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I Cry Real Diamonds p1

Which made my life worst.

By Afzal HPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Hi everyone,

I am Agnes. I have a miraculous condition that is seen only in very few people in the world. When you find out what it is, I'm sure you'll be very surprised and will probably wish you had it too, but please wait until you hear the whole story.

I'm sure you're going to change your mind because as you will see this is in no way a precious gift bestowed on me,it's definitely a curse.

Before starting elementary school I was always at home. My mom wouldn't let me go to preschool or kindergarten. I really wanted to go to kindergarten because my cousin Casey was going and I wanted to be just like her. But no matter how much I begged her, my mom wouldn't let me. I rarely saw my dad because he was traveling for work all the time. He was home for only a few days a month one time when he was home I asked him dad why can't I go to kindergarten like Casey? well you talk to mom I really want to go, my dad shrugged I told your mother many times but she won't listen she says you'll go to elementary school your mother is the most stubborn person in the world I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do about it. My dad was my last hope but when he also told me that I couldn't go to kindergarten started crying my mom was making dinner in the kitchen. She went over to me when she heard me crying. She grabbed my hand and took me to my room then she said, agnes dear please don't cry when your father's here. She always used to tell me this so little I couldn't think of asking my mom why do you not want me to cry when my father's around I was able to find out the reason many years later, thankfully my mom kept her promise when it came time for me to start school,of course she wanted me to start my education to but on the first day she told me over and over no matter what happens don't ever cry at school it's very important,do you understand agnes. Even though I say yes mommy every time she kept telling me the same thing every day when I would come home from school she would ask honey did you cry at school. In the morning as she was dropping me off she'd say no crying at school no matter what happens. My mom's obsession with my crying at school continued for years. When I was a little older I tried asking her why she was so concerned about it. Mom would say you're too young. I will explain it to you when you were a little older and wouldn't say anything else. Back then I had a crush on a boy at school named Brody. I thought he also like me because he would do all kinds of things to try to get my attention. One day he was skateboarding on tracks in the school yard to impress me at the same time he was looking at me and checking to see if I was watching him all of a sudden. From under his feet and he felt really badly I ran over to him right away. Hee was in so much pain that he started crying, not caring that I was standing next to him. He was sobbing uncontrollably, that moment I noticed that liquid was coming out of his eyes and running down his cheeks. I was really surprised to see this because that's not what happens when I cry. I couldn't help myself and even touch to hear with the tip of my finger really thought I was showing him affection and started crying more easily and thanks to this I was able to take a closer look at the liquid coming out of his eyes, you must be wondering why I was so surprised because when I cried instead of liquid I have small glass like particles coming out of my eyes. Until then I had never seen someone crying up close, that's where the liquid coming out of Brody's eyes had really surprised me when I got back home my mom asked me her usual question, did you cry at school?. I said to her no I didn't but a friend of mine did and told her about what happened there were lots of questions in my mind was it Brody who cried in a strange way or was it me did other people also have liquid coming out of their eyes or do they have the small particles like me I wanted to know which one of us was normal.

My mom took a deep breath then she said Agnes what I'm about to tell you will need to stay as our secret. You can't tell this to anyone including your father. She started explaining that first off that liquid is called a tear and told me that normally when people cry, saltwater or tears come out of their eyes but because I was a special kid I cried differently. Then she added there's something else that is important for you to know what comes out of your eyes: it's not glass it's Dimonds. That was the day I found out that diamonds are very valuable they're still valuable, that if we sold the little diamond crimes that come out when I cried we could buy a luxury home. I couldn't believe what I was hearing so why don't we I asked my mom said because if people find out you're crying diamonds that might have really dangerous consequences which kind of dangerous consequences I asked my mom said in a worried voice Agnes Batman might kidnap you then they force you to cry all the time so that the diamonds come out, the mafia may hold you hostage every single day of your whole life even though I was young I understood the gravity of the situation I promised my mom that I would never mention this to anyone ever this would be our secret. About 4 years after that conversation my parents were involved in a car crash, my dad did not have any serious injuries. But despite the doctor's best efforts, my mom didn't make it. I felt like i was in bad dream I wouldn't be able to see the most beloved person in my life anymore despite my grief, I kept the promise that I had made to her, not even one speck of diamonds came out of my eyes at my mom's funeral, i didn't cry at all, people probably thought that I never cried because I was in shock but that wasn't the case. The truth was that every minute I was alone I spent crying for my mom, i was putting the small diamonds that come out of my eyes into a bag and hiding them in a closet in the basement, the basement was the safest place in our house because nobody had used it for a long time, I didn't collect the diamonds because I wanted to sell them I had to hide them because my secret would be out if someone had found them, because they couldn't stay home by myself my dad had to stop traveling, he got transferred to another department at work I told you earlier that my dad and I didn't have the best relationship, I thought that was because we spend too little time together but it turned out that wasn't the reason, now he was always home but still we never became very close. 4.5 months after my mom's passing,my dad said to me there's someone in my life I'm thinking about marrying her. I was obviously shocked but I couldn't say anything, so I just nodded. Now I had a stepmother I was so sad that my dad had gotten married so quickly and his new wife didn't seem like a nice person and if that wasn't enough, my step mother had a daughter named Nancy and she was just like her mom, it didn't seem possible for me to have a relationship with them I understood that from now on I was a stranger in my own house, after they got married my step mother and her daughter moved in thankfully our house was big enough, I didn't have to share a room with Nancy, she got her own room,but little miss Nancy didn't like her room.

My friends come over for slumber parties all the time. Agnes's room is bigger. She should move into my room and I into hers She said, my dad came to tell me that Nancy is younger than you might not upset her he said. I couldn't help and told them what I really thought of both Nancy and her mom, I also said to him if my mom is watching us right now I'm sure she's very upset that you've gotten married so quickly, my dad turned red and he screamed you're switching rooms with Nancy tomorrow from now on you will eat your dinner in your room I don't want to see your face for a long time.

Today I cried in my room for hours. Naturally a lot of tiny diamonds came out of my eyes. They were all over the place as I was stomping on the floor with anger, when I woke up in the morning I picked them up one by one and put them in small plastic bags, that afternoon Nancy and I switched rooms I had carefully picked up all the diamonds that had fallen around while I was crying but unfortunately, I did the stupidest thing and left one of the bags under the bed, when Nancy founded the plastic bag, she took it to her mom her mom figured out right away that the bag was full of diamonds, but still she wanted to make sure by showing them to a jeweler she knew, when the man confirmed it, my stepmother told my dad about what happened.

Nancy came to my room and told me my dad wanted to see me, I had no idea what had happened but I still felt that something wasn't quite right, when he walked into the living room and saw the little bag full of diamonds I was so shocked, my dad asked me Agnes where did you find these? I couldn't answer at first I started rambling incoherently, my dad said there is a fortune in this bag, I'm asking you again where did you find these diamonds.

I was never able to lie to anyone face in my whole life and now I was going to tell the truth

again, dad they come out of my eyes when I cry I said, my step mother and she burst out laughing, my step mother said, did you say eyes? could you make a better lie, this is the worst lie I have ever heard in my life, I told them it wasn't a lie, but they didn't believe me my dad said, Agnes you're embarrassing me tell us the truth now, I am telling the truth I screamed and started crying, of course tiny diamond started coming out of my eyes as I cried, my dad to my step mother and Nancy were staring at me astonished, after witnessing this scene, they were finally convinced I was telling the truth.

As you might guess my life completely changed after that day, i went through things that you can't even imagine, you won't believe the things my step mother did to me after learning about my condition, however I have to tell you about that in another article because we're out of time, if you'd like to hear the rest of my story please let me know in the comments I'll get that second article ready in no time, see you later bye.


About the Creator

Afzal H



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    Afzal HWritten by Afzal H

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