arms and pulling your mother along as best he could. She was draped over his shoulder barely able to hold her feet under herself. They managed to shuffle several feet from the cave entrance before collapsing. You were so scared you had your eyes hard shut and were crying a deep low cry, it was heart wrenching. Your father kept hold of you and turned you both to your mother. While rocking you he caressed her cheek, I could hear him telling you both it will be alright and how much he loved you.

"I could feel them both fading, I had never felt so helpless, my talons tore into the boulder I hid behind. He looked up at the sky where I had been circling minutes prior and said in the strongest voice he could. 'I know there's someone there, I know you've always been there. Please. Please take care of my Vaci.'

"It was then that I flew down and met you both for the first time. His eyes were full of strong sorrow and great gratitude. I spoke as softly as I could so as not to scare any of you. 'I will protect her as though she was my own and will see her safely to the next kingdom of men.' He released his hold and you rolled into my wing.

"I have kept my promise thus far by raising and loving you but it is time to meet my other obligation and get you safely to that kingdom. I know it is scary and foreign as you say but it is the only place you can live a full life. You are the daughter of the two strongest humans I have ever known. You have your father's determination and courage as well as your mother's tenderness and perseverance. You can overcome any obstacle I know you can. Just as you know I will always be watching you and there when you need me.”

“But what about the other kingdom?” Vaciella said suddenly “I may have family there, Aunts, Uncles, maybe even cousins.” Ophelia worried at the eagerness in Vaciella’s voice.

“Love you can’t go there it is far too dangerous and yo-”

“Nooooo Mama Ophi!! What ABOUT them?! They still need saving!” Vaciella interrupted, her voice a forceful blend between concern and conviction. Ophelia was struck with a swell of emotions so strong they sent tears straight to her saucer sized eyes.

“Like I said; You have your father’s courage.” She was overcome, almost unable to speak. "Then let's save them, Vaci. You go to that village, ask for asylum and let the leaders know. Tell them the story I just told you and make sure they know I am at their full disposal. I've watched them for the past few years, they are good and righteous. I believe they will help." Ophelia blinked the remaining tears free from her deep crimson eyes and smiled down at Vaciella who was also wiping away tears at this point.

"I'm going to miss you so much though." Her arms clutched the firm frame of Ophelia's wing, her teary face pressed into the thin silk like skin. She held so tightly that Ophelia was able to stand up and shift her wings together in a cradling position without her falling. Ophelia rocked the sobbing girl and hummed a soft tune.

"It seems fitting that I would hold you this way before you leave. It is the same exact way I held you as a babe when I carried you home." She pulled Vaciella into her chest where they could both feel the beat of the other's heart. "I love you more than you will ever ever know my dear." She held her tight there for some time before she brought Vaciella up to eye level and pushed their foreheads together. "I will always be watching you. You must go now and I must let you go while we both still have the strength to do so."

"I love you more than you’ll ever know Mama Ophi.” Vaciella said once she was back on the ground. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for them.” The young girl turned back towards the wide expanse she had surveyed earlier. “I’m still scared,” She drew in a deep breath, stepped into the meadow and felt the full force of the afternoon sun. “But I know it will be alright.”


About the Creator

Amber Trudeau

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    Amber TrudeauWritten by Amber Trudeau

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