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In the woods

What comes after a melody?

By TheCoffeeAddictWritesPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
In the woods
Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

She knew hearing music in the woods at night was usually a bad sign, but it was such a pretty tune. Mila tied her robe tight around her waist and slipped on her favorite slippers. The old creaking floors of the one bedroom cabin seemed to ring in her ears as she quietly made her way through the house. There was a single picture frame on the coffee table. She caressed it with a gentle finger. It was a photo of a couple on their wedding day. It was a simpler time, and oh if she could go back. If she could do it all differently, maybe he would be beside her now. She shrugged her shoulders. She checked her watch. Then again.

"It won't be long my love..." She said softly. She looked out at the sky, which was more eerie than usual. Mila knew this day would come, she just didn't expect it so soon.

As she approached the backdoor, she saw a bright light shining in the middle of the forest. As she got closer to the ball of light, the tune faded. She continued to hum to the tune and proceeded with caution. She stepped over broken twigs and rocks scattered along the path. The path came to a clearing and there stood a once white rusty old shed. She opened the door to find a light shining over a brown paper box sitting on a metal square table. She felt excitement rush through her body. Could this be it? She had been waiting a long time for this after all. Mila took a deep breath.

"It's about time." The voice said.

It was a man's voice. Mila quickly shifted her head to find a dark figure leaning against the shed door. How long had he been standing there? Mila looked at his sharp rugged features. He was as handsome as they come, and that voice...could it be? She was curious as to why he was there, but more so what was in that brown paper box. He gestured for her to open it. Secured on top of the box was a white piece of paper that read her name. The dark figure emerged from the shadows to reveal a familiar face. Mila drew another long, deep breath and proceeded to open the box. Her long thin fingers pulled at the strings of the wrapping paper. She opened it with one swift motion. She chuckled and met his eyes. She wanted to kiss him more than anything. But she couldn't, not yet anyway. They had to wait until the process was complete. If they broke any laws, they would be in big trouble.

"I've thought about you every damn day, and now here you are standing in front of me. It feels like a dream come true, or is it a nightmare born from reality?" He breathed.

"I've been waiting for you." Mila smirked.

She pulled out a long necklace that held a pendant the shape of a crescent moon. She closed the box and tucked it under her arm. She quickly clasped the necklace around her neck, tucked her hair behind her ears, and pulled her long brown hair into a sleek pony tail. She tossed the box on the floor. She then noticed multiple brown paper boxes a few feet away from her.

"Aren't you going to change?" He teased.

Mila raised an eyebrow. He pointed to a pair of black pants, a black vest, and black long sleeve shirt, and boots. He approached her and extended his hand.

"Let's go." He whispered.

Short Story

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Instagram: thecoffeaddictwrites

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