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How to get 10 to mate

chapter one

By Aiki NightorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

If math seems impossible to you, I think I can help you. I am a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and I offer meditations to high school and high school students.

This is the ad I just posted on the internet. It wouldn't hurt to make extra money.

After 3 days, someone contacts me. He introduces himself and tells me that he has a daughter, Andreea. He goes to the 12th grade, takes the bachelor's degree and doesn't know anything. So was I a year ago, except my name wasn't Andreea.1

My name is Radu and people think I know mate. I went through the first two sessions with flying colors. I was lucky. * laughs *

Andrea and my mother, Mrs. Catalina, and I are arranging for the first meeting to take place tomorrow. I will dress nicely, pick up my ferry pick-up and go to this mysterious girl's house.1

Black sneakers, black skinny jeans (look decent, trust me) and a simple black T-shirt. I don't look like a mathematician, do I? Well, I'm not really one. I reach Andreea's address and in front of the stairs are some children listening to Satra. They have no chance of taking 10 to mate. Her elevator looks a bit dubious, but the fact that it's on the 9th floor pushes me to use it. Her mother opens the door for me when I look for the bell and walk down the hall. In front of me is a woman in her 40s, I think. This is Mrs. Catalina. Behind her, I think, is Andreea's younger sister.1

-Hello, I'm Andreea. No, she's not her little sister, she's.1

"Bogdan," I say as I shake his hand lightly. It's so small, I hope it has an 8th grade collection, I brought one for the ferry. I thought he was 12th.

We go to the living room and sit at the table. He is wearing a white T-shirt and black tights. Her hair is blond and left behind. She can barely reach my shoulder. She looks pretty.

Mrs. Cătălina explains to me how Andreea's math teacher has not taught her anything in almost 4 years of high school and how she hopes that I can help her. And I hope she gets a bachelor's degree and goes to college, this girl deserves something better than going to Spain to pick strawberries.

After I get her to do some exercises and she doesn't do very well, I realize that I will have a lot of work to do with her. Her mother left us alone and everything seems more natural now. Andreea takes a pencil in her hand and writes "I hate my mom" on the edge of the notebook, she looks at me with pursed lips . Come to the club!"


"Come on, did you get tired of that girl? Have you ridden her yet ?!"

"Wtf, no. I just don't feel like going out tonight."

"Yeah, you're stupid! That doesn't take the ferry with you anyway."

"Yeah, well, like you say."

My roommate, Laur, closes the door behind him. I love being alone so much. I take the pack of cigarettes out from under my pillow and light one. I laugh when I remember smoking in the home is forbidden. I look out the window when the sun goes down and everything is dark blue.


The first training session with Andreea was interesting. He looked at me badly when I gave him a lot of homework exercises. If he solves half, I'm happy. Her mother is really worried about her and I'm trying to help her. However, she has to work on the mat, not me. I'm just explaining what he doesn't understand.1

I put out my cigarette and lie down on the bed with my hands behind my head and my eyes on the ceiling. Since I've been in this room, my cousin is gone. In a way, I'd like to get to know her better. She told me she hated her mother, and I don't see any reason why she would do that. Lost in thought, I turn aside and fall asleep.

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