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Covet all for naught.

In vain.

By Jordan ZunigaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

` It was in the lowest part of the deepest chamber that I ventured to search for which my heart desires. The skittering of spiders and the squealing of rodents sounded as the scent of dust arose as brown specs amidst the cold air, and the taste of decay from time passing was upon my tongue with every breath taken. The light pierced through the doorway which had been shut for so long. I ventured forward ever so slowly, the patience and wariness of what could potentially linger in the darkness in the back of my mind as I reinforced an upright posture. Though a torch burned brightly within my hand, my vision seemed skewed towards the long distance. There, in the center of the chamber, a brazier remained untouched for an unknown length of time. Ever so slowly I approached the brazier, and placed the flame onto the wood of the brazier as it then began to bring light into the room. Lo and behold, a library was revealed from the darkness. Accounts, books, and pages all shelved and organized throughout the room.

“It seems that even in the elder days, the folk of old didn’t waste time to make sure posterity would be able to find that which it needed in its darkest hour. That which was, had been taken into account. That which is, now lays before me. And that which is yet to be, is a mystery I have yet to uncover. The hour is both late and dark, and time is not an ally that has taken up arms with me. I must be quick and precise with my search,” I thought to myself.

I wandered around the shelves and considered the documents and binders within the libraries. I looked upon one of the binders and saw an inscription, and then gazed upon the other to see the first letters of both were the same in descending order with every inscription. “They are organized alphabetically. Finding the account of the fifth king of the 1st age will be much easier than anticipated,” I thought to myself. I gazed down a couple aisle of bookshelves until I gazed down the fifth aisle on the right side of the library wing. My hands strolled down the inscription on the backs of multiple books until I gazed upon my heart's desire. “This is the account,” I said aloud. I blew the dust off the spine, front, and backside of the cover, and noticed a table near where I had lit the brazier.

I strolled over towards the table, and sat down upon the table to begin to read the account.

Year four hundred seventy two, of the first age, an account written by King Doland Romul, High King of the north most part of the land, High ruler of the fourteen kingdoms within the realm of Esteragon.

Many days have passed since I ascended to the throne.

Conflict has come upon me, and I am beset by many disputes between the nations.

As if turmoil has sought to subvert my rule from within,

And the days grow darker as the hostility between nations has become more intense,

The shadows seem to linger in the hearts of many,

And my heart seems burdened,

By the constant envy of another's toil,

And the bitterness of perceived mistreatment.

That both fate and destiny has shown partiality in their judgment,

And that some are doomed to have it all,

While others are perceived as cursed to have nothing, whatsoever.

Though I remain blessed and privileged in my position,

And thankful for what I have,

My heart lingers over the constant bickerings between nations,

Of how one craves that which the other has,

And cannot be content with what resides in their presence.

Rather then consider how to gain that which they don’t have,

They’d rather steal and kill for which they desire.

How can I maintain peace within the realm,

Without consideration towards that which cannot be satisfied?

The eye sees, but does not have enough,

The ear may hear, but does not perceive enough,

The heart covets what it does not have,

While planning to steal, kill, and destroy for it,

But is never satisfied with what it has gained.

I sought counsel from my wisemen, to end the hostility between kingdoms.

The wisemen suggested seeking out the wisdom of the ancients.

They counseled me to journey to the forgotten lands Kalmoroth,

To seek an ancient oil for an eldest flame.

Though my heart lingered upon the current times,

And I mourned for that which was going on,

I journeyed forward into the nation of Kalmoroth,

To seek the ancient oil for the eldest flame,

To spur only what the green flame that creates the green light, could inspire,

Only then, would the wisdom of the ancients be revealed…

“This is it. If I am to save the kingdoms from the powers of envy and confusion, I must first search for this ancient oil to gain that which I need. If I am to gain what I need, I must seek the ancient oil to find the green light that will reveal all,” I said. I closed the account, and ventured off to pursue what I needed.

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About the Creator

Jordan Zuniga

Aspiring christian creative writer creating pieces to provoke thought and give God and Lord Jesus Christ the glory! God bless and I hope you’re doing well!

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    Jordan ZunigaWritten by Jordan Zuniga

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