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"If you can't be good, be good at it."

An assassins motto.

By Jordan ZunigaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The sound of rockets began to decrescendo in its volume, as metal foot coverings dropped onto the ground while the fire underneath the metal foot-coverings immediately extinguished. The metal suited character stomped his way lightly on the metal floor, while the sound of metallic doors began to disassemble as the character passed right through. A green light began to illuminate as a floating frequency at the center of a holographic table came into view while the room lights began to dim. “Welcome back, Mr. Steele. I trust the targets were, eliminated?” a voice said from the side speakers of the table. Mr. Steele pushed a button on the side of his helmet, as the front side of his helmet disassembled to reveal a scarred right eye on his face, with a patch on his left. “The target’s have been dealt with, as per your instructions, Mr. Reese. You won't have any more pains on your backside from that end. I also retrieved the schematics for their location, as per your instructions. I trust I’m going to be getting my proper pay, as per usual for the sake of our, mutually beneficial business relationship?” Mr. Steele asked in a light Australian accent.

Mr. Reese’s deep voice chuckled. His amusement seemed to show satisfaction with his employee’s progress, and his willingness to compensate. “The funds have already been sent with an added bonus, for your invaluable work. I pay my employee’s well. Remember that,” Mr. Reese hinted. “Why do you think I keep coming back to work for ya? As I always say, ‘If you can’t be good, be good at it,” Mr. Steele noted. Mr Reese laughed for a split second. “That’s why I like you, you’re the best at what you do. Which is why I intend to keep you by my side. Regardless, I have a new assignment for you. There is a young woman who is of, invaluable worth, to me. Her name, is Bethany Stone. She’s been abducted by rival competitors on the planet of Zepharees. Your mission, is to insert behind enemy lines, take out the opposing leadership, and to bring back that girl, alive and well. Mr. Steele. Her life is of the, utmost importance, to me. Bring her back to me alive and unscathed, or you will have failed me. Do not, fail me,” Mr. Reeses forewarned.

Mr. Steele gave a haughty grin. “Right. Be prince charming, slay the dragon and all the minions, and bring the damsel back to the royal family. Perhaps I will, ‘eventually be able to ask the princess for her hand in marriage,’ if I show enough bravado. Easy enough,” Mr. Steele mocked sarcastically. Mr. Reese gave a slight chuckle. “Very well. You have your orders and your assignment. Good luck,” Mr. Reese said. “Mr. Steele, departing out,” Mr. Steele said. Mr. Steele pushed a button as the green holographic sound wave dissipated and the lamplights filled the room.

Mr. Steele took off his eye patch, as his robotic eye began to glare into the lighted room. He gave a sigh of relief, as he fell upon a couch. “This, girl, Bethany Stone, if I remember her name correctly, I wonder what’s got him so worked up that he would pay such a price for her life, and untouched as well? Given the fact that she was kidnapped, I wonder what that actually entails? Regardless, my job is clear and it pays well. I sneak into a lot of different places around the galaxy, but my bosses' business and personal reasons for these jobs, isn’t one place I intend to sneak into. So long as he pays me well, that is,” Mr. Steele said as he popped a cork of wine, and poured the red wine into the wine glass, and took a swig.

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About the Creator

Jordan Zuniga

Aspiring christian creative writer creating pieces to provoke thought and give God and Lord Jesus Christ the glory! God bless and I hope you’re doing well!

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    Jordan ZunigaWritten by Jordan Zuniga

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